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CSEeCSEe Veteran
edited January 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I want to belief that , Mr Siddharta before he found Buddha suffers from fear of old age , sickness and death like most of the people in cuurent world but AFTER he found the energy and named it as BUDDHA ... he realise that old age , sickness , birth and death is part of purification process so is natural . We " suffer" the feeling of fear of old age , sick and death because we do not understand Buddha and greedy . We are greedy to stay young , greedy to stay healthy and greedy to remain alive . We forgot abt our purification process but was pulled into material world . So after Mr Siddharta found Buddha..... All suffering of old age , sickness or death SHOULD END . I belief because he WAS WRONGLY QUOTED that caused this suffering to continue . If his follower really understand his teaching.... there are no more suffering from fear of old age , sickness or death . Human are happy to get old , happy even got cancer and calebrate funeral of their children.
But sad.....he was wrongly quoted. I belief if he was still alive today.... he will be very dissapointed with us all of us.


  • don't do shrooms bro
  • purification process is old age, sickness, birth and death? if that is the purification process than how the *@*#(@*@!(@* do we forget the inevitable? oh it's cse...... thats why this thread is total crap
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    In Buddha there are no right or wrong , no true or false but all depend on own awareness .For example we cant blame a 3 years old for puring water on our computer because they still not aware of their action so in Buddha all of us have our own awareness and is totally different but we will move higher and higher awareness if we explore Buddha.
    Thks for sharing
  • well your awareness is extremely random
  • :wtf: i'm still trying really hard, but im not sure I can even decipher what i just read.
  • You should write a book CSEe
  • I'm with ladyfire, I'm getting nothing out of your posts sorry :|
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi Brandon , yes I admit in Buddha there are no comparison , no class .

  • edited January 2011
    What is the purification process? What is this energy your talking about? What was he wrongly quoted about?
  • i can feel my brain beginning to...erm..."itch".
  • The Buddha was a person, I'm still curious where are you getting all this?
  • Are you getting this from any teachings?
  • no I think he said he got it from a tree or a lion or something in another post.
  • that's intresting csee, those are thought provoking thoughts, "exploring buddha is a pondersome idea. our good friend siddhartha discovered buddha nature that was a spiritual energy that flowed throughout the universe and especially our human hearts is what you're saying? and this buddha energy is something somewhat mystifying and transcendental, which mr siddhartha would find we are doing poopily in these past few years of buddhadharma practication and he would be somewhat sourly disappointed with us about??
  • edited January 2011
    This is what happens when mahayana and vajrayana get involved. Energy, eternal buddha nature flowing around, and lions and trees. Where were the actual teachings of craving, aversion, ignorance, the four noble truths, the eightfold path, the 10 paramitas, the five hindrances, suffering, mindfulness, ?!?!?!? That is the path to the end of suffering, the goal of Buddhism. Why do we always end up talking about united spirits, souls, mystical energies that don't exist, Buddha would probably be disappointed, stick with his teachings not made up hocus pocus. :(

    frustrating, buddhism isn't about magic it's about real things, suffering, it's a psychology not a Harry Potter book :(:( :bawl:
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    I wanted to belief our purification process is a process of we rectify our mistake to be pure .. for example if now I scoled you without considering my awareness of Buddha just because you disagree with day if I move to higher awareness I will regret my action thats my karma. If I am still alive I will find you and say sorry but if I only aware after I die , I will re-born again on my own will just to find you and find ways to adment my mistake....the process of rectifing our mistake is purification process .
    as for the energy i think I had explained .
    I belief Mr Siddharta was wrongly quoted about suffering , yes he did suffer from fear of old,sick and death BEFORE he found Buddha but after he found Buddha ... there are no more suffering.... he understand that but now billions of people still do not for me I understanmd but when everybody cry , I also cry , when every body fear-I also fear.... I need support ok...
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi all I will answer all question after I come back from work ok..... my client will kill me if am late.......
  • edited January 2011
    I wanted to belief our purification process is a process of we rectify our mistake to be pure .. for example if now I scoled you without considering my awareness of Buddha just because you disagree with day if I move to higher awareness I will regret my action thats my karma. If I am still alive I will find you and say sorry but if I only aware after I die , I will re-born again on my own will just to find you and find ways to adment my mistake....the process of rectifing our mistake is purification process .
    as for the energy i think I had explained .
    I belief Mr Siddharta was wrongly quoted about suffering , yes he did suffer from fear of old,sick and death BEFORE he found Buddha but after he found Buddha ... there are no more suffering.... he understand that but now billions of people still do not for me I understanmd but when everybody cry , I also cry , when every body fear-I also fear.... I need support ok...
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    ooh Mr Arahahant......I am not getting from any only my own awareness ok....bye for now...I am late already...
  • edited January 2011
    mahayana is a vanguard movement. it doesnt have so many rules in how it goes about shining the nirvana that the buddha brought to us, it just shines it the best it can, according to the culture of everything it's being shined in
  • edited January 2011
    It's not the rules that make me dislike it so much, it's the crazy magic that guides all of its teachings. Its goal isn't to end suffering, something which actually exists, it's to become reincarnated and join some unified spirit.... a bunch of stuff that we have no reason to believe in.

