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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
So what would everyone do if they won say $10 million on the national lottery? I have never actually played it, not even when I was back in the UK. But I am curious to hear what you guys would do with the money...


  • Use it for cancer therapy research. (My Mum is dying of cancer.)
  • To establish protected land for animal refuges, human camping, and un-logged forest.
  • $10 mil is not much. Education is key. I will set up a free school for students from all over the world.
  • edited February 2011
    I tell my family, if I win the lottery they'll know because I'll disappear and they'll never see me again. :D:D:D

    I play it when it gets into the $100+ million level.

    What I'd do? Obviously give a few dozen million to Buddhist Sanghas and Monasteries around the USA and Canada.

    The rest? Tell my friends and family to enjoy life a bit more and send me all their bills (keeping their lifestyles relatively consistent with the present of course). They and their kids get education tuitions room and board fully paid forever.

    Finally, try to hang onto what's left to keep being able to reduce suffering. It's hard to be broke and reduce suffering as effectively.

    Yes, as Hermitwin said, 10 (ten) million is not that much. You'd have a hard time getting things done beyond the local level with that pittance, would be hard to stay in the game long-term too.
  • I'd buy myself a new car, nothing special just something modest. My family would live easily. My friends would live easily. I would pay for all my schooling for my close friends and family. I would host a website, take time to write, make an indie film. Maybe I would explore living the life of luxury...
  • Throw about $9 mil. to organizations like Feed the Children, use the rest to help out Buddhist monasteries that are helping awaken minds.
  • Tell no one about it. Start investing. Live off $3,000 per month.
    Go around and help people who need money or food (by individual basis).

    Don't trust organizations with your money. Give directly to what speaks to your heart.
  • I'd donate some to buddhist organizations. Some I would create commercials regarding the importance of paying the national debt in the context of compromise between more taxes and no spending; a rational analysis and marketing. I'd keep about a million to live off and will to my extended family survivors of next generation. But I wouldn't change my lifestyle which has been conducive to my practice.
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