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want to be a monk



  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
  • stick
  • I'd have to take science/math totally useless to a monk.
    That's not true. See, novaloka's treatment of BIG NUMBERS including the Flower Ornament Sutra.

  • Science and Math are useful for everyone. the Dalai Lama frequently meets with scientists to discuss new scientific, medical, and technological developments and how they correspond with buddhist thought.
  • Vincenzi, just because you eschew the use of words like "I" or "me" or "you" does not mean you have abandoned egoism. The Buddha used all of those words.

    Your strict adherence to a system of communication that avoids those words just makes you sound like a "grammar" fundamentalist.
    I'm studying Classical Filology (Sanskrit, Latin and Ancient Greek)... so...
  • edited January 2011
    Ok so one monk had to use math, besides that's math I learned like 3 years ago lol.

  • I didn't insult him I said I couldn't understand him.
    I said my family was wealthy just explaining my situation to someone else, not you.
    Why would I quote dharma when talking about ordination?

    You seem to have no concept of dharma, particularly anatta. Using pronouns has nothing to do with identity-view, it's a method of communicating. Simply leaving the words out as implied doesn't do anything.

    "'have spent around 143 years..."


    That has nothing to do with your identity view, the word I isn't magical. You seem sort of insecure don't you. From reading a few other posts of your it seems that you just attack everyone else, claim how attained you are, and in general try to increase your status as the best Buddhist or something. I feel bad for you, you have very little chance of progress with so much insecurity and arrogance.

    wow, as I'm posting you just reaffirm my image of you, you do whatever you can to find something wrong with my post just to better your status, I was just using shorthand saying renunciation and talking about Theravada when I mentioned 10 paramitas. I'm done talking to you though, try a little more honesty and a little less insecurity. I think you'll find that your understanding of the dharma is severely lacking particularly in terms of anatta.
    143 years... that implies having recollections of past lives.
  • I'm beginning to go back, I think I'll find a Theravada monastery in the Forest Tradition, spend a month there, then decide about college.

    I mean it would be kind of a waste to spend my life as a monk after 4 years of expensive learning. I'd have to take science/math totally useless to a monk.
    Forgot to say in my previous answer that you will have to be aged 20 before you can ordain as a monk,at least in the Theravada tradition which is what you seem drawn to.Of course you can still ordain as a samanera and then ordain at a later date.Again I wish you all the best.
    With metta,
    Phra Greg

  • The only thing keeping me from anger here is the pity I feel for someone who thinks that using the word "I" is a crime, and has no understanding of the dharma. That along with the arrogance leads to him having no chance of progress, hence the pity.

    *waits for response about past lives, attainment, and misunderstanding of dharma

    ooh, interestingly enough Vincenzi uses I/me/you all the time in other posts, so now I'm not so sure he doesn't understand dharma, but I'm even more sure of his insecurity and need to be the best... at Buddhism.
    sure, whatever you concluded by reading some of my posts in this forum is... "the truth"
  • edited January 2011
    Yes but you left out the "I" are you seriously going back to this now? Buddha said "I" and you said "I." I isn't a magical word. I'm done responding to you though.

    Just look at what your doing. I ask for a little help, you insult me for using the word "I" and start telling the world about how great you are. I feel bad for you.
  • I'm beginning to go back, I think I'll find a Theravada monastery in the Forest Tradition, spend a month there, then decide about college.

    I mean it would be kind of a waste to spend my life as a monk after 4 years of expensive learning. I'd have to take science/math totally useless to a monk.
    good look in whatever monastery you chose!

    but... science and math are not uselss to a monk.
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Ok so one monk had to use math, besides that's math I learned like 3 years ago lol.

    I prefer using "sono, piace, ho" (italian) or "soy, tengo" (spanish)... haven't found a decent alternative for using "I, me" and so on...
    Yes but you left out the "I" are you seriously going back to this now? Buddha said "I" and you said "I." I isn't a magical word. I'm done responding to you though.

