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Would you be superstitious if this happened to you?

Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
So I have a strange story to share with you all. It has been a few turn of events that have been happening to me within the last 3 weeks. I don’t like to be “superstitious”, but I am a combination of open minded and practical. I do want to see the forest not just the trees, so I try to look at it from all sorts of angles.

It started one morning maybe three weeks ago. I woke up and I had this feeling in my gut. This type of feeling where you feel like you’re about to see someone. Like someone who is not supposed to be there. You can get this feeling when you’re in love and you’re expecting to see your date soon, or if you have ever seen a spirit you would get the same feeling right before you see it. It can be a very rare thing to feel, but you’ll feel it in your gut when it comes around.

I woke up with this feeling, and I recognized it right away. Because it’s not a feeling I get very often at all. So I just recognized it and went on with my day. Around the early evening I began noticing there were sharp sensations under my shirt, like their were needles under my shirt. I kept wondering what the hell is this feeling. Like there were invisible needles sticking into several points of me under my shirt. I looked, but there was nothing under there and no red marks either, but it did feel like there was something making me physically uncomfortable.

This feeling lasted for around 1 hour before this event took place. I was on my way to my martial arts class, and I kept thinking the teacher is going to be able to tell there is something wrong with me if these invisible needles under my shirt continue. But anyways I headed there. I take a bus and walk around 1 mile to my class. As I was walking down a side walk at around 5:30 pm (it wasn’t dark yet) I began to approach a man. Right as I got close to him he made eye contact with me and we both stopped.

He made a gesture to me like “Hey I remember you” and he was saying hello to me like he wanted to tell me something. I could see it in his eyes like he knew me. It wasn’t just a normal greeting. As I looked into his face I also realized I knew this man. It was my uncle. He was the oldest brother of my mom‘s mother. We had met a few times before, so we knew each others faces. But I did not know Spanish too well, I only understood it better than I knew how to speak it, so I just greeted him, he greeted me, and we passed each other by.

When I got back home I told my mom that I had seen that uncle today on my way to my class. I was positive it was him, because he was wearing this same cap I’ve seen him wear before. So I told my mom that I saw him in this area. It was also odd for me, because he is not from my area. He lives at least 45 minutes away, and he was supposed to be on his way to Jalisco, Mexico that day.

When I told this to my mom she said no way it could have been him. That he was on his way to Jalisco, and it just would make no sense. She said I must of just seen someone who looked like him. I told her about the cap he was wearing and I pointed him out in a picture we had, and when I did that, it really gave my mom the chills. And she jokingly said I was scaring her. And that she would call her mom the next day to check on him.

The next day she talked to her mom and found out some interesting things. He arrived there that day. But on that day that he arrived he had a very hard time sleeping. He said that a spirit had been bothering him for a long period of the night, and that it only happens when he visits that house and that he couldn’t sleep good there. My grandma had also seen a shadow of a woman walk across the garden that same night.

The very first time I encountered a spirit in my adult life it was also at this very old house. The spirit I encountered seemed like a man because it walked with heavy boots and banged my door with a heavy hand at 3 am. When I experienced that, it was the first time I knew for sure that spirits existed without a doubt. So almost everyone who stays at that house ends up having an experience sooner or later. But now I was questioning if it could some how affect me even many miles away. It was very weird to think about.

Then within the next two weeks of this incident my MP3 player mysteriously died, so I borrowed my brothers and that one also died as if the electrical power had been sucked from them both. They were completely fine for over 2 years I was very careful in taking care of them. So it upset me that both of these MP3 players died within such a short time period and they never did it before. I bought new MP3 player with a 1 year warranty from best buy yesterday, so I have a feeling they’re going to end up losing money from that lol.

Another thing about the MP3 player too. A few million fish were found dead at a beach near me the same day my MP3 player died. So it makes me think it has something to do with maybe a field of energy that is affecting the fish and my mp3 players (I walk a lot outside). It could also have to do with a spirit. There was one time where I was using my MP3 player at home, and I noticed that I could not turn it off. I kept trying, but it was stuck on one song and I could not even lower the volume. This was the only time this had ever happened. And when I looked up as this was happening I could see a spirit trying to manifest a few feet away from me. It was like a silhouette that wasn’t complete, like it needed more energy to fully manifest. It just walked and disappeared, and then my MP3 went back to normal.

