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Favorite Incense?

edited December 2010 in General Banter
So... I've been thinking about incense a bit lately. I want to try my hand in resin incense when I can afford it. But, I'm curious what everyone's favorite incense is?

I pretty much always light Nag Champa when I start meditation. But, I'm curious of what some other good incenses there are.


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    I use Gozan and buy it at Shoyeido in Colorado. It's a bit rich in scent, but pretty good. If you place an order, you can usually get a sample pack (five or six different sticks) for free.
  • Though I do use some incense that I got from my teacher's temple, I prefer using Kailash. I also use Lama Chodpa for meditation, and these are both Tibetan incenses.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Greek Eye.
  • Thanks guys. Anyone here every try their hand in making their own incense? I have a bunch of bulk herbs from when I was studying herbalism... Thinking about putting it to better use.
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