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DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited February 2011 in Buddhism Today

This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!]

On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history.

This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged.

A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.


Release Map:

$5 DVD:



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    would this be better in arts and writing or current events, d'you think?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Current Events?
    Thank you!:)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    (Please choose forums with more consideration! Everything gerts dumped in 'Buddhism for beginners' and 50% of the time - it's not the right place!! :rolleyes: :grumble:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    (Please choose forums with more consideration! Everything gerts dumped in 'Buddhism for beginners' and 50% of the time - it's not the right place!! :rolleyes: :grumble:
    Oh, okay.
    Sorry about that, next time I will pay more attention.
    Thanks for the reminder!
  • Thanks Leon.
  • Saw it a while ago. Liked it a lot. Lots of beneficial information in it.
    Recommend it to everyone and everyone's friends. ^_^
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    I Liked the first 2 the point bout moving toward a resource based economy made sense.
  • The Jacques Fresco utopia / Venus Project is a very intriguing idea. It was touched upon on the final section of the second Zeitgeist.

    The third installment took a bit of a different turn, less politically motivated and more along the lines of encouraging tolerance via the tools a modern Westerner knows how to work with: Raw data and facts, statistics and new biological discoveries.

    And oh boy did it work for the three others that I watched it with, the four us of sat with our eyes pinned open in awe for what felt like every bit of four hours.

    The implicit and explicit memory stands out as the hallmark of Zeitgeist 3's psychological focus. The trinket library and ergonomic city design stand as the hallmarks of the utopian focus.
  • beingbeing Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I loved the fact, that the 3rd part had pretty much no references to any conspiracy theories, but instead had lots and lots of very beneficial information from very experienced and knowledgeable people.
    This is also the reason why I actually feel obligated to share this movie with everyone I know, unlike with the first two Zeitgeist movies.
  • JoshuaJoshua Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Were the first two conspiracies in the sense that they have a probable chance at being wrong?

    Whereas many draw personal conclusions that are false, the facts remain true. Maybe the 9/11 planes weren't holograms like some on YouTube say, but that's an interpretation, the fact is it was a demonstrated and proven hoax. Though the press isn't free in the States my friends in South America inform me what their television feeds them, about how the bankers in the States have already all been bailed out and only China's strategic strangle-hold keeps our financial system from collapsing. No interpretations, just sad facts. Eh, the first part of the first movie has become notorious and there was a counter-counter-attack book released which I read and can say that it did a fine job at reifying that "interpretation". The rest was just history and quotes on the three federal reserves and the initial British one in the States. Facts.
  • Eh, the first part of the first movie has become notorious and there was a counter-counter-attack book released which I read and can say that it did a fine job at reifying that "interpretation". The rest was just history and quotes on the three federal reserves and the initial British one in the States. Facts.
    Could you elaborate on the book? Are you saying that the official biblical stories are true?

    I've watched the first 2 and I'm looking forward to viewing the 3rd. Thank you, LeonBasin, for posting the links. The Venus Project is an interesting concept.

  • Isn't this the movie that said Christ was a constellation or something?
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I loved the fact, that the 3rd part had pretty much no references to any conspiracy theories, but instead had lots and lots of very beneficial information from very experienced and knowledgeable people.
    This is also the reason why I actually feel obligated to share this movie with everyone I know, unlike with the first two Zeitgeist movies.
    Same here!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Eh, the first part of the first movie has become notorious and there was a counter-counter-attack book released which I read and can say that it did a fine job at reifying that "interpretation". The rest was just history and quotes on the three federal reserves and the initial British one in the States. Facts.
    Could you elaborate on the book? Are you saying that the official biblical stories are true?

    I've watched the first 2 and I'm looking forward to viewing the 3rd. Thank you, LeonBasin, for posting the links. The Venus Project is an interesting concept.

  • yeah it was good.

    I also disliked the first one; all over the place, all kind of crazy theories without any backing.

    But this one was great.
    I had a hard time resisting the temptation to judge the second part as "communist crap that wouldn't work" tho.

