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Sick.... :(

zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifelessin a dry wasteland Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
all of these sick people i interact with in the day to day finally got to me! i've got the fever, sniffling, sore throat, dry cough, sleep-like-death sort... haha.

this is day two and i am feeling a lot better (vs. the sleepathon that was yesterday). thus far i have been taking emergen c, garlic, and an expectorant to help break up the mucus in my lungs. oh, and i've been taking tiny sips of jagermeister when my throat gets really bad (it's actually an amazing cough syrup. it has 56 herbs including licorice, ginseng, and ginger. plus alcohol to numb/sterilize.)

i would like to meditate, but i'm just not sure i have the energy for it. i keep wondering if it would be more beneficial or harmful to me. any thoughts on this?

tomorrow is a work day and i am REALLY hoping i will be better by then. just wondering if anyone has any recommendations to help bounce back after an illness. i can tell i'm already over the hump of this thing, so seeing a doctor really isn't necessary. more curious about homeopathic remedies and the sort. like cayenne pepper, for one example...


  • I was told that for viral infections- taking things to rid of headaches was not a good idea. The body warms up so that viruses cannot spread, and the pain is from these certain cells releasing chemicals to activate other cells to eat the virus. I know how you feel, but if you think about the pain, it's bad. But if you meditate and just realise that it's just a feeling, it isn't that bad, it's just a feeling instead of an unpleasant one.

    Get better.
  • Hi Zombiegirl.

    I give you the good old doctors advice: just lay down and relax.
    You can't decide if you are healthy tomorrow, it isn't up to you. All your worrying is taking away energy from your body that can help you restore. Because when you worry, your heart rate goes up, breathing is faster, you tighten your muscles etc.

    So yes, do a meditation, you can also do it lying down, it will be beneficial. It doesn't need to be deep. No matter if you fall asleep or anything. Just RELAX. Take a cup of tea. :coffee: Being sick is nice.

    Sabre :vimp:
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I was told that for viral infections- taking things to rid of headaches was not a good idea. The body warms up so that viruses cannot spread, and the pain is from these certain cells releasing chemicals to activate other cells to eat the virus. I know how you feel, but if you think about the pain, it's bad. But if you meditate and just realise that it's just a feeling, it isn't that bad, it's just a feeling instead of an unpleasant one.

    Get better.
    hm, that's interesting. i have been told something similar, but it had more to do with the fever reducing properties of most pain killers. i really do try not to take anything and just let my body do its thing, but yesterday i got to the point where i had to take something. it's interesting to know the reason behind the headache though.

    thanks for your advice and well wishes! appreciate it :)
  • Chicken soup :p I really know nothing of homeopathic remedies, so anything I suggest would be pointless. I just hope you get well soon :)
    We all get ill from time to time, I have had the worse bad luck over the past 2 months, a lot of negative kamma has ripened. Food poisoning, stitches down my left side of my body due to an accident, breaking and smashing everything, just total blah lol. BUT, I just look at it and smile, it is what it is and there is little I can do.
    I would just drink lots of fluids if I was you and let your body do the work. A little meditation would probably help with your mental state of mind without sapping you of energy. I once heard of a monk of the forest tradition who meditated through a fever due to malaria. He managed to find a cool calm place among the fire of his fever.

    All the best, Tom
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    sabre, your comment brought a smile to my face :) thank you. i think you are probably right.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    tom, sorry to hear about your recent bad luck! as much as this fever sucks, i would gladly have this illness instead of food poisoning again. ugh. brutal.

    interesting story about that monk, perhaps i will have to try this.
  • I was told that for viral infections- taking things to rid of headaches was not a good idea. The body warms up so that viruses cannot spread, and the pain is from these certain cells releasing chemicals to activate other cells to eat the virus. I know how you feel, but if you think about the pain, it's bad. But if you meditate and just realise that it's just a feeling, it isn't that bad, it's just a feeling instead of an unpleasant one.

