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Happy New Year. :D

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited January 2011 in Buddhism Today
Well, I'm an hour late (for me)... but I'm surprised no one made a thread about it.

Anyways, happy new year! Hope everything turns out better than 2010 did for you guys, and may peace be with you.

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  • Happy new year to you as well and to everyone in the forum. 2010 was a very terrible year for me and my family, so here's to hoping 2011 is much, much better.
  • Looking forward to a wonderful year! :)
  • Thanks for the nice card, MindGate. Happy New Year!
  • may lols be with you too mindgate. second to last year is here before the 2012 apocalypse.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I know, I know. 'Tis a cryin' shame that we'll all going to die in a fiery death brought upon by either:

    1) Allah.
    2) God.
    3) The Yahweh version of God.
    4) Aliens.
    5) Prince Xenu version of aliens.
    6) Nibiru (my favorite prophecy)
    7) Ourselves (most likely)
  • ya know... north korea... iran... i've got my money on horse number 7
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Bah, North Korea can barely send a missile to Hawaii. They'd only nuke Asia, so I'm still okay, won't be the end of the world for me. :sawed:
  • "aliens" may help us to ascend into higher dimensions! Who knows!
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Perhaps, perhaps. Or enslave all of the men and rape our women and eat our children.
  • or pillage our women and rape our horses
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Or... nah, you're probably right.
  • edited January 2011
    It may be just another day, but I hope everyone's new year is better than their last. I was actually engaged in 2010. So, hopefully 2011 is even better - but that was kind of hard to top.

    As for 2012...when the aliens from Nibiru come to enslave us and rape our horses, I'll make sure the shelter is stocked with enough food, ammunition, and animal rights literature.

    Happy new year!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I know, I know. 'Tis a cryin' shame that we'll all going to die in a fiery death brought upon by either:

    1) Allah.
    2) God.
    3) The Yahweh version of God.
    4) Aliens.
    5) Prince Xenu version of aliens.
    6) Nibiru (my favorite prophecy)
    7) Ourselves (most likely)
    You are grammatically incorrect in the usage of the word 'either'...
    The term can only be used when there is a choice of two factors, only. Either/or and similarly, neither/nor.

    "We'll all going" is also incorrect, but I'm presuming this is a typographical error, so I'll let it slide.

    Happy New Year.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Sorry to bump the old thread, but... "or" can only be used for a choice of two variables? I was unaware of that. So, saying, "I want a ham, chicken, or turkey sandwich," is grammatically incorrect?
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