    all of its teachings seem to a require a belief in all kinds of junk, theravada is a workable psychology, an actual method for achieving happiness.
  • edited January 2011
    yes, theravada is a wonderful tradition also. zen is fairly related to the "way of the elders, while also being influenced by mahayana philosophy/cosmology. my point is, mahayana is still familiar with the oral and recorded teachings of Buddha Siddhartha, but there is a different approach with it.
  • yes, and that approach includes crazy magic.
  • yea mucho bueno!!!
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi Pietro , I want to belief Buddha is pure energy inside all of us living and non-living and we will flow back to this energy after we get all our pollutant out .The second question I am not quite understand... sorry
  • lol only pietro would be able to understand this
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    You should write a book CSEe
    Hi Arahahant , in Buddha I want to belief "teaching" DOES NOT AXIST.....we all hv buddha to share and could learn from each other living or non-living . As I am not against any writing but for now I very much prefer disccussion....i really hope to learn more Buddha from you and others to help me move to higher awareness sincerely bro.....bro means brother right? in Malaysia bro is brother so thanks for calling me Buddha we all are the same , no relationship but equal love...
  • It's not the rules that make me dislike it so much, it's the crazy magic that guides all of its teachings. Its goal isn't to end suffering, something which actually exists, it's to become reincarnated and join some unified spirit.... a bunch of stuff that we have no reason to believe in.

    all of its teachings seem to a require a belief in all kinds of junk, theravada is a workable psychology, an actual method for achieving happiness.
    Theravada is Catholicism... do they still have Buddhist nuns? or is that prohibited by dogma?
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    all of its teachings seem to a require a belief in all kinds of junk, theravada is a workable psychology, an actual method for achieving happiness.
    theravada includes as much mundane stuff as the others

    ever listened to Thanissaro's audio talk on the internet where he talks about psychic messages from a teacher causing the meditator to be full of fear?

    theravada has as many nutters as any other form of buddhism

    as thanissaro attempts to tap into the Buddhist market, his talks become spookier & more bizzare

    considered learning 'Isaan' instead of Thai?

    then you can chat with the village people about ghosts, magic and stuff


  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi all I am trying to be busy body here.....ha ha....what is lay people ?
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Its goal isn't to end suffering...

    What exactly is the end of suffering?

    Like I have heard Nibbana is the end of suffering.

    But Thanissaro has said: "In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful."

    What are these "clinging-aggregrates"? How do they cling? For example, how does the body cling? How do feelings cling? How do I stop the body from clinging once I discover how it actually clings?

    Thanissaro has said: "All phenomena have Unbinding [Nibbana] as their final end.'

    So how does a block of concrete have Nibbana as its final end? Can a block of concrete end suffering?

    As for the transcendent in its ultimate form, the phrase "all phenomena" as used in this sutta does not cover Unbinding, as Unbinding is not rooted in anything and, as the final statement indicates, it constitutes the final end of all phenomena.

    Also, the Dhamma states: "Sabbe dhamma anatta ti". All things whatsover are not-self.

    But Thanissaro has said Nibbana is not included in "sabbe dhamma".

    So, is Thanissaro saying Nibbana is 'self'?

  • Hi all I am trying to be busy body here.....ha ha....what is lay people ?
    Layperson is a householder, with family, children, etc.