I don’t know if these are all connected. But they’re weird enough to make me wonder. Thanks to all who read my story. I thought I vent and share these weird events that happened to me in the last three weeks.


  • edited March 2011
    Mr. Sererenity, do you wear watches? Are you able to wear a battery-driven watch? How about mechanical watches? Were you wearing a watch when these energy/spirit phenomena occurred? If so, did you notice anything unusual about the watch? Like, did it stop or run backwards or speed forwards?

    Are there any healers in your family? It sounds like you all have a gift. And do yourself a favor; don't refer to this kind of thing as superstition. :p You (and your grandma and uncle) experienced one or more of these things, so they're real. Don't put down your gift. It's precious. Rather, learn how to use it.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited March 2011
    There are no healers in my blood that I know of. But my father and mother met in the exact way a "bruja/shaman/healer" who is a close friend of the family predicted. And they have been married 25 years now. This lady is so authentic with her powers that she only charges a cheap fee for the materials she uses. ($10) She predicted the exact way they would meet and how my father would look before it happened, and her foresight was so powerful that a few years ago she went blind. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but it's my guess as to why she went blind.

    As for me maybe having a gift, when I was 4 years old I opened the door to see a few adult men who were dressed in "witch doctor" Aztec apparel. They had black make up with skull designs, the feathers, earrings, and other jewelry, completely authentic, and I've never seen any other Aztec costume that good. It wasn't Halloween either. This was broad day light and it scared the hell out of me. It's one of my earliest memories that I still remember clearly. I was stunned and looked at them enough to have it ingrained in my memory. Then I slammed the door on them.

    I've never seen a spirit entity that clearly again, till possibly 3 weeks ago. I think I may have a gift to see and communicate with spirits. But I tried to revive my MP3 players with energy work I learned from Qigong and that sure didn't work lol.
  • edited March 2011
    IM_H_O? I'm speaking generally though your particular story is very cool stuff. :thumbsup:

    It is evidence that lots of parallel worlds are happening around us all at the same time. It's evidence that they bump into each other and odd things happen. Most importantly: A while ago I've decided not to be afraid of or make a mountain out of a molehill with of any of this stuff. Why?

    Because imagine if I looked at my living room wall and saw a terrifying figure there, hazy and strange. Then I was lucky enough to see as I looked closer and realized that it was my niece dancing crazily at a nightclub thousands of miles away. Somehow the two harmless "realities" bumped into each other BUT my primitive mind went nuts with fear and not enough information. Turns out to be a harmless, though UNEXPLAINABLE, intersection of the two realities of my living room wall and my niece's fun night out somewhere distant.

    Strange occurrences does not mean worrisome, your brain's amygdala imposes the worry! Those strange occurrences could just as well be construed as MARVELOUS! Unexplainable puzzling and marvelous. I want to be happy with them if at all possible! Don't want to knock myself out trying to turn them into something major. Accept not knowing maybe? Thats' what I'd try to do. Good LUCK!

    FWIW, at least 2 cents. image
  • Mr. Sererenity, do you wear watches? Are you able to wear a battery-driven watch? How about mechanical watches? Were you wearing a watch when these energy/spirit phenomena occurred? If so, did you notice anything unusual about the watch? Like, did it stop or run backwards or speed forwards?

    Are there any healers in your family? It sounds like you all have a gift. And do yourself a favor; don't refer to this kind of thing as superstition. :p You (and your grandma and uncle) experienced one or more of these things, so they're real. Don't put down your gift. It's precious. Rather, learn how to use it.

    I also forgot to mention I don't wear a watch. I have a mechanical watch. Maybe I should wear that for a bit, and see what happens.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    WAY COOL, Mr. S!! And yeah, do the watch test. If you have stronger than the average person's electromagnetic field, the watch will stop. I haven't been able to wear mechanical watches since I was 12. But I'm ok with battery watches. But true healers can't even wear those. The needle-pricking sensation sounds like it's electrical, BTW.

    Yeah, maybe you have a gift for communicating with spirits, the deceased. See if your grandma knows anyone who can help you develop your gift. And I've never heard of someone being able to revive an appliance with their healing energy. Revive people or animals, yes. But not objects, have you? But it sounds like you're sensitive to energy, and that you have a strong field, or at least, the day that you inadvertently killed two MP3 players, you did. maybe you had a surge. Or maybe like you said, there was some sort of energy phenom near you, and you unknowingly conducted that energy to the MP3 players. I've caused computers to crash occasionally, without doing anything, just my energy did that (when I was wired up to one for testing).

