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Many people believe in this? I'd like to know some details, very much:Enlightenment/Reincarnation

I was looking at some principles of physics, the first law "Matter or energy can not be changed or destroyed" and our thoughts are energy. Pure energy? What exactly is entering the cosmos? Anyone believe the origin of intelligent design could be from alien life (Dawkins believes this above any deity). Also is engligtenment attained for moments or once you feel it it is ever lasting? Is there any evidence in different brain function waves to show it to be working differently maybe? would be interesting. Also what is enlightenemnet to you all? I hope this one has some good answers, looking forward to it!! Tyyyy



  • Your question is not entirely clear.

    You may want to begin by searching the site for previous threads on reincarnation.
  • @sherabdorje hmmm what is not clear?

  • I don't know what is not clear because you wrote it. Maybe if you slow down and ask one question at a time, it will become clear. I have no idea what you're asking.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Free, we'd be very happy to contribute, but I have to agree with Sherab, you need to break it down to discernible questions..
    I'm not sure what you're trying to get us to reply to, but if your question hinges on the topic title, on wanting to know our views on Enlightenment and reincarnation, then what do you want to know about Enlightenment, from our PoVs and what do you want to know about Reincarnation, from our PoVs...?

    And do you mean reincarnation, or rebirth?

    Loads of threads to read about both.....

    Have check through, then come back to us.....
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited March 2011
    "Anyone believe the origin of intelligent design could be from alien life"

    What evidence is there or logical reasoning to suggest that this may be true ?
    When someone finds some, I might believe it, until then, no.

    As for the laws of physics, I don't think our present understanding of physics incorporates a description of mind or how thoughts arise and dissolve., Moreover, a life energy, is not included in any present scientific theoretical model of our universe (that I know of anyway), tough I believe it must make a contribution somehow, but exactly how is beyond my capabilities of understanding.

    And for me enlightenment is the cessation of dukkha.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • I don't believe in reincarnation. I do believe in rebirth. Different animals entirely. I also believe that on a fundamental level, every "thing" is energy. Actually, at its most fundamental level, everything is nothing. There is virtually infinite space inside each and every atom, and all that space contains exactly nothing. So the huge majority of the stuff that makes up everything is really nothing.

    I'm gonna go have a beer now :)
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran
    I was looking at some principles of physics, the first law "Matter or energy can not be changed or destroyed" and our thoughts are energy. Pure energy?
    If you are asking if that energy continues to reincarnate it is not likeley that simple. Thermodynamics
    indeed says that energy is preseved in a closed system and that energy is never destroyed. But that does not mean the energy stays the same all the time. Normally energy will transform into other kinds of (lower quality) energy. Like when kinetic energy becomes heat through friction.

    Not only our thoughts are energy. The whole body emits heat radiation and electromagnetism.

    What do you mean by pure energy?

    What exactly is entering the cosmos?
    What do you mean?

    Anyone believe the origin of intelligent design could be from alien life (Dawkins believes this above any deity).
    Forget ID. Those people are idiots. Which is exaclty what they are saying if you think about it for two seconds.
    Normally their reasoning goes like this

    " I have been a professor of this and that for 250 years and I still can not understand how this thing works!!! Thats how daft I am."

    Now if it was me I would not tell anybody would I?

    Also is engligtenment attained for moments or once you feel it it is ever lasting? Is there any evidence in different brain function waves to show it to be working differently maybe? would be interesting. Also what is enlightenemnet to you all?
    1. Will get back to you when I get there.
    2. The brain does function differently in people that meditate a lot so it seems likeley.
    3. Enlightenment is true understanding for me.

  • enlightenment already exists right now. you could say it's your natural state of consciousness. most of us operate in ego consciousness, which is created by grasping to notions of self/other.

    one can have a satori to their buddha nature and then years of cultivation. or one can have years of cultivation and then have a satori. this is the old age argument on sudden/gradual enlightenment.

    enlightenment if it occurs happens all at once. now whether or not that insight into your true nature stays with you depends on your karma (conditioning). but it's important to note that enlightenment is always here and now.

    so if you think about a circle and we can label that enlightenment. then put ego and everything else in the middle of the circle. you see we're attached to whatever is in the circle. we don't even know the circle exists but the circle is there.

    check out: "wake up now" by stephan bodian.

