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I'm leaving bye

aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
edited January 2011 in General Banter
I'm leavin guys, I've changed a lot since I came here. I really have you guys to thank, I don't think I would have stuck with Buddhism without you. I have seen so many real changes in my life, I'm less angry, I haven't felt any mental suffering that lasted as long as I recognized it existed, I'm generally more happy. So that's first, thanks.

Now as for why I'm leaving, I think I've come to a point where the website is no longer helping my practice, it's hindering it. Mostly because I've changed. I kinda got everything figured out, as far as my intellectual Buddhist understanding is concerned, I've tackled the major apparent paradoxes and areas of confusion with your help. The more I've stayed here the more I've come toward a role as a teacher instead of a student, constantly helping new people learn, explaining to them the issues that at first confounded me etc. I've stopped progressing myself.

Don't read the next part

I'm trying not to offend anyone, I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, just that there is a difference. I like the philosophical debate, you guys like other types of discussion. And when I try philosophical debate with some people it tends to develop into an unpleasant fight, or just kind of a flimsy half-hearted conversation. This probably comes from the general sense that any animated discussion is bad, and against buddhist compassion. I actually remain totally calm during these conversations and enjoy having them but the other person either gets emotionally involved and angry or withdraws. Also people seem to be very grounded in Buddhist beliefs and instead of arguing points they just post quote after quote, taking whatever is said in them without argument, treating them like a divine scripture. One example is the quotes given about nihilism not being the middle way, this may have been said by some buddhist guy we admire, but it really doesn't have anything to do with the discussion, people just aren't really interested in philosophy outside of Buddhism or in any minor conflict with buddhism.

So basically I enjoy a certain type of discussion, and now that I've learned most of what Buddha taught, and I am informed and no longer need to seek that type of knowledge, I want to have those conversations about other things, and people seem to be inhibited from having those conversations without one of the three responses either anger, withdraw, or quoting.

I'm really not passing a judgment in any way, not even in my head. Just recognizing a difference in how we like to talk, and what we like to talk about. Because I'm sort of having a one-sided conversation, without the type of involvement from the other side I'm interested in, I tend to get a little angry, and it's just not good for practice. I think I'll either head to a purely philosophical forum, start reading more again, start writing more again, or just live.

But seriously, I might have committed suicide without this forum and becoming Buddhist. I was at a really low point when i first came here, now i've learned what i need to about buddhismm, and I'm much happier, I can only practice now, the intellectual side seems to be over, any talk I will have directly about Buddhist concepts will be me explaining things to newcomers. But I do want to have philosophical discussion about other things, and to finally impart my thought before leaving forever, you guys are mostly not the people for it. Bye

Sincerely, Gratefully, aHappyNihilist, the name finally fully applies

Ironically I checked into another thread after posting and all those things were going on.

If I could give three pieces of advice before leaving that i think will help

1. Don't get emotionally involved, it's just a conversation, whos right doesn't matter, its the internet.
2. Don't assume your totally right, and try to think for yourself instead of just quoting, Buddha told us specifically not to believe things unless we saw they were true through reason, even about issues within buddhism.
3. Don't worry about your appearance at all, this is probably the one I was most in violation of.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    :( This makes me a sad sad panda, aHN.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    It shouldn't I'm not sad, I do like the reference though, southpark right?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I don't know. But it still makes me sad. :( Do you have MSN, Skype, Facebook or something?
  • man, reading all these other conversations going around, i feel like a prophet or something. Don't get mad, don't quote, think for yourself, don't worry about your appearance or who's right.

    Not that i was perfect, in that third piece I was far from perfect.
  • MindGate - I don't use social networking stuff usually, I just don't like it that much, i usually talk to people in real life or on email.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I don't use it either, only to troll people from my school, or on occasion talk to internet people. :) But oh well. :(
  • enough sad faces ur gonna make me sad I alwayz luvd u.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    :ninja: Ninja face?
  • yea!
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    description of the photo
  • mole on the floor laughing
  • I thought you were leaving? You even said "bye." Or are you just calling attention to yourself? How many posts have you made since you said bye?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    aHN, tell me your email.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Ok ok the journey I'll leave I was just going out with a bang so to speak.too much anger mr. thejourney
  • should I just flat out troll the forums until I'm banned I won't hurt anyone, if i can help it, just make fun of them
    I'm lyke trolling teh threads
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011

    pplz aint got no sense of humor when you get down to it, beyond all their posturing and self important junk they are just angry little goblins, and everyone knows trolls beat goblins
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    Trolling christian forums is better.
  • zomg.

  • So basically I enjoy a certain type of discussion, and now that I've learned most of what Buddha taught, and I am informed and no longer need to seek that type of knowledge,

  • yea ya know, I do enjoy that. but like i said I don't really get it here so i figure I'll go out with a bangy bang.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    So. Still come here for the lulz.
  • i'm going to get banned at this point whateva
    theres a place for seriousness and a place for lulz
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    If only we had a debate section such many Tibetan monks and lamas practice. I'm sure you'd like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bye keep practicing!
  • You know they're laughing.

  • bye
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    And that's a wrap.
This discussion has been closed.