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MK Ultra, Mind Control Developed by Nazis

shanyinshanyin Novice YoginSault Ontario Veteran
edited January 2011 in Buddhism Today
I was in a bookstore a few years ago. I was in the politics section and a man was holding a book by Noam Chomsky called, "Failed States". He was talking about it to his friend and I said, "that's a good book". Later he came up and we had a little conversation. He said I must have quite a mind to understand Chomsky's rather dry complex work. I just said it's important to read stuff like that. He told me I should look at a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". I havn't read it yet, but I've heard the author in interviews. Bassically he worked for the CIA and did 3 things for them. He went to a country and took these steps in order to try to get control of their government. I'm having a hard time remembering now but it was like, bribe their leaders, if that failed, threaten them, if that failed, assasinate and coup, or overthrow their government with military intervention.

Has anyone read it? Anyways.

The man then told me, what the people who control or are trying to control really fear, is your mind. Then he said, "the nazis didn't lose the war, they just moved to the United States of America."

Now I just watched this video, interestingly an ex member of the CIA said exactly the same thing.

Conspiracy theory? I don't know, and neither do you. Admit that much. Or do you? Explain. What is known for sure is that America most certainly has been exposed to propaganda, and lies from their government.

The mind is hard to guard, said the Buddha. How much does corporate media, culture, immoral TV shows, effect our minds? That's something to think about.

Somethings wrong that much is for sure.



  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    "Were nazis involved? Yes they were". If that's true that tells you alot.
  • shanyin, no conspiracy theory. The documents were ordered to be destroyed, but some got out. There was no real Nazi involvement in this case though.

    As for real nazi work, look up operation paperclip. After the war, America took in the nazi scientists to work for them.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    It's hard to talk about things like this to other people. Maybe it's just my friends and such. 'Oh yeah, you heard something on the internet your gullable, you'll believe anything, your paranoid, people can convince anybody of anything on the internet.'

    People who know nothing about history.
  • Well if people have no interest, you can't blame them. Don't go there unless it actually comes up in conversation and you know the exact document names, dates and the officials involved.
  • Well if people have no interest, you can't blame them. Don't go there unless it actually comes up in conversation and you know the exact document names, dates and the officials involved.
    Yet they have names, and there are dates. Sometimes, I think tests like these continue throughout Washington today...

  • bodhipunk, I know I am saying that if YOU bring it up with friends you should be able to remember those sort of details, otherwise you lack credibility. That doesn't mean those things didn't happen, they obviously did.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Wonderful thread!
  • The "brainwashing" (an idea of restoring the assumed "tabula rasa" all humans should be born with/as) failed miserably. The idea was to try and eradicate communism in prisoners accused of communism and (as said) to find ways to protect American spies and the like against the brainwashing CIA thought was going on in the Soviet Union. The experiments were part of a grand scheme to overthrow the world and reinstate capitalism - the first (and only) countries to suffer from the ideology known as "the Chicago School" of Milton Freidman were South American. You should look up Naomi Kleins book "The Shock Doctrine" - it's all in there..

    The Nazi-propaganda didn't excactly work in the occupied countries, which is logic. It's as good as impossible to violently take over a country and then win the public just like that. It would have taken several decades if not more.
    The reason for Hitler's popularity is not found in mind-control, but simply psychology. The ground was prepared for a great German nationalist movement because of the strict sanctions after WW1, the international crises, the general disdain towards Jews at the time and the dissatisfaction with the ruling government. Furthermore Hitler's party members made sure that parties which wouldn't support his candidacy as Reich Kansler never made it to the voting and he then began to have all opposition removed - good ol' military takeover.
    While polls were still made, the NSDAP never had more than 37% of the voters (a damn lot, but not overwhelming).
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I've read the Economic Hitman book, and I recommend it to everyone. I've also worked in some of the countries where the "Hitman" operated, and I can tell you what he says is true. The only part of the book I'm dubious about is the cliche way in which the author was recruited to the CIA; some shady woman somehow seduced him into it, or something. Sounds like something the publisher made him add in to spice it up. Publishers do that sometimes.

    I haven't watched the video you posted, yet, Shanyin. Perhaps more comments later.
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