    Just look at what your doing. I ask for a little help, you insult me for using the word "I" and start telling the world about how great you are. I feel bad for you.
    I think it is the capitalization and pronuciation (it should be written "ai"). "io" and "yo" sounds and look much better.
  • so why attack other people for using them? and you don't need to find an alternative, I refers to the body/mind, things which do exist. It has nothing to do with understanding anatta or communicating the truth.
  • so why attack other people for using them? and you don't need to find an alternative, I refers to the body/mind, things which do exist. It has nothing to do with understanding anatta or communicating the truth.
    it is a personal preference, don't read too much into it...
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    edited January 2011
    I think this place is about learning Buddha from each other but sorry in advance turn out to be FI racing track.... Buddha can be learned from all angle all source . For example while I am writing now , from the window outside is a tree . So let us learn Buddha from a tree ok ... a tree is a living thing just like us , their breath oxygen just like us , need water , need space , hv children just like us but there are more Buddha then us...they do not kill for food , they uses sun light , water and use our waste Co2 and converted into food . They never disturb anyone or anything to continue thier live ........thats Buddha spirit . So what abt eating Vegetable?????????? DEAR ALL pls share view learn from each other .............
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    hi Vincenzi , I always belief that Siddharta hd show us the simple way to find our own Buddha ....... by self searching and learning from all- living or non living . Since very early age I fear death to max and this fear leading me to find the Buddha in me ,I notice it and show it out to all and in return the love that I show to people surrounding me the return is sometime very hurting but I know what is my Buddha as i continue explore my Buddha I find peace and i learn karma . i come up with my own perception on Buddha that I am very comfortable with . I never interested in reading Buddha books , all the terms / words is very hard for me to understand . Learning Buddha must be easy because is inside us . buddha is show it out not pushing in .
    I am a Chinese male 41 years old , married with one daughter live in Malaysia . I could only write in local language and English .
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    My family is wealthy enough that I could go to college then become a monk. I think I'll learn Thai, maybe Pali, psychology then head to Thailand.
    Hi again Arahant

    Your zeal (chanda) sounds firm to me.

    My advice is to consider the big picture. For example, you do your time as a monk and then become one of the Western bhikkhu ajahns.

    It follows, imo, a major in something like psychology is best. You will be a monk with a psych degree. This gives an excellent public impression (imo).

    Pali can be a secondary study, also other religions & lastly Thai.

    Bear in mind, you will learn Thai in Thailand. Personally, my opinion is studying Thai at college is a waste & unnecessary.

    As I said in my prior post, imo, focus on study that will enhance your image if & when you become a Western teaching monk. Look upon your studies as contributing to your 'Right Livelihood'.

    All the best



  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011

  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi all , is teaching axist in Buddha ? I want to belief in Buddha we are all learned and get to know more & more on Buddha each day each moment in our life . Our Karma is our regret that teach/ show us our bad act and we eventually moving towards higher awareness . So pls show me why we hv to read books / go to school / study just to know something inside us?
    I wanted to belief Siddharta is a very sincere person wishing us to get to know buddha maybe the way he see it or maybe more / higher awareness . I wanted to belief is his wish that we continue exploring answer , asking and searching for answer and I really and wanted to believe that he said in his final words " All composite thing pass away , strive for your own liberation with diligence" and " Let my teaching be your Master" .
    So my question is ARE WE ON THE RIGHT TRACK........????
    Maybe if Siddharta still alive , he maybe will be very dissapointed with what had happen now .......
  • I think you should definitely check out Sravasti Abbey's informative section about monastic ordination:
    They have many articles on this topic and links to other sites talking about joining a monastery. Hope this helps!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    eat dinner, 3 meals a day is healthy for you.
    I heard 4-6 times of small meals are good?
  • Do not wait to come to Thailand before studying the language...poor advice from will be a great help here.
    You do not need to study Pali or the Abidhamma....unless you want to become a monk learned and with qualifications to teach. In order to practice (which is what it is all about) you only need to know how and why...and then go and do it...the books then become only a distraction.
    Take Asian studies or Asian languages in college.
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi Arahahahant , In Buddha I want to belief there are no right or wrong no true or false is all depend on awareness . For example , someone insult us in Buddha he is not wrong simply because he did not aware or "awake" of his action we should be considerate and understand our Budddha Or maybe simply we could not understand our own Buddha of being hurt or feel insulted .
    Buddha is pure energy and if we show to others of our Buddha and accepting others Buddha towards us , anger simply does not axist..... yes in Buddha no ill feeing
  • Do not wait to come to Thailand before studying the language...poor advice from will be a great help here.
    Why? For what purpose? Relations with laypeople?



  • Do not wait to come to Thailand before studying the language...poor advice from will be a great help here.
    Why? For what purpose? Relations with laypeople?



    Yes,with lay people and also with Thai monks and teachers.
    Not all of the temples here are farang only temples,in fact they are few and far between.The lay people are always wanting to know about us farang monks and unless you are in a real tourist area the language can be a bit of a barrier.
    With metta,
    Phra Greg

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Thank you Bhikkhu Greg

    Still, to me, it is a waste of college to make learning Thai one's primary objective.

    One can learn Thai via various language courses.

    Kind regards

  • Thanks. Still, to me, it is a waste of college to make learning Thai one's primary objective.

    One can learn Thai via various language courses.

