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the moral dimension of enlightenment

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited December 2010 in Buddhism Today
I just received the following essay, "Satori and the Moral Dimension of Enlightenment" by Dale S. Wright in email. It is written is clear English and may resonate with some Zen students here:


  • thanks for the link. is dead...

    what's the relationship between Occidental College, the University of Cali' and Berkeley?

    ...not USAmerican, but think that California may be one of the best places to live and study the Dharma.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    As far as I can tell on Google, Occidental is a free-standing institution not affiliated with the University of California (an institution that includes Berkeley).
  • "This essay addresses the question posed by Brian Victoria's description of "moral blindness" in twentieth-century Japanese Zen masters by claiming that since Zen monastic training does not include practices of reflection that cultivate the moral dimension of life, skill in this dimension of human character was not considered a fundamental or necessary component of Zen enlightenment. The essay asks what an enlightened moral sensitivity might require, and concludes in challenging the Zen tradition to consider re- engaging the Mahāyāna Buddhist practices of reflection out of which Zen originated in order to assess the possible role of morality in its thought and practice of enlightenment."

    Chinese Buddhism has nothing to do with Dharma, China is atheist since communism (current Russia is a better example of communism... but, North Korea is not).

    "and practice of enlightenment"

    'and practice of the dharma/buddhism' (which is more correct) or 'in practice of nirvåna' (which sounds too stupid to be dharma)
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