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Who is with me to do a 30 day Facebook Fast?



  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I used to have a Facebook account to keep in touch with family, but what it turned into was a Farmville account, and that's all family members and friends wanted to do on the thing too (most of them). So much for being social. That's why I deactivated it, it had become an attachment to a game, and I was getting on frequently to make sure I could "get as much out of it as I could" by making sure crops were harvested and planted right away...

    I was always getting led into attachment, into clinging. So sad. :)
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited March 2011
    what don't like about FB is that their customers are actually advertisers; they sell the information of their users to them. besides silly games, there's no much ways for attachment in FB.

    also, some users share information that should be kept private (or not completely public).

    I have almost a week without log-ing in, and don't miss FB.
  • I'll start a facebook fast of 7days. I've choked up too much time online and neglected my life. If I can complete this fast for 7days then I'll do a 30 days Facebook Fast :)
  • Why stop at 30 days, give it up for life !
  • I just deleted my FB account "permanently" (never sure with FB).
    it is too gossipy and trivial, not conducive to good frienships (chat, and actually talking is much better).
  • I've been on an FB fast since October and haven't missed it one bit...
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