    Get better.
    hm, that's interesting. i have been told something similar, but it had more to do with the fever reducing properties of most pain killers. i really do try not to take anything and just let my body do its thing, but yesterday i got to the point where i had to take something. it's interesting to know the reason behind the headache though.

    thanks for your advice and well wishes! appreciate it :)

    No problem! And I understand, medicine is all right to take if you actually need it- so if it gets too intense, I don't that you need to take something, but if the pain is terrible, you should. Sabre is right- the best thing to do is relax. Being active or worrying takes away energy and makes you feel even worse physically and mentally, and no one needs that. Have a nice day off and drink plenty of water and have a nice, healthy meal.
  • Fluids like Gatorade may help with the headache. Hydration is important at times like this.
  • Your body only require relatively small quantity of simple vegetable, rice, pastries, noodle, bread, fruits for nourishment. 90 percents has to "work on" mental on emptiness and peace. The reason you suffered headache because there is a head, if no head, the ache never would have a location to explore and attack :p
  • "The reason you suffered headache because there is a head, if no head, the ache never would have a location to explore and attack :p"

    Good one :) maybe humor can help the headache?
  • maybe pain killers might be able to help the headache, just a crazy thought! lol. But with this type of illness as many have stated, it is important to keep drinking water.

    Wish you all the best, look on the bright side. Everything is impermanent and it is better than being sick in the mind :)
  • JoshuaJoshua Veteran
    edited February 2011
    I'm jealous, I'd be sick if I could have some freaking Jagermeister. I'm always stuck with cheap rum.

    Erm, on subject, not for the lungs but you ought to see just how much some obscenely spicey food or cayenne pepper would help.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    I'm jealous, I'd be sick if I could have some freaking Jagermeister. I'm always stuck with cheap rum.

    Erm, on subject, not for the lungs but you ought to see just how much some obscenely spicey food or cayenne pepper would help.
    you know, i actually did make myself a lemon tea/cayenne pepper drink last night. it was disgusting, but it um, definitely got some fluids moving, lol.

    and about jagermeister, it is expensive! but they sell it in these cute little 50ml bottles for a few bucks. it seems most alcohols come in tiny trial sizes these days.
  • edited February 2011
    Definitely get some "Cold-eze" for next time.

    Also consider this: Proboost (might be quackery, then it might not be)

    I'm not a real doctor but I play one while watching TV.

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    When one cant meditate one can always try to chant :)
  • Sorry that you are sick, Zombie. I had the flu 2 weeks ago and it was as sick as I can ever remember feeling. I did not meditate for a few days. I feel I lost some clarity and had a general sense of unease. It was an involuntary experiment of sorts.
  • When I'm sick, unless I'm throwing up I'm hoped up on drugs and sent to school. The worst part is the sinuses. I swear who ever invented that medicine that gets rid os sinus pressure is a god. But you should drink alot of fluids, when I was suck I drank about 2 liters of water a day. If you have to go to work take sone medicine right before you leave so it last the whole day.
  • I'm jealous, I'd be sick if I could have some freaking Jagermeister. I'm always stuck with cheap rum.

    Erm, on subject, not for the lungs but you ought to see just how much some obscenely spicey food or cayenne pepper would help.
    you know, i actually did make myself a lemon tea/cayenne pepper drink last night. it was disgusting, but it um, definitely got some fluids moving, lol.

    and about jagermeister, it is expensive! but they sell it in these cute little 50ml bottles for a few bucks. it seems most alcohols come in tiny trial sizes these days.
    Oh of course, I believe they're called "shooters". I've had plenty!

    Maybe you could use some kundalini energy to fix your immune system? Do some qi gong wind mills or something. Maybe Fede can help.
  • edited February 2011
    Lots of Fluids! Totally. When I'm sick I go from bed to the bathroom to the kitchen sink for more water (filtered) then back to bed. About 20 (?) times a day. It's a way to keep moving while resting. Who said it was easy? Drink lots of water!
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    ahh, i hate water lol. i'm pretty finicky when it comes to it. i have been drinking a lot of tea though.

    yes yes, shooters... that's the word lol.
  • I am the same with water, I have to force myself to drink it which is rather strange considering I live in a climate which never drops below 25 C all year round.
    I hope you are better now or at least on the way to getting better. Tom :)
  • What's up with people not drinking water? There's not too much flavor? A bit of minerals and anti-psychotics; pretty pallateable if you ask me.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    What's up with people not drinking water? There's not too much flavor? A bit of minerals and anti-psychotics; pretty pallateable if you ask me.
    people always say this but it has a very strong flavor to me. *shrugs* i do best if i buy the kind that is vapor distilled and removes most (all?) of the minerals.
  • I drink a lot of fluids every day. I probably drink 3 liters though 6 metric cups is a diuretic, coffee (1/2 and 1/2 decaf/reg). I kind of have a drinking fetish since I gave up beer.

