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Who is with me to do a 30 day Facebook Fast?

DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
I am going to be going on a Facebook fast who is with me?
What do you guys think about Facebook by the way?
A tool and how one uses it I guess.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Giving facebook up for Lent....?

    Good grief.....! :rolleyes:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Giving facebook up for Lent....?

    Good grief.....! :rolleyes:
    Giving up Facebook for meditation/school/work...
    I might deactivate it all together!!!
  • I rarely look at facebook. Maybe once a month. Most of my 'friends' are homebrewers who I enjoy talking about beer with but have nothing whatsoever in common with. So my news feeds are all not of interest. I do put some photos and you tube things on my profile occasionally. Moreso when I used to drink unfortunately.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I rarely look at facebook. Maybe once a month. Most of my 'friends' are homebrewers who I enjoy talking about beer with but have nothing whatsoever in common with. So my news feeds are all not of interest. I do put some photos and you tube things on my profile occasionally. Moreso when I used to drink unfortunately.
    Glad you sober now!
    Yea, Facebook is annoying when you have your friends posting that they are taking a crap... or that they are single now...
  • I gave it up completely a while ago.
    After a week or so I didn't miss it anymore..
    Now I really wonder I ever used it.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I gave it up completely a while ago.
    After a week or so I didn't miss it anymore..
    Now I really wonder I ever used it.
    Is Facebook considered a modern relative/family/friends directory?
  • Sorry dude, can't join you on this one cos I have no facebook a/c.

    Perhaps I can join you in a forum fast if you start one. :)
    I am going to be going on a Facebook fast who is with me?
    What do you guys think about Facebook by the way?
    A tool and how one uses it I guess.
  • I committed facebook suicide about 2.5 years ago. It's done me no harm, I think.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    I'm on day number 180-or-so of my Facebook "fast". :p
  • Leon, seems like you're either one of the few left with a FB account or most with one just don't want to give it up for any amount of time. :D
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Sorry dude, can't join you on this one cos I have no facebook a/c.

    Perhaps I can join you in a forum fast if you start one. :)
    I am going to be going on a Facebook fast who is with me?
    What do you guys think about Facebook by the way?
    A tool and how one uses it I guess.
    That was going to be my next one.
    I also wanted to do a 7 day no computer fast and use my Ipod for checking emails.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I'm on day number 180-or-so of my Facebook "fast". :p
    Wow nice!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Leon, seems like you're either one of the few left with a FB account or most with one just don't want to give it up for any amount of time. :D
    I guess I am holding on because of some friends?
    But then I guess I can use my cell phone, but even with that I need to cut it down...
  • facebook doesn't respect privacy, there should be better alternatives.

    either way, the "social website" that I really use is deviantArt.
  • DeformedDeformed Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I am going to be going on a Facebook fast who is with me?
    What do you guys think about Facebook by the way?
    A tool and how one uses it I guess.
    I have been "fasting" indefinitely for a year, and will not return.

    It seems to cheapen relationships and feed narcissism. It gives people the opportunity to show the "ideal me". But that's what it largely is about, isn't it? All about "me"?

    And now, Facebook has developed it into a powerful marketing tool. For instance, if you post "I'm looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom at Starbucks", it will automatically create a link in that sentence that takes you to the Starbucks page. Essentially, it turns statements into commercials. I find that disturbing, and won't support it.

    Yes, it depends on how one uses Facebook, but in my current view, signing up already places you in a web of marketing and a narciss-skewed reflection of reality to navigate through.

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    If your friend only talks to you on Facebook, then I'd reevaluate that label for them.
  • I hate Facebook :)
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited February 2011
    It's just like any other addiction. I was never really active on it until school started last summer. It became a good way to keep up with class mates who are physically located very far from my distance ed location. However, when we found out that "some people" from the university were apparently snooping on what we students were posting, I immediately closed my FB account and had all my information deleted (as much as it's possible to do). Haven't been on it since back in September/October, and I really don't miss it. It's an incredible waste of time.

    I also found that I was spending way too much time arguing pointlessly with people (some of whom I knew and some of whom I didn't) who were on the far right fringe politically, and it was both frustrating and irritating, in addition to being a waste of my time and energy.

  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    I'm with you Leon, when you starting?

