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Universal Epiphany - Am I a Buddhist? Taoist? Idiot? Something else?



  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    But still, I find Christianity senseless and bad in general.
    I personally, like the Buddha, hold all things are merely Nature. Just natural phenomena, like trees, water, soil, etc.

    Accordingly, I also find Christianity senseless and bad in general.

    Whatever goodness there is in Christainity, such as teachings about love, etc, it is not necessary to alienate these good things from the human heart, as though 'God' or Jebus are the only source of love.

    Even animals love their offspring. Love is something inside of us. It is something nature has placed inside of us, as part of our genetic programming & capacities.

    My view is it is very important to let go of Christianity. Just throw it away. Get rid of that Christian irrationality out of our heads. It is a very nasty kind of conditioning or brainwashing.

    Look around us. Have a good look. All there is natural phenomema, including our minds. Just trees, sky, clouds, stars, physical bodies made from bones, skin, blood, etc, & minds.

    There is no need to get angry about Christianity. My advice is to simply throw it away, like when we throw something in the garbage bin.

    Once we throw something away, we do not go looking for that thing again or remain pre-occupied with it. We simply throw it away. We let it go.

    All the best


  • You are made from the same stuff that the tree out back, or that dog humping the lamp post out front is made of.
    :bowdown: Please accept me as your disciple.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    When you realize this, and believe it whole-heartedly, things will become easier to you. You suffer because you try and bend the will of Reality to what your ego wants. If you just go with the flow, let things roll off of you, don't get attached to things, you're be free of suffering. You don't need to not desire to strive towards something, just don't let it get to you if you don't get it. If you do get it, don't let that get to your head either.

    Am I enlightened? No. I'm sure I'm very far from it. I have not mastered the art of going with the flow, not being attached to things. So, what am I? Is my logic flawed?
    Young friend

    Your logic is sound. It is fine. Indeed, non-attachment is the path to peace. But this path is also one of endurance because negative emotions within us arise & then are dissolved by non-attachment.

    Still, there comes a time we must act to create our own lives, especially when we live in a chaotic negative household. Such households are familar to many of us.

    There is a time we must leave the negative irrational household and find a place where we can breathe freely, without pressure, and fulfil what nature has provided for us. (We can call this fulfilling our "Buddha-Nature")

    So try to accept your lot for now. Acceptance is the same as non-attachment. Please try to practise patient endurance.

    One day, soon, only a few years from now, you must make your own path & your own choices and leave the cookoo nest many of us have called "home".


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Thanks, DD. It just seems so hard for me to actually not be attached to things. :-/ But I'm working on it.
  • edited January 2011
    You don't have to do everything at once. Non-attachment can take years to realize. You've learned a lot already. As for meditation, are you doing the breathing correctly? I think when you do everything right, you'll find it's like taking a mini-vacation for the mind. Very restful.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    I showed Zeitgeist to a friend of mine once (a hard core Christ believer) and he rebutted the whole thing by saying that Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25... so that comparison between other religions is false and thus the rest had no credibility...
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Hi MindGate. Pretty much all of Zeitgeist was based on a man named Jordan Maxwell's research without his knowledge. You'll hear his voice in the movie and such. I've seen alot of his video's and such, he has a lot of interesting things to say.

    He did an interview which is on youtube which me and my friend watched and tonight laughed at hysterically. I don't think it discredits any of his work or anything but the interview is pretty out there. He talks of his personal expriences with supposed high members of the Illuminati secret society, UFO's, pychics, occult information ect. It gets NUTTY.

    If you watched the religion section of zeitgeist and wanted to hear more watch this:

    But be prepared!: He has just as much evidence that story of the Buddha is a copy of every other religious story with the same historical roots than as with Jesus. I posted a thread with the section of the video where he points out about 100 similarities and other evidence and interestingly nobody commented.

    I wish everyone here would watch it and talk about it. I think it is THE video to watch about religion. It is an extremely important video.

  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    OK maybe it's not so important if you just take Dhattu's more important advice of letting go of Christianity but it's still an awsome video to watch. Again, similarities between the story of Buddha and other religious figures. Tommorow I'll try and find the section where they talk about that and put it in there.

    He makes a case that the "mana" God commanded the Jews or w/e to eat in the bible were actually good old magic mushrooms. Pyclicyben :P.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    don't do drugs.

    unless Ra commands you!
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    no don't do it
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    "Okay... so, my beliefs are pretty much this:"

    What would happen if you didn't believe this?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    What would happen if I didn't believe this? Then simply that. I wouldn't. But over time, I would come to the same conclusion that I have come to now, most likely.

    Anyways... me, myself, has questioned the existence of the original Buddha. Call me a heretic, but I'm not so inclined to exactly belief he ever existed. But that doesn't take away from the teachings of Buddhism and how its helped many other people over the centuries.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Advaita trap cartoon is a funny straw man. How about an actual advaita teacher. The appearance of the tree is nonceptual awareness.

    Very ignorant. I can imagine cartoons ignorantly portraying 'the buddhist trap' 'the hindu trap' 'the christian trap'.

    Its like the stereotype of a buddhist who when they hear there friends husband died they say "oh you are attached". Nobody would really do that unless they are a jack ass.
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