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people harassing you...

Seeker567Seeker567 Explorer
edited March 2011 in Faith & Religion
so I'm doing a project for my computer applications class and it was to find a historical figure that inspires you and make a PowerPoint on them. I choose to do the buddha's life. It is about 15 slides, includes his life story, the 4NT and the N8P. but all the "christians" in my class are really harassing me, and I understand that i should feel bad for them and show loving kindness, but thats so hard :( how would you handle this? thanks in advance


  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Just do your thing, be true to yourself. How do the other students in your class know what your topic is? Be low-key, keep a low profile. But do your best on your report (without being preachy). Dealing with harrassment is an opportunity to cultivate inner strength, equanimity, and compassion.

    You might want to PM MindGate. He recently did a similar report for his class, multi-media, in a school full of Christian kids in a Christian community. It went well. And he got some congrats from a couple of unexpected sources. (He even wore a Buddha robe to school.)

    Good luck, you'll do great. :)
  • Accept all forms as of though you chose them to happen. Think or say to your self. I chose this and this is what i wanted
  • Just do your thing, be true to yourself. How do the other students in your class know what your topic is? Be low-key, keep a low profile. But do your best on your report (without being preachy). Dealing with harrassment is an opportunity to cultivate inner strength, equanimity, and compassion.

    You might want to PM MindGate. He recently did a similar report for his class, multi-media, in a school full of Christian kids in a Christian community. It went well. And he got some congrats from a couple of unexpected sources. (He even wore a Buddha robe to school.)

    Good luck, you'll do great. :)
    well we had to peer edit and they found out what it was. but how do you personally find it in you to show compassion to people like that? I mean, I would love to be able to. but i just cant
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Oh. Well, you could start by realizing that they're just believing what they were taught, they've accepted without question their parents' beliefs. Don't get wrapped up in the harrassment or in feeling like there's a power struggle going on, or anything like that. Let it roll off your back. You're happy with your choice of spiritual tradition, right? Focus on that.

    I think my favorite suttra is the Rhinoceros Suttra. It says to be a solitary animal, like the Rhinoceros. In a flawed world, that's the best course of action. Be your own rock. And if, along the way, you find a like-minded friend, consider it a blessing.
  • hmmm ok i think i understand. usually i direct my compassion (it helps me) , so would I direct it at the idea that they're only doing what they were raised to be?
  • everyone does the best they can with in the given moment. We are all trying our best. Just love
  • ThaoThao Veteran
    You didn't say how they were harassing you.
  • edited March 2011
    Gee..., fellow students and their deviously effective harassment. Yup. I get it.


    This might be very hard for you, it's hard for me too, but Buddha said be thankful for your detractors and general PITAs because they help you practice the Dharma better.

    It it were I? I'd listen to them and be very understanding and patient BUT do not let them know you are trying to be Buddha-like. Throw in a few rough edges in your response to them. Why? So you don't give them something to REALLY grab onto and use against you. Just a guess. GOOD LUCK!

    Thumbs Up
  • Yes, consider this another experience in your practice. It's an art.
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran
    so I'm doing a project for my computer applications class and it was to find a historical figure that inspires you and make a PowerPoint on them. I choose to do the buddha's life. It is about 15 slides, includes his life story, the 4NT and the N8P. but all the "christians" in my class are really harassing me, and I understand that i should feel bad for them and show loving kindness, but thats so hard :( how would you handle this? thanks in advance
    The reason you can not find compassion for yor tormentors is because you still do not understand why you should feel compassin for them. Until you do here is what I would do.

    Fighting from a disadvantage is the best kind of fight. Those are the fights where you have most to gain. Do not let the words touch you. Let them slide of without touching your core. Keep the smile on the inside untouched. Look confident. Stand straight. Look people in the eye. When they laugh at you do not laugh with them. Look them in the eye as if they are stupid(which they are) (without hostility) unlaughing till they look away. Or just ignore them till they go away.

    Attack back. If they cut your skin then cut their bone. (I mean with words). Say something that makes them look silly and laugh at them for a change. This should be done without hostility. The best is you can get others to laugh at them.

    Make it a game.

    Now be aware that if you succede they might turn physical. The way to handle this is 1. To raise your voice and really scold them. 2. If that does not help kick their asses. Worked for me.:).

    Once the Buddha was scolded and insulted by an angry man. When the man had finished the Buddha asked.

    Tell me friend if I refuse a gift then to whom does it belong?

    The astonished man said. "To the giver of course."

    To which the Buddha retorted. "So it is with curses and insults. I refuse your gift friend.".

    If you need more advice down the road then PM me. I will help anyway I can. I know a lot about both mental and physical confrontations.


  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    i was in high school at the beginning of the US war in afghanistan. my senior year, i was in a multimedia class that asked us to make a powerpoint presentation that related to this conflict and 9/11. i was very distraught over the whole thing and the fact that all of my classmate's presentations seemed to focus on our differences and the hate between us, so i decided to focus on the people of afghanistan and some of their own struggles for freedom and democracy. i talked about some of the plights of the women in the country and choose to center it around them as a people, showing them as REAL people, not some abstract idea void of humanity labeled "ENEMY" i did receive a bit of negative attention for this, but i didn't care. i knew what i was doing in my heart was right and i knew that if i could help one person lessen their hate towards them, then it was worth it. i don't know if i succeeded, but i know that after i was done, nobody gave me a hard time and i felt very proud of myself. so i guess i did :)

    just remember why you choose to do this on the buddha and his teachings. some of the kids might harass you over it, but somewhere in the back of their minds, you might be making a real change. after they see your presentation, although they might not acknowledge it, they might not feel so much hatred toward buddhism. keep this focus in your mind and you can get through it, i promise :)
  • Good point, Zombiegirl: right motivation is everything.
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