  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Normally energy will transform into other kinds of (lower quality) energy. Like when kinetic energy becomes heat through friction.
    Wow I never knew energy was graded on quality :D

    Metta to all sentient beings

  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    Wow I never knew energy was graded on quality :D

    Metta to all sentient beings

    The quality of anything is decided by the subject. That is what Buddhism explains. The quality of energy is merely a heuristik to determine how much energy can be utilized from a specif energy source for human (of course) use.


  • hermitwinhermitwin Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Yes I believe in enlightenment/reincarnation.

  • The quality of anything is decided by the subject. That is what Buddhism explains. The quality of energy is merely a heuristik to determine how much energy can be utilized from a specif energy source for human (of course) use.


    Fair enough, it sounded strange, but it must be because I am a physicist and I guess I am not used to descriptions in which energy is measured in quality and not quantity.

    Metta to all sentient beings

  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    The quality of anything is decided by the subject. That is what Buddhism explains. The quality of energy is merely a heuristik to determine how much energy can be utilized from a specif energy source for human (of course) use.


    Fair enough, it sounded strange, but it must be because I am a physicist and I guess I am not used to descriptions in which energy is measured in quality and not quantity.

    Metta to all sentient beings

    Aah a fellow madman :).

    Then you might be interested in the following:

    Yes I know its wikipedia but anyway.

  • Thanks for the link Victor, it seems there has been a whole lot of energy quality out there that I didn't even know existed. Oh well you learn something new everyday :)

  • edited March 2011
    A fully enlightened being and Tibetan Dogzchen Master told me personally Enlightenment happens gradually.

    Science and mathematics? In my opinion it's a totally human invention-discovery (keep the hyphen -do not separate those concepts in this case). It has relevance only to our experiences as human beings in this human realm. Yes, aliens from another solar system have a good chance of understanding our human science but that will happen because WE will understand the aliens enough to relate it to them. If we understand theirs? We were obviously able to humanize it.

    When scientists say things like "Something came from nothing" when talking about the Big Bang? I chuckle. "String Theory" is the MOST entertaining thing for me these days. Not arrogantly. Please, I don't want to hurt anybody's enthusiasm. But I laugh privately.

    It makes NO SENSE to say those things and yet the most rational, empirical people (scientists) say them! Unlike when a priest gets caught at a strip club, nobody minds it when scientists show their irrational depravity! Happy
  • A fully enlightened being and Tibetan Dogzchen Master told me personally Enlightenment happens gradually.
    How (serious question) do you tell he/she is "fully enlightened"?
  • How they react to your food.
  • You cant. Only he knows it himself.
    Also, an enlightened person can pretend to be not enlightened.
  • sorry about the comment above, a guest was trying to be funny!
  • I also believe that on a fundamental level, every "thing" is energy. Actually, at its most fundamental level, everything is nothing. There is virtually infinite space inside each and every atom, and all that space contains exactly nothing. So the huge majority of the stuff that makes up everything is really nothing.

    I'm gonna go have a beer now :)
    acording to string theory every atom is basicaly made up of strings of energy so based on that you're exactly right :)
  • A fully enlightened being and Tibetan Dogzchen Master told me personally Enlightenment happens gradually.

    Interesting how Tibetan Buddhists claim to have fully enlightened beings as gurus and always ensure that the students are told about this.

  • A fully enlightened being and Tibetan Dogzchen Master told me personally Enlightenment happens gradually.

    Interesting how Tibetan Buddhists claim to have fully enlightened beings as gurus and always ensure that the students are told about this.

    Can we wait and see who has made the claim to full enlightenment before we start this? It could be people who follow Tibetan Buddhism without knowing any better, rather than the Tibetan Buddhist teachers who make the claim.
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