    I don't believe in superstition or magic. Rather, these phenomena are scientific discoveries waiting to happen.

    Oh, and re: the prediction about how your parents would meet--can you go see the guy and ask him about yourself? Maybe he can help you meet women, or can tell you when a good relationship will come along. :) Take advantage of the resources at your disposal. This healer/clairvoyant is a resource. Let us know if any more interesting stuff happens.
  • Well, I have to say this thread is extremely interesting. I don't mean to "hijack" the thread, but if Mr. S doesn't mind, I'd like to share a few things from my experiences.

    I can't believe I'm even posting this. I've only told 1 or 2 people this stuff, ever. Okay, here's some random incidents, although there's many more where this comes from:

    My first memory of this type of thing was when I was in Kindergarten. I suddenly got very scared and begged my teacher to call my mother; I said my house was on fire. She told me to sit down. A little while later, I begged her again, I was sure my house was on fire. She scolded me and told me to sit down again. Finally, I told her I was sick, and so she sent me to the nurse. When I got to the nurses office, I told the nurse I was sick and needed to call my mother. I called, she answered, and I asked if the house was on fire. I was crying. She said, "No honey, the house isn't on fire, everything is fine". Confused, I went back to class, but was sure the house was burning. When I got off the school bus a couple hours later, I began the woodsy walk to my house. There were only two houses on the dirt road at that time, my house at the end, and one other before it, a horse farm. As I was walking, I could smell smoke. Then I could see smoke. I ran and ran until I finally got to the house on my road, before mine. The entire farm had burned to the ground. The house and the horse barn. All the horses were dead. By the time I got home my mother had since heard about the horse farm burning down. There were two fire fighters in my yard, talking with my mother, explaining that it was lucky they caught it, because in the deep woods we lived in, it could have easily spread to our house.

    Skipping to another story: When I was in Jr. High, I had a "dream", vision, whatever you want to call it. It was my cousin Diane, who was an anorexic for many years and suffered from Depression. I told my mother that I had a 'dream' where Diane was hanging from a type of rope, but not a rope, over a vegetable garden. Knowing the history of my cousins' problems, my mother assumed my imagination got the better of me and ignored it. That night we got a call from my aunt (my cousins' mother), that Diane had hung herself in her apartment with an electrical cord. It wasn't until the wake a week later that I overheard my aunt telling a relative the details of the scene. "It was strange.." my aunt remarked. "She was apparently in the middle of making a salad because there were veggies out on the kitchen counter, some of them cut up, so she was apparently making a salad." That explained the "hanging over a vegetable garden" part of my vision.

    Many more stories in between this time, but I'll fast forward to just LAST WEEK. My uncle, whom I was very close with, died in 2005. He left all of his belongings to me. A side note, he introduced me to Buddhism when I was ten and taught me to speak Japanese. Anyway, one item he had that became mine was a light-up globe. It was a globe that you could plug in and it glowed. He had shown me where Japan was on that very globe when I was little (he was into Zen Buddhism). I lived with my now ex boyfriend for several years after his death, and when I moved, I accidentally left the globe there (I had left it in my ex's office and missed it when packing). That was a year ago. A few nights ago, I had a bad dream, in my sleep. I could see my uncle in the dream, and I could see the globe that I had forgotten, floating in water. I woke up very upset, and searched my house for the globe. I've only lived here a year, and some things were still unpacked. When I realized I left it at my ex's house, it really bothered me. For some strange reason, I looked up my ex (who I am still friends with) on Facebook. Sure enough, there on his wall, was a video he had posted. He had a party a few nights before, and went to sleep and left his friends in his house to party. The next day he woke up to discover the mess that his friends had left and took a video of the mess and posted it on his wall. They toilet papered his ceiling fan, turned his dining room table upside down, put the wine rack in the bathtub AND put my uncle's GLOBE in the toilet!! There it was on video, floating in the toilet (floating in water, as I had dreamed). Needless to say I emailed my ex and asked that he mail me the globe.

    Anyway, stuff like this has happened my whole life. But here's the really weird part. I had NEVER heard of this watch stopping thing until this thread, today. My watches die constantly. I actually had to stop wearing watches because I would buy them, they would die, I would buy a battery, and it too would immediately die. But I never made any sort of connection with that and my "dreams". So this is very weird.