    And they don't really address most of the questions that their theory would raise, such as how to make the transition to this new system, the enormous amount of work required to build everything (who would do it), and the ridiculous amount of unpaid work that would be required before we have achieved enough automatization etc...

    But the first half is definitively worth watching.

    They have many interesting speakers, even have Robert Sapolsky which is a fascinating person and have some of the most fascinating speach and talks (you can find many on the web and youtube)

  • Eh, the first part of the first movie has become notorious and there was a counter-counter-attack book released which I read and can say that it did a fine job at reifying that "interpretation". The rest was just history and quotes on the three federal reserves and the initial British one in the States. Facts.
    Could you elaborate on the book? Are you saying that the official biblical stories are true?

    I've watched the first 2 and I'm looking forward to viewing the 3rd. Thank you, LeonBasin, for posting the links. The Venus Project is an interesting concept.

    Since it's illegal to pirate things I won't encourage it.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    yeah it was good.

    I also disliked the first one; all over the place, all kind of crazy theories without any backing.

    But this one was great.
    I had a hard time resisting the temptation to judge the second part as "communist crap that wouldn't work" tho.

    And they don't really address most of the questions that their theory would raise, such as how to make the transition to this new system, the enormous amount of work required to build everything (who would do it), and the ridiculous amount of unpaid work that would be required before we have achieved enough automatization etc...

    But the first half is definitively worth watching.

    They have many interesting speakers, even have Robert Sapolsky which is a fascinating person and have some of the most fascinating speach and talks (you can find many on the web and youtube)

    Less conspiracies and more facts and the like.
    However, still not enough information on what we can do and where we can start...
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    yeah it was good.

    I also disliked the first one; all over the place, all kind of crazy theories without any backing.

    But this one was great.
    I had a hard time resisting the temptation to judge the second part as "communist crap that wouldn't work" tho.

    And they don't really address most of the questions that their theory would raise, such as how to make the transition to this new system, the enormous amount of work required to build everything (who would do it), and the ridiculous amount of unpaid work that would be required before we have achieved enough automatization etc...

    But the first half is definitively worth watching.

    They have many interesting speakers, even have Robert Sapolsky which is a fascinating person and have some of the most fascinating speach and talks (you can find many on the web and youtube)

    I agree!
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    The movement reminds me of Scientology but without the e-meters, Xenu, and lawsuits.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    The movement reminds me of Scientology but without the e-meters, Xenu, and lawsuits.
    Why do you say that?
  • B5CB5C Veteran

    Why do you say that?
    No money, barter, trade or property: The monetary value of commodities does not represent the actual physical supply of natural resources, or their utilitarian value, which is integral to the success of the type of sustainable global society that the Zeitgeist Movement advocates. Income is a requirement for individuals to sustain life in a monetary system, so this in turn creates the need for commodities to be continuously bought and sold and for goods to be continuously produced, in order to make sure that the operation of social functions is maintained. This, combined with competition over market share, creates an abundance of goods that usually exceeds the demand for them, which in turn depletes natural resources and may create excessive waste. Furthermore, the profit motive inherent in a monetary system creates an incentive to increase profits regardless of the impact on human beings or the environment. When labor is displaced or outsourced, it either removes a laborer's source of sustenance, or takes advantage of inexpensive laborers. Certain manufacturers and corporations have been noted to contaminate the environment by dumping their by-products and waste materials instead of disposing of them properly, in order to save money. Other manufacturers have been known to take advantage of a process called planned obsolescence in order to increase sales of their products over time. With universal access to goods and services provided by a sustainable means of production based on resource availability, optimization and preservation, these problems of a monetary economy can be overcome.
    Automation: Machine automation is more productive than human labor and replaces the need for people to perform repetitive and tedious tasks.
    Reminds me of too much science fiction utopia. A utopia can not happen.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