    Kind regards

    Can't disagree there.As I said in an earlier post,I think a good education is really important these days.If the monks life doesn't work out it would be good to have something to fall on.
    With metta,
    Phra Greg

  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    Takes a beating on forums sometimes. :^)
  • Arahahahant

    I live in Thailand and have gone to many of the retreats. I read a little about you and Vincenzi going back and forth. To be honest I must say knowing all of these intellectual facts are not that important. I spoke with a popular monk here, he stated that a lot of that stuff just gets in your way. I'm just saying I'm sure you already have more than enough knowledge to start your journey to become a monk. You do a retreat, you can come back as a returnig friend. You can then stay as long as you like for free. You only need to get to the doorstep. Up to you how long you want to stay. They have teachings in English. I'm sure you can learn the Thai you need here. People like to be over prepared for everything. More important to just do it.

    I must respond to another post about being a monk compared to a buddist. There are many types of monks that follow different paths. You can certainly follow one that is extremely dedicated to the ultimate goal. This is something I'm contemplating now. As I am not interested as being a teacher, or collecting money at the local statue ect...

    Many people believe they can reach these far levels of awarness while maintaing their western lifestyle. I really don't think it is possible. Too many distractions, t.v, internet, work ect.. These things set you back so far. Yeah you can follow the precepts be mindfull and be a better person, have a better life. But your not going to reach eligtment, coming home from the corporate job driving through traffic and getting text messages.
  • thanks for the responses, I'm now looking at some of the California Forest Monasteries, particularly the one run by Thanissaro Bhikku.
  • studying languages is important... for a monk.
    ¿or where you planning on meditating 24/7/365 on the forest?
    ...away from "lay people, who aren't part of samgha"
  • Well I think I'll spend time doing both. Right now I know Chinese but I'll study Pali and conversational Thai before ordaining.
  • Arahahahant

    I live in Thailand and have gone to many of the retreats. I read a little about you and Vincenzi going back and forth. To be honest I must say knowing all of these intellectual facts are not that important. I spoke with a popular monk here, he stated that a lot of that stuff just gets in your way. I'm just saying I'm sure you already have more than enough knowledge to start your journey to become a monk. You do a retreat, you can come back as a returnig friend. You can then stay as long as you like for free. You only need to get to the doorstep. Up to you how long you want to stay. They have teachings in English. I'm sure you can learn the Thai you need here. People like to be over prepared for everything. More important to just do it.

    I must respond to another post about being a monk compared to a buddist. There are many types of monks that follow different paths. You can certainly follow one that is extremely dedicated to the ultimate goal. This is something I'm contemplating now. As I am not interested as being a teacher, or collecting money at the local statue ect...

    Many people believe they can reach these far levels of awarness while maintaing their western lifestyle. I really don't think it is possible. Too many distractions, t.v, internet, work ect.. These things set you back so far. Yeah you can follow the precepts be mindfull and be a better person, have a better life. But your not going to reach eligtment, coming home from the corporate job driving through traffic and getting text messages.
    I partially disagree with the last paragraph. Nirvåna is possible living a lay life... as long as most modern distractions are cut back. example :: TV is almost always worthless... but it can be used as a display to see interesting movies (DVD), or play videogames (Wii*) with friends!

    * see Rootkit Sony fiasco... and "the other 2" are more about blood than fun.
  • thanks for the responses, I'm now looking at some of the California Forest Monasteries, particularly the one run by Thanissaro Bhikku.
    I didn't know Thanissaro Bhikku was running a monastery in California... another visiting place for my travel to California (after it secedes from the rest of "the states").
  • edited January 2011
    I feel that entertainment gets in the way of spiritual development. It certainly got in the way of mine

    Edit: Yep, he's got one out there, I'll look up the name real quick.
  • Do not wait to come to Thailand before studying the language...poor advice from will be a great help here.
    Why? For what purpose? Relations with laypeople?



    The chanting books will nearly all be in Thai so it is very useful to be able to read it....instead of sitting there feeling useless.....
    In Thailand they place great emphasis upon chanting...... often to the neglect of the real practice which is meditation. They (the Thai monks) sometimes look upon Foreign monks as not being real monks because they do not chant as much as their own monks.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    The chanting books will nearly all be in Thai so it is very useful to be able to read it....instead of sitting there feeling useless.....
    In Thailand they place great emphasis upon chanting...... often to the neglect of the real practice which is meditation. They (the Thai monks) sometimes look upon Foreign monks as not being real monks because they do not chant as much as their own monks.
    Assuming that Arahahahant ordains in Thailand, learning Thai would be useful. But if he decides to ordain in the US or Canada, there's really no need.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    thanks for the responses, I'm now looking at some of the California Forest Monasteries, particularly the one run by Thanissaro Bhikku.
    too bad

    i hope Thanissaro instructs his bhikkhu more clearly than he publically expounds the Dhamma

    be careful not to spend your whole life chasing your tail

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