    Layperson is not a monk.

  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    This is what happens when mahayana and vajrayana get involved. Energy, eternal buddha nature flowing around, and lions and trees. Where were the actual teachings of craving, aversion, ignorance, the four noble truths, the eightfold path, the 10 paramitas, the five hindrances, suffering, mindfulness, ?!?!?!? That is the path to the end of suffering, the goal of Buddhism. Why do we always end up talking about united spirits, souls, mystical energies that don't exist, Buddha would probably be disappointed, stick with his teachings not made up hocus pocus. :(

    frustrating, buddhism isn't about magic it's about real things, suffering, it's a psychology not a Harry Potter book :(:( :bawl:
    Hi Arahahant ,I belief is Siddharta's goal to end suffering , in Buddism suffering SHOULD not axist .....
    I wanted to belief Siddharta's wishes is sincere and I also choose to belief that he said " Believe nothing no matter wht you read or hear or who hv said it or even if i hv said it unless it agree with yr own reason and common sense" and " strive for yr own liberation with diligence" this two quotes always make me respect him and you can say fall in love with him ( ... i heard he is very handsome but I am not gay ok ) maybe is his wish for us to discuss , to search , to debate and to change .....maybe is NOT his wish for us to follow him , the way he speak , he way he walk , he way he dress up or even the way he think.... he hv a wisdom so-so high to allow room to change.....but why we still emmmmmmmmmm
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Its goal isn't to end suffering...

    So what is the end of suffering?

    For example, Thanissaro has said "All phenomena have Unbinding [Nibbana] as their final end."

    How can a block of concrete have Nibbana as its final end? Can a block of concrete end suffering?

    Can you explain?

    Also, Thanissaro has said: "In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful."

    Can you explain how the five aggregates actually 'cling'? Can you explain how the five clinging-aggregates are dukkha? Like...what does the body (rupa) cling to to make suffering? What do feelings cling to to make suffering?


    As for the transcendent in its ultimate form, the phrase "all phenomena" as used in this sutta does not cover Unbinding, as Unbinding is not rooted in anything and, as the final statement indicates, it constitutes the final end of all phenomena.

    Hi Dhama Dhatu , I choose to belief that Siddharta was suffer NOT ONLY fear of old,sick or death but FEAR OF NOT KNOWING .... this fears lead him to find Buddha . After he found Buddha...he understand that old,sick , death is a process of purification and is natural and because we are greedy ALL SUFFERING SHOULD END AFTER MR SIDDHARTA FOUND BUDDHA .


  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi all I am trying to be busy body here.....ha ha....what is lay people ?
    Layperson is a householder, with family, children, etc.

    Layperson is not a monk.

    Ok thanks alot.......

  • Hello CSEe,

    As you probably know a lot of Buddhism teachings (or not-teachings, whichever you prefer) goes lost when using words. If you don't use correct punctuation and start using capital letters mid sentence, even more goes lost. This is (a part of) why there's people reacting very confused to your posts. I know you're not English (neither am I) but please try to do your best with punctuation, spelling and grammar. Thanks.
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi supertramp......yes I admit .....maybe for the first time in this English , grammer and spelling is a problem.... I will try more to explain ....
    Thks alot .......
  • CSEs has posted several threads. In some of these threads, he has pointed out that he has not read Buddhist books, he is not familiar with Buddhist terminology. For example, in this very thread, he asked us to explain what "lay people" means. He also prefers discussion with him be free of suggestions that he read books or refer to on-line documents. I get the impression, from his threads, that he prefers "life" to be his teacher, learning from everything around us. He seems to be not interested in "complicated" scripture or the different schools in Buddhism. These are just the impressions I have gained by reading his threads. He comes out as a person who is sincere in discussing the Dharma (Buddha) for his progress in the path.