    Why do you say that?
    No money, barter, trade or property: The monetary value of commodities does not represent the actual physical supply of natural resources, or their utilitarian value, which is integral to the success of the type of sustainable global society that the Zeitgeist Movement advocates. Income is a requirement for individuals to sustain life in a monetary system, so this in turn creates the need for commodities to be continuously bought and sold and for goods to be continuously produced, in order to make sure that the operation of social functions is maintained. This, combined with competition over market share, creates an abundance of goods that usually exceeds the demand for them, which in turn depletes natural resources and may create excessive waste. Furthermore, the profit motive inherent in a monetary system creates an incentive to increase profits regardless of the impact on human beings or the environment. When labor is displaced or outsourced, it either removes a laborer's source of sustenance, or takes advantage of inexpensive laborers. Certain manufacturers and corporations have been noted to contaminate the environment by dumping their by-products and waste materials instead of disposing of them properly, in order to save money. Other manufacturers have been known to take advantage of a process called planned obsolescence in order to increase sales of their products over time. With universal access to goods and services provided by a sustainable means of production based on resource availability, optimization and preservation, these problems of a monetary economy can be overcome.
    Automation: Machine automation is more productive than human labor and replaces the need for people to perform repetitive and tedious tasks.
    Reminds me of too much science fiction utopia. A utopia can not happen.
    You don't believe in utopia?
    Are you religious?
  • It can happen - we just have to want it.

    As it is now, there are simply too many who believe that profit = success = happiness.

    If that changes and enough people wake up to what is real, it will happen.

    In fact, I believe the change is beginning to happen now.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    It can happen - we just have to want it.

    As it is now, there are simply too many who believe that profit = success = happiness.

    If that changes and enough people wake up to what is real, it will happen.

    In fact, I believe the change is beginning to happen now.
    Wake up to what may I ask?
    I am wondering what you believe in or think?
    What is reality to you?
    Just asking.
    Hope you don't mind.
  • Considering the amount of times people have given everything they had for a utopia and had it end in disaster, I think it has been proven that the idea of a utopia goes against the nature of our world and is doomed to fail.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Considering the amount of times people have given everything they had for a utopia and had it end in disaster, I think it has been proven that the idea of a utopia goes against the nature of our world and is doomed to fail.
    I think you might be right.

  • Wake up to what may I ask?
    I am wondering what you believe in or think?
    What is reality to you?
    Just asking.
    Hope you don't mind.
    interesting questions - and no i don't mind at all

    i don't have any preconceived ideas but i believe we are continually evolving - i don't think we can assume that the evolution of human understanding has reached the end of the line - i'm not sure where it is going to take us but i think it will be a result of greater awareness

    i think we have encountered a few detours along the way and made some mistakes due to greed and selfishness - those mistakes have led to a disparity among people that could change if the currency was to become kindness instead of money and wealth measured not by how much you have but how much you give

    i realize that concept itself may sound "utopian" but in the community where i live there is not much money left - we have pulled together and we help each other - instead of doing things with expectation of reward, we do things simply to be of service and those who have give freely to those who have not

    it has lead me to believe that "making a life is giving and making a living is taking" (i didn't make that up, i heard it somewhere and now it makes a lot of sense to me)

    as for your question "what is reality?" - i don't know but i am trying to sift through the layers of illusion and prejudice that i have built up over the lifetimes to get a better view - some days it seems clearer than others but that too may be an illusion

    as a musician, i find there are moments when everything seems to be in resonance and the music flows without effort - at those moments i feel like a bit player in something much larger, as if i am just a servant to the music - the music brings joy and if i can get myself out of the way and do my "bit" that joy can be shared with everyone

    it was those musical experiences that initially started me on this path
  • I see it very strictly related to the level of awareness people have.
    The more aware we become, the more closer we will get to a new system.
    Of course it won't happen over-night all over the world. That would be ridiculous to hope for. But it could start very soon with tiny communities, if there's enough people who are aware and want to change.
    I see people becoming more aware all the time and it's only growing.