    I have contemplated leaving all together. This would be a good warm up.
  • I deleted my account about 10 months ago and signed in maybe 7 months later, all of my photos, friends etc was still kept. They seem to keep your details and account ready incase you want it back o.O

    I again have come to realize I never go on it. I always get this sense of facebook being one huge ego, a collective ego of the world. I tried adding the dalai lama and ajahn brahm, but they have too many friends :( hahahaha
  • @ThailandTom
    you de-activated your account, there's a way for a "permanent" delete.
  • I will do a lifetime facebook fast, starting from now!
  • Avoiding ego is ego.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I'm with you Leon, when you starting?

    I have contemplated leaving all together. This would be a good warm up.
    I have already started!:)
    I am going to be fasting with the news and the computer as well.
    Let's get started!
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Avoiding ego is ego.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I will do a lifetime facebook fast, starting from now!
    You go!:)
  • beingbeing Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Avoiding ego is ego.
    And not fueling the ego or 'egotistical state of consciousness' is wise action. :)
  • I don't use Facebook and I support your fast - 30 days or permanently!
  • @ThailandTom
    you de-activated your account, there's a way for a "permanent" delete.
    Really? I couldn't find it... and I looked all over the settings!
  • Hi mugzy try this

    I got fed up with Facebook and wanted to do more than just de-activate my account.
  • edited February 2011
    I never joined because I'm _un_happily_ waiting for something to go wrong with that massive infinitely plump-and-ripe plum of personal information.

    Like a catastrophic Bulgarian "hacking" of the site resulting in complete identity theft with huge personal debt leading to bankruptcy and a pair of police detectives arresting you for murder at work.

    Oh!? Did I mention "pod people" who look exactly like your 100 friends showing up at your front door with plans of staying with you for a month?

    Finally? You look into your bathroom mirror and your reflection is missing (nothing to do with vampires either).

  • I'm with you dude. It's time to drop it. I think I have enough intelligence now to realize that it's not useful. Let's see how long I last, it's going to be permanently deleted in 14 days!

  • I'm in! I have been wondering lately why I even sign on at least once a day to read the posts. Most of the time, I find the updates to be rather hollow or mindless. A waste of time.
  • DeformedDeformed Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Good to see some people here abandoning "Me World". Aside from being a colossal waste of time, I wonder how it has affected mental health.

    Speaking of Facebook, why do the posts on this site look kind of like Facebook posts? :)

  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited February 2011
    you de-activated your account, there's a way for a "permanent" delete.
    Really? I couldn't find it... and I looked all over the settings!
    facebook makes it difficult to permanently close an account by hiding the direct link...
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I'm with you dude. It's time to drop it. I think I have enough intelligence now to realize that it's not useful. Let's see how long I last, it's going to be permanently deleted in 14 days!

    I have started!
    Let's do it.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I'm in! I have been wondering lately why I even sign on at least once a day to read the posts. Most of the time, I find the updates to be rather hollow or mindless. A waste of time.
  • Hi mugzy try this

    I got fed up with Facebook and wanted to do more than just de-activate my account.
    YES that's it, I couldn't find it anywhere! Of course now it requires you to sign in, thus reactivating the account, but whatever. I will finally be able to permanently delete that garbage!
  • I quit a few days ago. And I feel much better now. I'm slowly turning away from everything though....TV, the news, facebook, sports.....In a sense I'm running away (not that it's a struggle in any way) from all things current and popular....I hope that doesn't make me a boring person to (not)talk with for average joes.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I quit a few days ago. And I feel much better now. I'm slowly turning away from everything though....TV, the news, facebook, sports.....In a sense I'm running away (not that it's a struggle in any way) from all things current and popular....I hope that doesn't make me a boring person to (not)talk with for average joes.
    It might... Lol! Teasing. It's okay doing exact same thing. Keys do it together!
  • I'm seriously considering deleting or deactivating my FB account...
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I'm seriously considering deleting or deactivating my FB account...
    Let's do it!
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    K I'm in. I have some friends that I don't want anymore. And really the only opportunities that have come up to hang out were over facebook.


    Let's see how she goes.
  • I'm on an infinite-day Facebook fast, does that count?
  • Avoiding ego is ego.
    Avoiding Facebook is good for you though. Ego or not.
  • perhaps it would be a little bit of help to you if you block the websites you do not want to visit anymore.

    here's how with firefox
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited March 2011
    I will ask for the 1% of e-mail or phone numbers that I'm missing.
    Then I will permanently delete my account.
  • update: since I was using FB to organize an extended family reunion, I will keep the account.
    however, I will not log-in in some weeks and will probably deactivate or delete the account after the reunion.
  • Ehh. I have no problem with Facebook and it's how I keep up with most of my family and friends (seeing as we all live hundreds of miles apart now and are busy with all our own lives).
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