    Those who wish to comment in his threads should, IMHO, exercise patience in responding to any of his posts. Comments like "don't do shrooms" or "this thread is a total crap" is unwarranted. BTW, Supertramp's advice is a reasonable one. Maybe CSEe can try to finish his statements more "fully" so we can better comprehend what he is saying. Ok, feel free to have a go at me.... :)
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi sukhita.....sincerely thanks alot ......yes that what I am trying to do here . So let me formally introduce myself . my name is Ee chuan Seng a Chinese male born 1969 in Malaysia married with one daughter aged 10 , doing own bussiness in general trading. Since age 10 I fear death to max , I fear that one day I will die and be forgoten...forever...but my most fear is not knowning afterlife...what happen after I die.
    Since no one surround me to discuss abt this topic..I force myself to think each and every day....there was a time when I was 14 years old I got depression and insomia . I fear to even close my eyes at night. But at 18 years old....suddenly I have a strange feeling towards a girl in my class....I so call like her alot...and I cancel offer to hv a good job just to be close to her. Further to understanding this feeling so call " love" leads me to know a kind of energy inside us .
    further to that awareness....I found Buddha. Since then I hv my perception of Buddha and understand Buddha from my angle .
    Last year... I started to know the wonderfull world of internat and try to read abt Siddharta and buddha .
    From the webside or even books...I found it very hard to start . I never read more then 50 words in all the so call Buddha so diificult and sorry in boring .
    My purpose here is to learn more on afterlife and Buddha so that give me the confident for me to face my coffin that I could confidently explain to my daughter that when one day I die she will not suffer that one day if her children die she will not suffer....that is my sincere aim...I know is seems selfish but thats me ok in my own awareness at this time....
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Hi sukhita.....sincerely thanks alot ......yes that what I am trying to do here . So let me formally introduce myself . my name is Ee chuan Seng a Chinese male born 1969 in Malaysia married with one daughter aged 10 , doing own bussiness in general trading. Since age 10 I fear death to max , I fear that one day I will die and be forgoten...forever...but my most fear is not knowning afterlife...what happen after I die.
    Since no one surround me to discuss abt this topic..I force myself to think each and every day....there was a time when I was 14 years old I got depression and insomia . I fear to even close my eyes at night. But at 18 years old....suddenly I have a strange feeling towards a girl in my class....I so call like her alot...and I cancel offer to hv a good job just to be close to her. Further to understanding this feeling so call " love" leads me to know a kind of energy inside us .
    further to that awareness....I found Buddha. Since then I hv my perception of Buddha and understand Buddha from my angle .
    Last year... I started to know the wonderfull world of internat and try to read abt Siddharta and buddha .
    From the webside or even books...I found it very hard to start . I never read more then 50 words in all the so call Buddha so diificult and sorry in boring .
    My purpose here is to learn more on afterlife and Buddha so that give me the confident for me to face my coffin that I could confidently explain to my daughter that when one day I die she will not suffer that one day if her children die she will not suffer....that is my sincere aim...I know is seems selfish but thats me ok in my own awareness at this time....
    Pls dont mistaken of my intention....I am not here to "teach" as I want to belief teaching does not axist in Buddha....
  • edited January 2011
    In my opinion teaching does exist, but you don't only learn from authorities in the field. Everybody and everything can teach you about yourself and about Buddhism. I guess you mean teaching doesn't exist from scriptures and "masters", because if you didn't think everybody and everything could teach you, you probably wouldn't be here.

    As far as afterlife goes (as you mentioned it), I am open to the idea but won't live my life aimed towards it. I want to live my life as if this is "all" there is, I don't understand why people want more than this, because "this" is already more than we can comprehend. It's just your choice to how much of "all this" you let in.

    edit: I hope I don't come over as arrogant or wanting to "teach" you about English here, I do it with the most sincere wish to help you on this forum. But also try not to use too many abbreviations (yr instead of your, abt instead of about), and try to use the comma "," instead of "....". This will also make it easier for people to read your posts. Anyway, again, hope I'm not critisizing too much.
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Hi supertramp........I am sincerely happy that you notice my mistake because you are actually read what I wrote....Thks Sir.....I am truly happy .

    The reason why I want to belief in Buddha - teaching is not axist is because in Buddha all energy is life ,yes we hv teacher like in school ofcause I hv sport i hv a Teacher but we call him trainer.....but In Buddism there are no relationship , no you or me , no culture , no belief , no one is higher then other including Siddharta .