    Wake up to what? To the fact, that our current economy system is not sustainable & how it actually creates A LOT OF suffering and disconnection between people & how it promotes dysfunctional values etc.
    Funny that you would ask this after seeing this film. =P

    Of course it's not only about the economy system. The people have to come to certain understandings, before the system can change. The change starts from the individuals, not from changing the system.
  • Considering the amount of times people have given everything they had for a utopia and had it end in disaster, I think it has been proven that the idea of a utopia goes against the nature of our world and is doomed to fail.
    depending on what is your definition of Utopia.

    If your definition is a world were the balance is maintain, then almost all of the animal habitats and societies are Utopian.

    This doesn't sound so difficult to me as it is the natural way of being.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

    Wake up to what may I ask?
    I am wondering what you believe in or think?
    What is reality to you?
    Just asking.
    Hope you don't mind.
    interesting questions - and no i don't mind at all

    i don't have any preconceived ideas but i believe we are continually evolving - i don't think we can assume that the evolution of human understanding has reached the end of the line - i'm not sure where it is going to take us but i think it will be a result of greater awareness

    i think we have encountered a few detours along the way and made some mistakes due to greed and selfishness - those mistakes have led to a disparity among people that could change if the currency was to become kindness instead of money and wealth measured not by how much you have but how much you give

    i realize that concept itself may sound "utopian" but in the community where i live there is not much money left - we have pulled together and we help each other - instead of doing things with expectation of reward, we do things simply to be of service and those who have give freely to those who have not

    it has lead me to believe that "making a life is giving and making a living is taking" (i didn't make that up, i heard it somewhere and now it makes a lot of sense to me)

    as for your question "what is reality?" - i don't know but i am trying to sift through the layers of illusion and prejudice that i have built up over the lifetimes to get a better view - some days it seems clearer than others but that too may be an illusion

    as a musician, i find there are moments when everything seems to be in resonance and the music flows without effort - at those moments i feel like a bit player in something much larger, as if i am just a servant to the music - the music brings joy and if i can get myself out of the way and do my "bit" that joy can be shared with everyone

    it was those musical experiences that initially started me on this path
    Thank you for sharing!
    I am wondering where you live?
    What community?
    I want to visit!
    As I live in the most dangerous place...
    California...Silicon Valley...
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I see it very strictly related to the level of awareness people have.
    The more aware we become, the more closer we will get to a new system.
    Of course it won't happen over-night all over the world. That would be ridiculous to hope for. But it could start very soon with tiny communities, if there's enough people who are aware and want to change.
    I see people becoming more aware all the time and it's only growing.

    Wake up to what? To the fact, that our current economy system is not sustainable & how it actually creates A LOT OF suffering and disconnection between people & how it promotes dysfunctional values etc.
    Funny that you would ask this after seeing this film. =P

    Of course it's not only about the economy system. The people have to come to certain understandings, before the system can change. The change starts from the individuals, not from changing the system.
    I ask because everyone has their own belief,system,values,ethics and so on...
    Therefore, I had to ask...
  • B5CB5C Veteran

    You don't believe in utopia?
    Are you religious?
  • I ask because everyone has their own belief,system,values,ethics and so on...
    Therefore, I had to ask...
    Yes, I understand actually. Sorry if I sounded offensive. -__-
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I ask because everyone has their own belief,system,values,ethics and so on...
    Therefore, I had to ask...
    Yes, I understand actually. Sorry if I sounded offensive. -__-
    Not at all.
    Thank you!
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Very good film, Our interconectivity cannot be denied when a system that supports working in the interest of self alone is accepted as the norm suffering will always remain as the norm.
    When something is built from the ground up on faulty values of self cherishing and without care or compassion for others needs and welfare this is the path to self destruction the very antithesis of what perceived need we built the system on in the first place.

