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Is it as simple as accepting reality for what it actually is?



  • Total acceptance. The bad. The good.
    So you think we should 'turn the other cheek' whenever an accident occurs?

    ... or maybe we should think that accidents- deliberate or otherwise- are unacceptable
    and do something about them
  • You have a choice. React or Response. Reaction occurs based on our karma or conditioning. A response occurs when we stop and examine the situation at hand. What is best to do at that moment? Hit or not hit. Or walk away.

    I am not saying to be a complete pacifist. When correct action and speech is needed it is needed. We do what we have to do based on the circumstance at hand.

    From the vantage point of total acceptance. Allowing things to be as they are is okay. But it is also okay to help people from suffering. It all depends.

    Hope this clears things up.
  • There is not one answer that can be a standard. Reality moves like water. Respond to things rather than reacting to things. We can only do that if we are mindful of the situation at hand.

    Mindfulness meditation can make us better people. But in the end we make choices. The responsibility is completely ours.
  • No philosophic framework can be put into every situation. At times we need to put aside the philosophies we've acquired and take right action.

    You don't need a philosophy to take your hand away from a burning stove.
    It is hot and you move. When someone needs help you help them. Philosophy will at times prevent people from acting and doing what is right at that moment.

    I used to ignore homeless people, thinking that they got themselves there. But now I don't care how they got there. I take them out to lunch and hear their stories.

    Don't let dogma or philosophy blind you. We all know what to do.

    The mind without heart is nothing. A mind with heart is everything.

    Using wisdom with compassion is the Buddhist way.

    Much love! Save all Beings.
  • Sick responses Taiyaki. I really have nothing else to say. Really well said.
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