    I don't know what to make of this. What's with the watch thing? It took a lot for me to write all this out, I don't speak of this stuff much, because the couple people I have told have had weird reactions, so I stopped talking about it. This is very strange....
  • Here's something else weird. I just spent like ten minutes typing all that out, and when I submitted it and went back to the main Discussion page. The very first thread is called "Wisconsin". My uncle, the one I mentioned above with the globe used to call me Miss Wisconsin. I'm not from Wisconsin, I'm in New England,it was just a silly personal joke we had when I was little but..... that was weird, seeing WISCONSIN posted just after I told the above story of my uncle.
  • edited March 2011
    Laurajean, do you have any healers in your family, grandparents, anything? These gifts often are hereditary. And this isn't strange. In many parts of the world it's normal to talk about these things. I'm glad we could be here for you. :)
    You might try to find someone who offers training in how to manage and make the most of your gifts. Around New England you should be able to find somebody. Call your local New Age bookstore and see if they know anyone who teaches these skills. There are some remarkably gifted people who sometimes offer readings or massage or classes in developing paranormal gifts.
  • Well, I'm not sure what you mean by "healers" exactly, but my aunt (my father's sister) who I am very close with has the same "gift", if that's what you call it. Her and I will call each other out of the blue and say "What happened?" and sure enough, one of us is going through something awful. And we've talked and we seem to have the same "visions" (I mean different scenarios but same type of "dreams").

    I don't know if this has to do with anything, but since we were talking about watches, I might as well mention this. My father, his sister (my aunt above) and I all share this weird thing with our ears. Wind gives us horrendous headaches. All three of us have to use earplugs on a windy day or at the beach. And the three of us look very much alike as well. Don't know if that has anything to do with it.....
  • edited March 2011
    Does your aunt have watch issues?
    What about your paternal grandmother, anything unusual there? Your aunt might know.
    Well, I'm not sure what you mean by "healers" exactly, but my aunt (my father's sister) who I am very close with has the same "gift".
  • I've never asked her about watches, since I never heard of this until tonight. But I will ask her tomorrow. Ironically, she is a Jehovah's Witness, which believe any psychic abilities are satanic, so it's very unusual for her to admit these things. I will ask her tomorrow about watches. She's so in tune that she will probably know immediately why I am asking.

    I was much closer with my paternal grandmother than my maternal one. But other than feeling a strong bond with her, I don't know of anything else unusual. I will ask my aunt that tomorrow too. This is fascinating; I have really never discussed this with people.
  • edited March 2011
    Ironically, she is a Jehovah's Witness, which believe any psychic abilities are satanic,
    This is fascinating; I have really never discussed this with people.
    Too bad about your aunt being a JW. But she apparently doesn't take those prejudices to heart where her own (and your) abilities are concerned.

    These matters, unfortunately, tend to be handled with denial in much of Western culture. They're important; they shouldn't be swept under the rug. The reason they /are/ swept under the rug, though, is because of 500 years of brutal repression in Europe during the Inquisition and the Puritan movement. I see those attitudes are still alive and well in the Jehovah's Witnesses. :(
  • Puritan movement! OMG, you have no idea. You can google Elizabeth Fones (Winthrop). She was my 10th great grandmother, the niece of Puritan Governor John Winthrop, who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She was exiled from the colony due to accusations of witchcraft due to her "visions", and moved away, ending up founding Connecticut. There is a book written about her called The Winthrop Woman. When I read it, I was absolutely shocked at how much we have in common. I mean right down to the details. Very strange. Has always fascinated me.
  • edited March 2011
    Wow! See? It's a hereditary gift. At least all they did was exile her, they didn't burn her at the stake. So are here. :) So, are you of Brit heritage, then? Elizabeth Fones-Winthrop was English? Fones isn't Scandinavian, is it? Britain was populated by a variety of Germanic (including Scandinavian) tribes, way back when. There was a healing tradition that survived in Norway until just a few of generations ago, I'm told.

    (We should thank Mr. Serenity for starting this thread.)
  • Yes, the only reason she was not burned at the stake was because of her royal ties and relation to Governor Winthrop. He "arranged" for her to quietly disappear. When I read her biography, I thought, oh my god, that could be me (except for the royalty part, ha ha), but the description of her could have been me!

