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Gauged Ears.

JoshuaJoshua Veteran
edited January 2011 in General Banter
Does anyone who has giant holes in their ears feel like total badasses because they look like the Buddha? Because I do..


  • edited January 2011
    I once knew a guy with his ears gauged so wide he could fit a beer can through them.

    I took all of my piercings out for a job I had a while back, and never bothered putting them back in (I was lazy). I've always been more focused on getting ink, anyways. However, I might one day get all of my piercings back (and then some).
  • Beer can ears are no good, though it seems the Buddha may have been able to do such a feat. Mine are a measly 3/4" compared to a beer can. I took all mine out too and regret all the ink I still have, like a big stupid upside-down cross. Drugs, teenagers and ink are a dangerous combination.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, Buddha could have probably lassoed my friend with one of his ears. But the whole thing is pretty vain. That's why the Buddha wore such huge jewelry in the first place...because while he was growing up, he had to show off how much of a badass, royal prince he truly was. I remember the days of just being a royal badass, but kids will be kids.

    My brother is having a tattoo party soon. Our friend is going to come by and do some work, professionally, for a pretty reasonable price. It's more of a way for her to "expand her portfolio" and get her work noticed.

    Some of my ink is Dhamma inspired, some of it isn't. So I haven't quite decided on what I'll get..
  • JoshuaJoshua Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I believe the cliche is the 'aum' symbol.

    Some fancy dancy dharma wheel ought to work and personally I think Devanagari scripted Pali and Sanskrit is lame.


    Mine is all music inspired, except for astrological Scorpio symbol, an anti-Christian symbol and what was supposed to be another anti-Christian symbol but unfortunately, under the influence of too many drugs the self-done symbol was upside-down effectively making it right-side up again, heh.
  • I'm pretty cliche, I guess. I already have an "aum" symbol. It's next to the Chinese symbol for "soldier" or "private" from the game Xiangqi. I also have other ones ranging from a cartoonish bomb to the eyes of Boudhanath. I could use more music inspired ink, come to think of it...
  • Well I spent most of my youth until very recently, maybe til I was 22 being obsessed with being a professional musician and as much as I liked philosophy I abhored religion so all mine are mostly music. Of course I only have five and the one I did myself, being only a shakey outline, doesn't much count. Too bad I wasn't into Buddhism then, I'd be much more obliged to have a dharma wheel than a dumb up-side down cross. I'm embarassed by it.


    You are cliche but don't worry, those aums are buddhalicious and I'd take one too.
  • you can always get it covered by a dharma wheel, couldn't you? I do not have any holes in my ears (got them pierced years ago and they closed up...) but I do have a monroe and one tattoo- a koi fish (swimming upstream of course)
  • edited January 2011
    Not sure how the meanings of "badass" and "Buddha" could possibly overlap. Seriously. I know language is flexible and evolving but I guess I'm slow on the uptake here. I'll work on it though. :)

    Not sure if I remember correctly but I think the Buddha's ears were pierced because he was born into the aristocracy. FWIW.

    AWWGGGH! The various meanings of people's piercings are soooo hard to nail ( :D ) down.
  • Maybe you've overseen the intentional humor of this post?

    Regarding modern gauges, as I recall it's nothing more than a fashion statement, the only thing that's difficult to gauge about them is the degree to which it was done for attention. In my case for lots of attention when I was seventeen, of course. Now they remain bare and raisoned most of the time, but I do intend to get myself some 'Omerica' plugs to get back into the swing of things, this time purely for fashion--also because my girlfriend just gauged her ears out really large and she wants the Omerica button plugs. I couldn't very well leave her hanging could I?
  • you can always get it covered by a dharma wheel, couldn't you? I do not have any holes in my ears (got them pierced years ago and they closed up...) but I do have a monroe and one tattoo- a koi fish (swimming upstream of course)
    That's cool.

    Poor people don't get cover-ups and I'm not taking free tattoos again.
  • I see your point on the being poor- that's why mine is just an outline....after 2 years.
  • I have stretched ears for cultural reasons. I don't care if it's acceptable or not, because it's my heritage and I'm proud of where I came from :)
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