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I never knew the lord buddha was into fast food, literally...

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Three days ago I went over to one of my friends house, a German guy who has become interested in buddhism since living in thailand for over ten years. I rode there on a bicycle, my main and favorite form of transport in Hua Hin, although I nearly got ran over on the craziness of the thai roads.

Anyway, he had recently taken a trip down to Koh Chang, an island in southern Thailand. I personally dislike the islands as they are so touristy and not my kettle of fish. He was showing me some pictures on his laptop and there were beautiful parts of this place, untouched by tourism, but there was something that really did get to me.

Firstly he showed me a collection of photos where they visited a temple at the top of a mountain, there were hundreds of people there at sunrise and at the top was a monk. Sat in front of him was a huge glass box full of money. Everyone (mainly thias) believe that they will get good luck if they donate money to this temple. That is the general train of thought in thailand for lay people, buddhism = good luck.
Then my friend told me something that at first made me laugh and then contemplate what the hell is going on with this world. At the bottom of this mountain there is an establishment where you can eat and have a drink, on the menu was believe it or not, a 'buddha burger'...


  • lolz what toppings?
  • Hi Tom,

    That's the nature of the world. Often us worldlings don't realize what is good for us even when it is right in front of us.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    In church, why the hell do Christians need food courts or gyms, or giant theaters and big screen tv's just to praise their Jesus?
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    So -- don't keep us in suspense ... did your friend have a Buddha burger and how did it compare to a Big Mac?
  • If I remember correctly, I don't think he tried one. They were going for 250 baht, which is around £5 lol.. Maybe each one gives you a profound insight :o
  • edited February 2011
    Ha! I wonder who they're marketing to
  • lol, can't be buddhists surely, unless it is substitute meat. Like I said, here in Thailand it is similar to what I saw back in the UK with Christianity. Many people are born into a religion, yet either know little of it or choose not to follow it.

    Bang Bao Beach Area

    the_buddha_viewThe Buddha View, offers you a breathtaking panorama view. Located at the end of the pier in Bang Bao fishing village, the Buddha View stands for quality and comfort and is the special getaway for anybody who is yearning for peace and tranquility in a colorful environment amidst village life. Relax in the tropical surrounding with panoramic view of the ocean while enjoying authentic Traditional Thai cuisine or excellent European food. Catch the cool evening breeze with soft lounge music and Buddha beats and enjoy intriguing cocktails and ice cold drinks.

    House Specialties:

    1. Delicious Lobster Soup: 180 Baht
    2. Fresh Tiger Prawns with Garlic and Pepper or with Red Curry: 150 Baht/ piece
    3. Chicken with cashew nut: 150 Baht
    4. Grilled or Deep Fried Barracuda Filet with a Choice of Sauce: 250 Baht
    5. Spaghetti Seafood: 295 Baht
    6. Tenderloin Steak with Steamed Vegetables: 320 Baht
    7. Famous Buddha Burger: 200 Baht

    hahaha, they really do the whole buddha thing to death don't you think?
  • I thought it said fresh tiger paws at first :P
  • lol

    I still makes me chuckle though when I think about it, buddha burger. Can you envision the buddha chomping on a saturated fat processed beef product haha.
  • The buddha pumping gas..
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