    Yes, definitely from England. Groton Manor, Suffolk, England was their long held line.
  • edited March 2011
    I still don't know where I stand on reincarnation, but I read this book many years ago, and thought, "Wow, it sounds like I am reincarnated from her". It was very strange. The similarities are outright bizarre.

    By the way, just for the record, I am the family genealogist, so I have direct lineage back to her, totally verified. Not just a family rumor. I have the names of my grandparents and so on leading directly to her. Interesting stuff.
  • edited March 2011
    Amazon says that "The Winthrop Woman" is fiction, a novel. (?)
    Well, what a blessing that Gov. Winthrop arranged for her survival!
    Just a quick check tells me that Norwegians arrived in Norfolk in the late stone age. Not clear about Suffolk. Fones sounds Norwegian. You never know about Brits. Well, let us know tomorrow what your aunt says. Nice talking with you.
  • edited March 2011
    Believe what sounds true to you. There's a Native American belief about family members reincarnating in future generations. Relatives will recognize the child as having her grandmother's characteristics (personality), or something.
  • edited March 2011
    Yes, The Winthrop Woman is a historical "fiction" based on her life. It is written by a woman who lives in her old estate in Connecticut, who was so fascinated by her life, that she researched it and wrote a book on it. In order to make it interesting, she embellished it with "assumed" details, which makes it technically a fiction, although all the dates, facts, marital info, locations, etc are true.

    In the beginning of the book, there is a family tree, which I can confirm through my own research leads directly to me.

    Nice talking to you too CW!

  • Fascinating! How fortunate you are to have that book! Have you communicated with the author? You can write to the author through the publisher.
  • edited March 2011
    I would love to do that. I have not, but I should. She has papers on Elizabeth housed at the Historical Society in Greenwich, Ct. I would love to visit there too.

    And by the way, that book is out of print and VERY hard to come by. I paid a fortune for it; it's a treasure.
  • edited March 2011
    Fones, originally from Saxby, Worcestershire, around 1000 AD. That's as far back as I can find Fones family info. They say it's a Saxon name, so German, originally...?

    FYI, the book is available new and used on Amazon. Must've done a reprint.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah, it's an odd name. I have not been able to research the Fones line except for a few generations before her. The other side, the Winthrop side, being royal, was much easier to research (which incidentally, is still HER blood line, since she married her first cousin).
  • edited March 2011
    Fone is a town in SE Norway, near the coast. I don't know if there's a connection. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe someday you could go to Fone and ask if any families emigrated from there to England, see if the local historical society knows anything. But it may've happened too long ago for anyone to remember. I wonder when Fone was founded? Maybe that's the thing to look up, first.
  • Hmmm... I'll have to look into that the next time I pick up my research. I go in phases, sometimes I become completely submersed it in for weeks on end, and other times I won't touch it for months; my genealogy, that is.
  • Interesting stuff. I can't say I've had visions but I've been checking into my dreams lately and I'm very fascinated by them. Sometimes I have deeply spiritual dreams and I don't know where they come from. Or sometimes its just weird coincidences. The other night, for example, I dreamed that my friend and I stayed up all night. Sure enough in the morning the same friend told me he hadn't been able to sleep at all that night. Strange.

    Of course, I know what my meditation teacher would say to all this stuff. "Don't bother with it! Just focus on the breath!" or something like that :-)
  • Maybe you're doing astral travel in your dreams, Kunga. Maybe you should keep a dream diary.
  • The last two nights have been dreams about people from my past. One night it was random dreams about my exes, all the way back to my teens, and then last night it was dreams about former bosses of jobs I've had. I have NO idea what significance, if any, that has!
  • Sometimes dreams are just about processing experiences, or sort of visiting people we were close to. Some don't seem to have any rhyme or reason. Others seem more significant. Still others can be premonitions.
  • I have very vivid dreams, every night. I am used to it. But there is a different kind of feeling when I have premonition type dreams. I don't know how to describe it, but it's different. I wake up feeling very strange, like someone visited me in my sleep, as opposed to a regular dream.
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Interesting story. But you know that the spirits can not help you reach nibbana dont you? Leave the spirits alone. They can be so much trouble.

    In Butsudo you are on your own.:)

    Have a nice day.
  • WAY COOL, Mr. S!! And yeah, do the watch test. If you have stronger than the average person's electromagnetic field, the watch will stop. I haven't been able to wear mechanical watches since I was 12. But I'm ok with battery watches. But true healers can't even wear those. The needle-pricking sensation sounds like it's electrical, BTW.

