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no problemo

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Did you ever notice how much of what appears in this forum or in day-to-day conversation concerns some difficulty or something that's 'wrong?' And that conversations about what is OK or all right sometimes dissolve into smarmy expositions about the wonders of Buddhism or something similar?

Not criticizing here ... just noticing what seems to be an interesting and popular habit.


  • Welcome to basic human nature :)
  • @genkaku, I could be tired but I don't follow. Give an example?
  • edited February 2011
    Okay to read into this: It would be cool to know people's ages to decide if you want to reply.

    Talking with teenagers is different from talking with young adults is different from talking with adults.

    I apologize to all the teenagers and the young adults and the adults. :D :bowdown:
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Yes, but the question to ask now is: Is the "smarminess" coming from the other people or is it simply a result of how one is perceiving the situation? Perhaps because one does not like the actual fundamental solution to the problem. It's quite easy to perceive a solution as "smarmy" when what is said is not what one want's to hear.
  • The musician 'David Byrne' once or twice remarked: 'heaven is a place where nothing ever happens'

    Were we all at peace maybe there would not be quite the fuss and commotion you notice online, or day-to-day. Wrong can certainly be the case, but it can also be a case of sorting, arranging, organizing and working it out.

    No problemo? Isn't this a time when we also tend to generate activities/problems/situations?
  • edited February 2011
    FWIW, I think it is "No problem_a_," not "problem_o_." Could save you embarassment next time youre in Spain or Mexico. :D No biggie..., er..., or is it No biggo?

    People are working things out, it's hard work. Typing it all in alone, as opposed to having a nice cup of tea or coffee talking with the person makes it worse.
  • edited February 2011
    Well, what is your point, genkaku? This fairly recent spate of threads on personal problems is a change from the forum's more usual menu. Stick around, and the trend may fade, and other types of topics may become popular. There's an ebb and flow to types of topics here, depending on an ever-changing membership.

    I think it's best not to identify people by age or age-range. Some of the teens come up with really interesting threads and comments from time to time. There might be too much of a risk that some members might be patronizing or condescending to the younger ones. Right now we have equality, and that's a good thing.
  • The new formst no longer displays age or location, both of which I would greatly value, @Lincoln. Members could be able to share or not share that information. It provides context.

    Of course there is a possible downside but my experience, both here and elsewhere, where such information has led to stereotyping or casual racism, either the group ethos has expressed itself, or, in extreme cases, direct moderation has been effective.

    Just because we may hold certain beliefs about the 'best' way to be, we also need to be careful not to miss the 'better': of course, it would be ideal were we to be able to engage across social,age, cultural differences. And, at the same time, I deeply appreciate learning from members here including our differences.

    I can also avoid the old man's trap (sometimes, I hope), of challenging my own suspicion that it was all better 'back then', even if 'back then' is the nostalgia that I feel for the old interface and structure.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Is that something wrong Genkaku? just kidding
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Is that something wrong Genkaku?

    Well, I don't see it as wrong ... just a habit, I imagine, and as I understand it, Buddhism asks us to examine our habits.
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