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Not being a jerk [official admin thingy]



  • Nothing wrong with disagreeing, so long as it's done respectfully. Openness is fine so long as it doesn't mean openness to anger, nastiness, abuse, flaming, etc.
  • Well if you can't take someone else's anger, it's also difficult. People have ideas about nice ties and Sunday suits in Buddhism sometimes, but the greed, hatred and delusion is not only mine. If that was the only work, wouldn't that be easy. Of course what's what, and where is the line is another issue and Lincoln seems to have a pretty straight head overall.

    Best wishes
  • Right, but it just seems that anger (etc.) is so out of place on a Buddhist site.
  • Right, but it just seems that anger (etc.) is so out of place on a Buddhist site.
    Would any emotion be appropriate in that case? It is not emotion per se that is the problem, surely?

  • Did anyone say "no emotion of any kind allowed"? I just can't get used to the arrogance, anger and nastiness that come up around here, but it seems that the mods are getting it under control, lately.
  • I do agree that the tone has been unpleasant lately. My problem is that anger or deep sadness are just as unskillful but we accept the latter whilst condemning the former. Both are just as problematic.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited February 2011
    This is a good point, Simon, worthy of its own thread, if you ask me.(Please! We need a good, solid, interesting thread, something to sink our teeth into, and chew on awhile...You were always good at that.)
    Sadness is natural. Depression is problematic (I take it that's what you meant).
    There was a thread on anger. Most disagreed that there was such a thing as "healthy anger". Depends on how you conceptualize it: righteous indignation is a good thing, I think. HHDL (your friend) allows himself righteous indignation.
    Both are just as problematic.
  • Right, but it just seems that anger (etc.) is so out of place on a Buddhist site.
    Why is that? Is that because Buddhists vow to forgo greed, hatred and delusion?

    The only way out is through. All good Buddhists know that at the end of the day.

    I believe the really good teachers had something to work with. Granted, we are not talking about blatant anger, but .. actually for a practitioner, s/he has something to work with there... Why is it so out of place. If someone is working through their stuff, it can be OK. I disagree that such things are out of place in the Buddhism world, except for perceived images of halos and shining compassion from the eyes :)

    And in Buddhism extinguishment 'of' is not the same as denial 'of'.

    We vow to work with our states, emotions etc. We are not inhuman though so we all share the same lot as humans including our capacity for reaction, anger etc IMO. So there is capacity for understanding sometimes, sometimes...

    In terms of Sangha, yes again it can be hard but the very substance of anger etc is also for us to support each other through. The people who are most afraid of anger are the ones who do not know it themself, maybe? But in any case, why is it out of place, it's the very work and substance that practicing students have to work with to excel in their Buddhism courses.

    So I guess I am muddying the issues. In this case, perhaps it was right but in general, anger, greed, hatred, delusion, these are the precise working areas of Buddhas. Not indulgence, yes, but examination, used for learning. It can be a tricky course.

    And I agree to the extent of we do not want blatant trolls and crazy people but for eg I know theJourney was a long timer, if he was angry well he would act like an angry person. There are conversations that inflame and there are others that don't. I think Fed's style, is a bit confrontational. But I think Lincoln would have a cool style, I don't fault what happened and I wasn't there so I am not saying much at all on that case.

    Anyway there are many models and ways of looking at things, and this is one of them. If we want to look at Buddha quotes, we can, but perhaps just ask your teacher.

    I have perhaps been a bit incoherent but I have typed this so will just post it. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  • *sigh* I'm tired already. :-/

    But thanks for taking the time to think out and type out your perspective.
    And y'know, I really wasn't talking about Journey. Far from it. Oh well.
    (But yeah, after he was banned, he did get upset and went too far.)
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    I am wondering... Is a first time ban permanent? I remember DD was banned (suspended) for 6 months or something... If thejourney had of accepted his banning graciously would he have been given a second chance after a certain period of time?
  • Good question. But...he didn't accept it graciously, sadly.
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    Thanks to the admins. You are doing a great job and we appreciate it.

