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Feng Shui - Powerful Tool or Silly Superstition?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
What do you think? Do you think Feng Shui and the balance of energies in a home and such are actually a true thing? Or do you think its just outdated superstition?


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I dunno, but a lot of people in Hong Kong swear by it. It never hurts to hedge your bets by applying Feng Shui. ;)
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    watch this video from Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" on feng shui and tell me what you think:

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    This guy is a goof-ball. Who cares if we don't know how/why it works. What matters is that it works. There are lots of stories about businesses in Hong Kong struggling, but once they arrange their building according to Feng Shui (including, sometimes, remodelling the front of the building to move the main entry), business takes off.

    But there are 3 different systems of Feng Shui, and their recommendations sometimes conflict. :-/ And these practitioners seems like they don't have much training.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    This guy is a goof-ball. Who cares if we don't know how/why it works. What matters is that it works. There are lots of stories about businesses in Hong Kong struggling, but once they arrange their building according to Feng Shui (including, sometimes, remodelling the front of the building to move the main entry), business takes off.

    But there are 3 different systems of Feng Shui, and their recommendations sometimes conflict. :-/
    you've never seen penn and teller before? yes, they are goofballs, lol. they started as magicians.

    in your example, i think it could also be said that remodeling can change a lot for a business, be it feng shui or just interior decorating.

    the penn and teller example may not be the best example because one could always say, "well, maybe THOSE feng shui consultants don't know what they're talking about." but i think their point was more that it can serve as a tool to rip off a LARGE sum of money from people. and imo, that point is very valid. this is a little different than buying a book and changing your home/business with a "well, it can't hurt" attitude.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Well, I think it's like anything else; do your research before you choose a feng shui consultant, a teacher, a car, anything. And any ethical f.s. consultant won't charge an unreasonable amount.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Well, I think it's like anything else; do your research before you choose a feng shui consultant, a teacher, a car, anything. And any ethical f.s. consultant won't charge an unreasonable amount.
    perhaps i should have posted pt. 2 as well.

    within the first minute they discuss how much they charge. one consultant suggests buying a $995 fountain and says she charges $3000 per consultation. the second consultant says $1500/day. the third says she charges by the square foot, a sliding scale between 10 cents and 2 dollars per square foot.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I used to be a Feng Shui Consultant and was registered with Feng Shui International for a while.
    When I moved abroad, to France, it didn't have as much impact or relevance to the French, and interest was virtually zero.
    When I moved back to the UK, I never took it up again. Other things happened and I let my membership slide. But I practice Black Hat Feng Shui.

    Worked for me. :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Well, I think it's like anything else; do your research before you choose a feng shui consultant, a teacher, a car, anything. And any ethical f.s. consultant won't charge an unreasonable amount.
    within the first minute they discuss how much they charge. one consultant suggests buying a $995 fountain and says she charges $3000 per consultation. the second consultant says $1500/day. the third says she charges by the square foot, a sliding scale between 10 cents and 2 dollars per square foot.
    Well, needless to say, these are unreasonable amounts. Clearly, the practitioners are using feng shui to make money as interior (and exterior) decorators, and are making a big commission from those fixtures they tell people they need to have in order to establish harmony in their surroundings. I had a feng shui reading done for a house I lived in years ago, and the charge was somewhere between $50 and $100 for a lot of square footage. And the recommendations were very reasonable, for items that could be purchased for between $10 and $50, maximum. And the practitioner combined all three feng shui techniques (emphasizing Black Hat as the most comprehensive) into one reading. Beware of rip-off artists.
    For those who are curious, I never implemented the recommendations, so I don't know if it works. Maybe I'll try again, someday.
  • I read books by 2 feng shui masters. Ms A has a booming business selling many trinkets(statues, crystals, etc) that you can place at strategic locations in your house to enhance your life.
    Mr B said that trinkets are useless.
    Who shouild I trust?
  • Different schools of Fengshui.

    You can subscribe to the Forms School, the Compass School, the Black Hat School.

    All 3 can, and most likely will, contradict one another for a single reading. Some may recommend trinkets, some may not recommend trinkets.

    In the end, like the schools of Buddhism, it is up to you to decide which one you feel most comfortable with.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Well, I think it's like anything else; do your research before you choose a feng shui consultant, a teacher, a car, anything. And any ethical f.s. consultant won't charge an unreasonable amount.
    perhaps i should have posted pt. 2 as well.

    within the first minute they discuss how much they charge. one consultant suggests buying a $995 fountain and says she charges $3000 per consultation. the second consultant says $1500/day. the third says she charges by the square foot, a sliding scale between 10 cents and 2 dollars per square foot.
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