    Anyhow I like to drink Vernors ginger ale, both because ginger settles your stomach, and the Vernors brand has a humongous carbonation that gets in your oral nasal cavity and seems to stimulate it in a good way somehow.

    I don't eat a lot but I get sugars in soda and protein/electrolytes in broth and noodles.

    If you drink tea you could add honey. That would add needed sugar for your body to have energy and particularly brain. The body needs to work on immune system and not the other metabolic process of fasting. I like honey when I am sick so I suggest it. Don't know anything in particular about it as good for sickness, but I always like honey when I am sick.
  • I can't stand even the smell of Ginger Ale. I try to make green tea, but I have found that it taste bad when it's really hot, so I have to wait until it's a little above room tempature to drink it. I normally add only sugar and a bit of honey.
  • Just be careful with Sobe Lifewater. At least one type of it caused an allergic reaction; one and a half eyes swelled shut for about 2 days.
  • edited February 2011
    Every morning the first thing I do is drink a large glass of water. The glass I use is more than 12 ounces I think (12oz = a soda can).

    Gotta drink water, you'll live longer. Promise me you all will drink lots of water! Then I won't have to get gross and mention checking the color of urine to make sure you're drinking enough. :crazy: :werr: :eek: :wtf: :nyah:

  • Too dark, not enough. Too light, you're flushing nutrients out of your system. I used to hate water; not that it tasted bad, just that it had no taste at all. That's just craving there. :)
  • edited February 2011
    Friends, if you're healthy the rule of thumb is looking like at least 1.9 liters a day (2qts). Dietary reccos: 3 liters for men and 2.2 liters for women.

    Good question BTW!

  • I live in thaland and struggle to drink 1.5 litres of water. But then again, I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables which contain a lot of water. Still, I am missing this 3 litre mark most likely.. I just have no thirst for it, no desire to drink it, I cannot explain it.
  • Drink when you're thirsty, don't worry about how much. Why strive to drink a certain amount, if your body isn't telling you that you need it? They already threw out the stuff about drinking eight cups of water a day; apparently came up with it on a whim, no scientific study or any real basis for it.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    hah, i think if i pay attention, i would find i'm mildly thirsty most of the time. but at work, i only allow myself to drink water (unless i'm really tired and need caffeine) and i do pay attention to my pee, lol.

    part of the water problem for me is that i hate the tap water here. i live in an older apartment where the landlord "suggests" running the water for a while before drinking it, heh, gross. i use a brita filter and that helps mostly, but i can still seem to only stomach it when it's very cold. i would say it is so bad that if the water is warm, i have to plug my nose to make myself drink it or i will gag (sometimes i do anyways). it's not that i simply don't care for it, i detest the flavor (i feel like it might be the fluoride, a lot of times the water here smells like chlorine). for me, drinking water at times can be like swallowing a horrible shot. they both make me want to vomit slightly. it sounds extreme, but i've always been this way. sometimes i wonder if i'm a supertaster. (it's real, i didn't make it up, lol)
  • ^^^
    Awww Geez. Sorry Zombiegirl. I forgot how convenient my water drawing-drinking situation is at my house: filtered but no old pipes. Definitely use the filter but don't worry too much about it healthwise (no more lead pipes?). I'm sure you considered this but here I go again: try a few drops of lemon juice (get an eyedropper).
  • I have drank the water from my tap in my bathroom which comes straight from the pipes of Thailand lol.. I woke up one night so thirsty with no drinking water so had to go and drink from the sink. I didn't have any repercussions that I am aware of.

    Maybe you are a supertaster, I think we all have different degrees in sensitivity. In the UK there is no fluoride in the water, the is probably a lot of other chemicals, apparently pheromones being among them, but no fluoride. This is probably why there is a stereotype of the English having bad teeth. I can tell you for the majority it is not so, and there are always orthodontists anyways :)

    It is a good job you have a Britta filter, if your landlord suggests you should run the water a while before drinking it, I PROBABLY wouldn't drink it (depending on how thirsty I was) :p
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