    I also like how you introduce a sense of humour to the discussions, showing that we might be Buddhists, but we don't have a stick up our butts. (I especially got a kick out of one of the posters being referred to as "Mr. Buddha pants"....!)
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    @johnathan That was a unique case. We rarely ever use a temporary ban.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited February 2011
    I want to apologize for the nonsense surrounding MindGate/TheUnity the last 2 days. I needed some time to reflect on what was happening before making a decision, and I didn't clearly communicate that to either him or the other moderators. The result was confusion and more hard feelings. My fault entirely.

    He is not banned at this time and it will, I hope, remain that way.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    However, there is this. PRO TIP: If you get banned, don't re-register. Ever. Email me if you want to talk, don't force my hand on the site; it's a terrible way to change my mind.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Is it not possible to ban someone by IP? A great deal of people these days have static IP addresses due to high broadband usage, so it wouldn't require banning a specific locality/range using an expression. Or do we just not wanna do that here? If it's not a built-in function, I'm sure the code would be in the registration method and not be difficult to rig. :) Just seems we're being inundated by clones of banned individuals and it's putting an extra burden on the mods/admins to deal with them. My two cents anyway, having admin/security experience in the past and similar troubles.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    @Cloud It's coming for Vanilla soon so I hate to duplicate the effort. For now I just turned on "Approval" required for new members before they can post. Solved.
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Sorry this has been such an on-going problem. It's gotten really ridiculous. :screwy:

    Some people should seriously reflect on their actions and behaviors. Practice what you preach and whatnot... :shake:
  • @Lincoln, Gotcha. Hopefully not too many new members registering per day, or it would be the same amount of effort. :)
  • "So you can discredit what he is saying and prove him wrong then? You can show that your version of Buddhism is superior to his???

    I see quite a lot of people knocking him, but no one actually able to discredit him in a straightforward, honest manner.

    I am wondering why this is??? Maybe it is because you cannot??"

    I thank you December on behalf of the Lotus Sutra, Chogetsu and Buku.

    One who can receive and uphold
    The Wonderful Dharma Flower Sutra
    You should know the Buddha sent him,
    Out of pity for living beings.
    Those who can receive and hold
    The Wonderful Dharma Flower Sutra,
    Have renounced their pure lands,
    And, pitying beings, have been reborn here.
    You should know that such people,
    Are free to be born wherever they wish,
    And can, in this evil world
    Vastly teach the supreme Dharma.
    One should make offerings of heavenly flowers
    Incense and heavenly jeweled garments,
    And heaven's finest, most marvelous gems,
    To the teachers of this Dharma. [Lotus Sutra Chapter Ten Teachers of the Dharma]

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran
    I always miss the good stuff :p
  • sigh... :banghead:
  • @dhammachick, Come around more often, we have parties here all the time. :rocker:
  • Hi Lotusblossom,
    No thanks needed I am only expressing my opinion.
    I do not think it is fair for someone who is expressing their opinion openly and backing it up with information to be banned. I am sure Lincoln has to put up with a lot of people who misguidedly go about creating more bad karma for themselves, but I certainly don't think Buku or Chogetsu fall into this category.
  • @december, These individuals having opinions and expressing them was not the reason that they were banned.
  • Hi Cloud, so are you permitted to divulge the reason they were banned??
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    @december, Are you permitted to investigate for yourself before making accusations that the mods/admins are not doing their jobs, and are banning people for no good reason?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Hi Cloud, so are you permitted to divulge the reason they were banned??
    I suggest you contact Lincoln and raise the issue with him.
    Suffice to say on forum that correct procedures were followed, but the people banned chose to ignore, argue against, and defy repeated requests to adhere to forum policy.

    See Lincoln.

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    I do not think it is fair for someone who is expressing their opinion openly and backing it up with information to be banned.
    For the last time: He got banned for being a jerk. If you don't understand the difference between "expressing an opinion openly" and "expressing an opinion openly while telling everyone else they are a bunch of uninformed idiots" then this probably isn't the right venue for you.
This discussion has been closed.