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BIG!!!!! PROBLEM!!!! Need Admin help ASAP!!!!

TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existenceSamsara Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
I have given it much thought over the last few months! It has caused multiple fights with my wife, I can't sleep at night and my kids have been brothering me more than usual (see the hitting kids thread), and its causing problems at work.I am drinking and smoking again because of this! It has gotten so bad I almost threw out my Buddha, shrine and all!!!! I am thinking about joining another forum, maybe a local Zoroastrian forum See the problem is ....well....with the EMOTICONS!!!! When I was new, the current emoticons fullfilled their role nicely. Now that I am an Advanced member, their just not quite doing it for ME. See my dilemma??? I know there is that floating guy, he's pretty cool and all, but I NEED at least a Namaste emoticon, and one laughing hysterically wouldn't hurt either. I have some other ideas, but first thing is first, let's get these others going for starters and I will grace the forum with some of my more advanced thoughts on this topic.
Please help,
Todd ;)


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    If you cannot express yourself adequately with the tools you have, I believe Right Speech also includes silence.

    ;) back atcha.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    :bowdown: :om: :thumbsup:
  • We need a "heart" emoticon. But a couple of months ago some members were pulling amazing emoticons off some other site, I don't know how they did it or where those came from...
  • Back away from the Buddha.... slowly.... put down the drink and snuff out that cig; I may be of some help.

    (want you emoticons young Jedi? Follow this path you must...)

    You can easily just copy the code and paste it in your message, like this:



    (note he is laughing his butt off Swing)

    (speaking of Swing)

    (that's what you need to be putting down...)

    (put those down too....)

    And for you Dakini:



    There are three formats, forum, website & URL. I tried using the forum one on this site and for some reason they don't show up. So I tried the 'website' format (the code in the middle column) and those seem to be showing up, at least in my preview. There's lots to choose from.

    Hope that helps, have fun!


  • edited February 2011
    I thought they weren't showing up animated for a minute, but now they are.
  • edited February 2011
    HAHAHA! Niiiiiiice!

    A whole new world of possibilities!


  • edited February 2011
    HAHAHAHA! What fun!



    It takes little to amuse a simple mind! I love it when things are simple!

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited February 2011

    lol who is this guy.. ok i guess i cannot get it to work :(
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
  • edited February 2011

    lol who is this guy.. ok i guess i cannot get it to work :(
    C'mon Tom! You can do it! Cut and paste from the "website" column. AFAIK it should have " img" as a prefix with a left facing arrow before the "img" . I can't type in the left facing arrow here.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
  • Good God, look what I have started......image
  • I copied from the forum column, seeing as it is a forum, but it is also a website so yes you are right..
  • image

    You did it!

    Yes ThailandTom, normally it would be from the forum column, I use it that way on another forum, but for some reason on this site you have to use the 'website' column.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited February 2011
    You guys are the bomb!!! I love em all!! Back to no drinking, no smoking, I love my family now,cleaned up my shrine and my work is awesome!!! :thumbsup:

  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    Kill me.
  • This thread is like a 90s web page.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited February 2011

  • lol, I am rather concerned at how serious the OP actually is.. Humor and sarcasm often flies right over my head when it comes to the internet, but how serious are you Mr Swing..? I fear for your children and your family, also you yourself... I'M SUPER SERIAL!!

  • edited February 2011
    Kill me.

    HAHAHAHA! LOL (in a good way)! Nah..., we promise to be responsible with them.


  • This thread makes me feel I were 9 years old and had just bought 2 dollars worth of candy (in the 80s). The excitement is infectious. Of the animations.
  • edited February 2011
    This thread makes me feel I were 9 years old and had just bought 2 dollars worth of candy (in the 80s). The excitement is infectious. Of the animations.

    OOPS! Pic is too big, tried but couldn't change it (seriously)! I ate too much candy! (kidding)


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