    Yeah, maybe you have a gift for communicating with spirits, the deceased. See if your grandma knows anyone who can help you develop your gift. And I've never heard of someone being able to revive an appliance with their healing energy. Revive people or animals, yes. But not objects, have you? But it sounds like you're sensitive to energy, and that you have a strong field, or at least, the day that you inadvertently killed two MP3 players, you did. maybe you had a surge. Or maybe like you said, there was some sort of energy phenom near you, and you unknowingly conducted that energy to the MP3 players. I've caused computers to crash occasionally, without doing anything, just my energy did that (when I was wired up to one for testing).

    I don't believe in superstition or magic. Rather, these phenomena are scientific discoveries waiting to happen.

    Oh, and re: the prediction about how your parents would meet--can you go see the guy and ask him about yourself? Maybe he can help you meet women, or can tell you when a good relationship will come along. :) Take advantage of the resources at your disposal. This healer/clairvoyant is a resource. Let us know if any more interesting stuff happens.

    I like your spirit Dakini,
    About rather than being superstitious events, they're phenomena just waiting to be discovered and understood by science lol. I know it sounds totally crazy to those scientific types, but all I can say is that they would believe it if it happened to them.

    For the shaman you're talking about that is naturally very gifted with foresight and healing, I thought about her before. Because my mother used to take me to her when I was sick as a kid and the medicine she used always worked. I thought about going to her and asking her for help with my love life. But now she is blind, and I hear her husband has tried to take over her work, but I know for certain her husband just won't be as good as her.

    So I wonder if I really should go see her even though she is blind now. I wonder if she would still do a reading for me, and if it wouldn't be rude of me to ask if I could see her instead of her husband.
  • laurajean,
    I'm glad you can finally get this stuff out -). There is something to it. A lot more to this world than we really know. It's good to keep tabs on stuff like this that happens to you. Some will be just debunkable coincidence, but focus on the coincidences. Because too much of a coincidence isn't always that. I've been seeing patterns almost all my life of strange incidents like the ones you mentioned and the ones I mentioned.
    Interesting story. But you know that the spirits can not help you reach nibbana dont you? Leave the spirits alone. They can be so much trouble.

    In Butsudo you are on your own.:)

    Have a nice day.
    Would you know personally that spirits cause trouble Victorious lol? I have actually been physically injured by a spirit before when I was trying hard to interact with them. But that's another story, that is not so easy for me to tell in public. I care about Buddhism to help liberate me into a better mental state. But I can't say my goal is nibbana. My goal is to be successful in love. I rather become good with women and not be enlightened, rather than be enlightened and not have a woman. That's just how I feel about nibbana personally though lol.

  • i had an experience when i was about 5 years old. i was at a friends house and we were playing outside. i walked passed a window of his house and there was a lady standing and watching us- she was really old with white hair and she just stared with no expression. i asked my friend about her grandmother (assuming that this lady was her grandmother), and she said that she only had one grandmother who lived abroad. i asked her who the lady at the window was and she said there was nobody at the window, but this lady just wouldnt stop staring at me. the funny thing is that i wasnt scared of her.

    about two years later, i was at home with my mom. my mom was bed-ridden and i kind of looked after her (even at that young age). i was in my room alone, playing with toys when the same lady walked in and sat in the chair. she just looked at me. i wasnt scared and after she left i went to tell my mother that this lady was watching me play- she dismissed it as an imaginary friend.

    then when i was about 15 years old, i moved in with a foster family. there was a man who would come and sit on my bed every night. the foster mom thought i was looking ofr attention until one day when her son noticed my bed went down as this man sat. one day i even told him to show them that he existed by doing somehting strange and he turned the tv off. they then believed me.

    after we moved from there i didnt have another experience until now a few months ago. everytime i am alone at home, i see a shadow of a man- and he will just stand next to me and stare at me. i have no idea who it is and why he does this. my parents both passd away but the man figure is not my dad. its strange cause he doesnt ever come when i have people over or anything. and he just stares. he dosnt harm me or anything. and i cannot ask family either because they dont believ in such thingsand they dont talk to me either. it was weird.,

    just thought i would share that :scratch:
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    there are a lot of strange and unexplainable things that happen in the world. i once had a very unfortunate event happen to me when i was living with my sister. during this event, i looked at the clock and noticed the time. my sister was away at class at the time and when she came home, she rushed to me right away and asked what was wrong. as soon as she asked, i started crying and she asked me when it had happened and i told her the time i had noted when i looked at the clock and she said when she was sitting in class, she suddenly had a horrible sinking feeling and looked at her watch, only to notice the SAME exact time. she said she knew something terrible had happened to me. though miles away, she was inexplicably connected to my pain. it cannot be explained.
  • personally, I see "spirits" on a regular basis. I hear voices, see loved ones that have died, even the farmer that used to live on my property
  • VictoriousVictorious Grim Veteran