    Of course all change starts within the mind, In the event of massive collapse of monatery systems I fear that our repeated conditioning will lead us straight back to the path of insanity.
  • I believe in Utopia, at least in a universe where Lois & Clark: The Adventures of Superman was real.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Utopia cannot work in Samsara, So long as people are essentially grasping at selfishness how on earth could they work for the benifit of others ? Utopia is but a name of a place where everyone can work for the well being of all. This place cannot function in Samsara. Utopia in nivarna on the other hand...:)
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Samsara's not a place. Utopia would be essentially everyone acting selflessly. However the paradox comes up where if everyone abandons fully the ten fetters, there's no sexual drive left. My solution... world full of partially-awakened beings, stream-entrants or what have you. Awake enough to at least know that the selfless path is the right one. It could happen. (wishful thinking) It would take a long time though; first Buddhism would have to become the predominant "religion". What society teaches itself (its young) is really what becomes the state of society.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Samsara's not a place. Utopia would be essentially everyone acting selflessly. However the paradox comes up where if everyone abandons fully the ten fetters, there's no sexual drive left. My solution... world full of partially-awakened beings, stream-entrants or what have you. Awake enough to at least know that the selfless path is the right one. It could happen. (wishful thinking) It would take a long time though; first Buddhism would have to become the predominant "religion". What society teaches itself (its young) is really what becomes the state of society.
    Have to disagree with you there cloud Samsara is as much of a place as it is a state of mind, The place of Samsara being everything that our deluded minds apprehend.
  • Then it's not a disagreement, but a different definition of Samsara. That's all. :)
  • nirvana is a utopia, isn't it?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Nirvana is non-clinging, i.e. the non-clinging mind, and as such is imperturbable peace... but only for the mind that has realized it (is this way through penetration of the Four Noble Truths). As for the rest of the world, well, not so much.
  • if you can reincarnate in nirvana, it may be a "place as well", a "place" were people have the state of mind known as nirvana.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Can't even respond to that. Seriously. :) Back to the Four Noble Truths... away!
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    if you can reincarnate in nirvana, it may be a "place as well", a "place" were people have the state of mind known as nirvana.
    All places are perceived phenomena when one says Samsara is a place it is said from the sense of it is a place that is cognised by the mind ( Deluded ) That apprehends it, Nivarna can be a place but again it would have to be perceived a Buddha whom has accomplished elimaination of all delusion would only cognise pure things, But these phenomena do not exist the way they appear, So calling Samsara a place or nivarna a place should be made known in the context of that which is perceived with the mind.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited February 2011
    What is going to prevent this so-called "Science Fiction Utopia" from turning into a "Science Fiction Dictatorship"?

    There have been "utopias" of sorts in the past, according to the Suttas. These are times when the entire populace keeps the five precepts and there is a "Wheel Turning Monarch". During such times the human life span can supposedly increase to be many thousands of years.

    When the unenlightened Bodhisatta (Buddha-to-be) was born it was predicted that he would either become a Wheel Turning Monarch or a Buddha. His father tried his best to guide him in the direction of becoming a Wheel Turning Monarch. Fortunately, he became the Buddha instead.

    Although it may be a pleasant existence for a long time for many beings if there were a Wheel Turning Monarch and a Utopian society, it would still be impermanent. It may be like a heaven on earth, but we would still have the problem of birth, old age, sickness and death.

    Wheel Turning Monarchs can make our lives less problematic and help us to enjoy a greater quality of life (at least in this lifetime) but only Buddhas can help us escape Samsara once and for all. Therefore the benefits of a Buddha appearing in the world are far superior to a Wheel Turning Monarch/Utopia.

    Utopias may be the highest worldly goal, but the Cessation of Suffering is the highest spiritual goal.
  • Nirvana is not "a place" it is an extinction. The word Nirvana means "gone out", as a flame "goes out". If you can be reborn in a place, you will die in that place too. Birth is the proximate cause for death.
  • beingbeing Veteran
    A little bump with a nice edited clip of the intro speech of Zeitgeist - Moving Forward:
  • I only watched a bit of the first film. Too much nonsensical conspiracy crap. This one sounds like too much unrealistic pipe dream crap.
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