    In Buddha.....our views cannot be associated with in life since our current life is too far from Buddha . For example , I got sick and see a doctor....the doctor say ok Mr Ee sorry to tell you that you have cancer in your brain ...the virus is attacking your cell and you will be sick and die soon pay this bill first before you die...
    But in Buddha....I got sick not because of cancer virus....I got sick because sickness is part of the purification process and the virus is not the cause but only a totally different view there....
    I just hope I am calm like now when in reality
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited January 2011
    All of them are true. :) Including the first. This is what the Buddha himself taught.
  • CSEeCSEe Veteran
    Hi seeker , wht you mean by all of them is true ?
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Hi seeker , wht you mean by all of them is true ?
    Hi CSEe,

    I meant that Shakyamuni himself taught that there are 4 things in life that are true. They are called the "4 Noble Truths". This was one of the first things that he taught after getting his enlightenment.

    Simple version:

    1. Life means suffering.

    2. The origin of suffering is attachment.

    3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.

    4. This is the path to the cessation of suffering.

    More detailed version:

    1: Sariputta: "Now what, friends, is the noble truth of stress? Birth is stressful, aging is stressful, death is stressful; sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair are stressful; not getting what is wanted is stressful. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful.

    2. "Now what is the noble truth of the origination of stress? The craving that makes for further becoming — accompanied by passion & delight, relishing now here & now there — i.e., craving for sensuality, craving for becoming, craving for non-becoming...

    3. And what is the noble truth of the cessation of stress? The remainderless fading & cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, release, & letting go of that very craving."

    4. "And what is the middle way realized by the Tathagata that — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding? Precisely this Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. This is the middle way realized by the Tathagata that — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding."

  • Hi all I am trying to be busy body here.....ha ha....what is lay people ?
    non-monks, civilians. sometimes seeing as inferior to monks "blessed by tradition".
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Also, the Dhamma states: "Sabbe dhamma anatta ti". All things whatsover are not-self.

    But Thanissaro has said Nibbana is not included in "sabbe dhamma".

    So, is Thanissaro saying Nibbana is 'self'?

    there's a mudra I like to call:
    "samsara ni rei, nirvana ni rei" (sanskrit and japanese)
    greetings to samsara: left hand resting;
    greetings to nirvana: right hand resting;
    unite thumbs.
  • Hi sukhita.....sincerely thanks alot ......yes that what I am trying to do here . So let me formally introduce myself . my name is Ee chuan Seng a Chinese male born 1969 in Malaysia married with one daughter aged 10 , doing own bussiness in general trading. Since age 10 I fear death to max , I fear that one day I will die and be forgoten...forever...but my most fear is not knowning afterlife...what happen after I die.
    Since no one surround me to discuss abt this topic..I force myself to think each and every day....there was a time when I was 14 years old I got depression and insomia . I fear to even close my eyes at night. But at 18 years old....suddenly I have a strange feeling towards a girl in my class....I so call like her alot...and I cancel offer to hv a good job just to be close to her. Further to understanding this feeling so call " love" leads me to know a kind of energy inside us .
    further to that awareness....I found Buddha. Since then I hv my perception of Buddha and understand Buddha from my angle .
    Last year... I started to know the wonderfull world of internat and try to read abt Siddharta and buddha .
    From the webside or even books...I found it very hard to start . I never read more then 50 words in all the so call Buddha so diificult and sorry in boring .
    My purpose here is to learn more on afterlife and Buddha so that give me the confident for me to face my coffin that I could confidently explain to my daughter that when one day I die she will not suffer that one day if her children die she will not suffer....that is my sincere aim...I know is seems selfish but thats me ok in my own awareness at this time....
    "in Malaysia married. with one daughter aged 10" // just some punctuation, as far as i know... there's not much punctuation in asian languages ('like to study languages; japanese is one)

    if you and your loved ones produce good karma,
    you and your loved ones will have a good rebirth... with less suffering.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    theravada includes as much mundane stuff as the others

    ever listened to Thanissaro's audio talk on the internet where he talks about psychic messages from a teacher causing the meditator to be full of fear?

    theravada has as many nutters as any other form of buddhism

    as thanissaro attempts to tap into the Buddhist market, his talks become spookier & more bizzare

    considered learning 'Isaan' instead of Thai?

    then you can chat with the village people about ghosts, magic and stuff
    This reply is nothing but one big ad hominem.
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