    Would you know personally that spirits cause trouble Victorious lol? I have actually been physically injured by a spirit before when I was trying hard to interact with them. But that's another story, that is not so easy for me to tell in public. I care about Buddhism to help liberate me into a better mental state. But I can't say my goal is nibbana. My goal is to be successful in love. I rather become good with women and not be enlightened, rather than be enlightened and not have a woman. That's just how I feel about nibbana personally though lol.

    Yes I know personally that spirits can cause trouble. I am from Sri Lanka were people are aware of these things.

    Did you know that the Attanatiya Sutta that explains how to ward against demons and evil spirits?

    And for the women my kyokushin Sensei told me that they are like eggs. They might have differents colors on the outside but inside its always the same. Whites and Yolk.

    I think he has got a point there. :).

    Good luck with the spirits and the women.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Blind clairvoyants can still practice their art, because it doesn't depend on their eyesight. I got a reading from an almost completely blind clairvoyant once, and it was spot on. I don't think it'd be rude to ask to see her. You can use the excuse that she knew you and the famnily since you were a kid. You'll have to remind her who you are, and it might be best to go with your mom, because she might recognize your mom's voice, and your mom could more easily re-establish the old bond. But I say: go for it! :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Great stories! Seeker, laurajean, Mr. Serenity, I would suggest you guys work on practicing and developing these special abilities, with an eye toward eventually using them to help people. Being able to communicate with deceased loved ones can be a great comfort to people, and just knowing that loved ones are still around, even if there's no clear communication, can be a comfort. And the energy healing can also be very helpful. One good book to read, to get you started learning about energy healing is "Hands of Light", by Barbara Brennan, a former NASA scientist who became a healer. These days, people in the West charge for these services, but I wouldn't recommend that. Traditional healers around the world still practice for free, or in exchange for gifts (food, whatever), because they say these abilities are a divine gift, and it isn't right to charge money for a spiritual matter. But that's a question of individual conscience. I know a couple of Philippine psychic surgeons who suddenly lost their gift because they got carried away, touring the US and charging a lot of money. (A word of caution.)
    personally, I see "spirits" on a regular basis. I hear voices, see loved ones that have died, even the farmer that used to live on my property
  • I wouldn't have a clue on how to develop them; they just seem to happen on their own. I can't "make them happen". Not sure that I would want to either....
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2011
    You need to find someone to train with. As CW suggested, above. Oh, but you're not sure you want them to happen at will? Well, you don't have to practice the visions, necessarily. You could learn about using the energy (the watch-stopping energy) for healing. A guy named Eric Pearl gives workshops around the country, and helps kick-start that kind of thing. But there's more to it than that. Anyway, if you're interested, PM me.
  • My personal experience is not as dramatic as the ones mentioned previously but one time when I was in the airforce, (long before meditation), I started thinking about Volkswagons for no apparent reason. Within a few minutes, I sat down with a cohort and he began talking about the Volkswagon he had just bought.

    Another time I visited a gifted clairvoyant I knew of, and she said to me "you knew such and such as person, didn't you". That freaked me out because I had never spoken to this women before and she accurately pinpointed a woman I had known and passed on several years before. She had known this woman as well.

    I don't question the existence of unexplained phenomena at all. I have witnessed them for myself in quite simple ways.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thanks for your contribution, ABB. Loved the clairvoyant story--people like that are worth keeping track of. They can be a good resource when you need insight on a given situation. The first example is a good illustration of the non-locality of mind. The volkswagen was in your friend's mind field, and your mind picked up on it. That sort of thing isn't as unusual as we might think.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Its not uncommon to beleive in spirits the majority of people may have some sort of experiences but may find their selves in the situation of thinking people will think they are mad if they tell them.
    Ive seen a few to, Its an unfortunate realms to be born into. :(
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