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In the begining what came first the Chicken or the egg?

If you had to guess, I'd like to hear: I think I am 99% chicken 1% egg right now.


  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    switch to general banter.

    answer is a slow evolutionary transition.

    Pick the first chicken you would actually classify as a chicken, and his egg was the first one.

    So the technical answer is the egg.
  • You can't be serious.

    Actually, it's egg, because what we commonly think of the modern chicken had to come from an egg of a non-modern chicken.

    But as Fed said in another thread, "you should stop while you're behind".

    Go do some background reading on Buddhism. It's a big internet.
  • Likewise, which came first, the Dharma or the Buddha?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Show that existence can be proved first before looking which existent things came first.

    My answer is to look to the present moment and see what is happening. And then liberate from that view by falling flat on your face!

    Maybe you could rephrase the same question or reflect on it longer. I don't get what your actually asking. I doubt its trivial, but what do I know?
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    What is the point of this question and futher how will it's answer help you or anyone else?
    With metta,
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Actually, this sounds like one of those "imponderables" that the Buddha told us not to fret about.
  • edited March 2011
    I doubt its trivial...

    It seems trivial enough to me.

  • Yes but I am Sherlock Holmes, just kidding. I did say I had no idea. And thats not trivial!
  • edited March 2011
    No biggie.

    If you don't specify the context it becomes a silly language problem or possibly a figurative expression like poetry.

    If you are looking an an egg hatch? Ans: obviously the egg came before the chicken.

    Is the glass half empty or half full? Ans: it's half empty of the waiter fills it back up.

    Number of angels on the head of a pin? Ans: A known quantity is determinable if you know their sizes and weights.

    OTOH, If you want to "go poetic" have fun with ambiguity brought on by the structure of language? Not a problem: just "forget" to specify the conditions or context. :D
  • The unconfusing part is that in the stream of consciousness all of these occur. But the confusing part is what to do with them.
  • @sherabdorje Your a wise ass? What is wrong with asking what I thought was a forum of open minded people.. a question that everyone can answer, and wow! what is your percent 100% egg? LOL kind of foolish? it's a big internet
  • @roger ...what is your percent? I'm curious about that.. no one is bothering to discuss what my original post was about. It's just refused, Buddha wouldn't do that.
  • @Dakini but if you asked him his % of one or the other, what do you think he would enjoy in answering?
  • I'm talking about the Universe BTW...... if everyone is ok with that. AHaahahahahahahah
  • @Patbb respectable, but if you had to %, what would be your answer to my question?
  • "I'm talking about the Universe BTW...... if everyone is ok with that. AHaahahahahahahah"

    Hmmmm I didn't get that. Whats going on today? I'll share. I am importing my collection of CDs into i-tunes and putting them in a binder. While visiting back and forth between my homebrewing forum in which I am a chicken because I probably won't be there long enough to make egg more meaningful as I have given up drinking. But maybe I can be an egg for a person who has quit. Meanwhile on this forum I am sharing my ideas which I hope result in live beings enjoying happiness, well one would hope. Eggs are for humans is one thing burned in my brain. And I hope humans become skillful and compassionate enough to be kind to chickens.
  • edited March 2011
    @Jeffery Touche! What is your percent oh scared stubborn one!?
  • I do not consider myself a wise-ass, although I do on occasion behave and speak wise-assily.

    But which came first, the wisdom or the ass?
  • There was a rooster, and a rib was removed from the rooster( This was , by the way, the start of "Roscoe's Chicken and Wings" too). Then with the rib was created a chicken. Then the rest including the egg appeared. Duh.
  • @roger ...what is your percent? I'm curious about that.. no one is bothering to discuss what my original post was about. It's just refused, Buddha wouldn't do that.
    Good question Free. In the world we live in day to day? The answer I am betting on is 50% - 50%

    Then another possible category to find an answer might come from asking a scientist whose field is in the origins of cell division and sexuality.

    If asked, most women will probably guess its the egg. Most men will say it's the chicken not realizing they should have said rooster (the male form of a chicken). :D
  • 25% egg but there is two sides to that yuk yuk yuk. 75% chicken because the chicken has to make decisions.
  • @sherabdorje Which came first in MY question the avoidant or the scared? Just tell me that your 100% sure again.. please it's what I would love to hear
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    @FreeofwantWdumean This site isn't a MySpace survey; please don't treat it like one. Don't respond with vitriol toward users who bother to give reasoned answers to your inane questions.
  • edited March 2011
    @Lincoln I know I hate to be a pain. Link please don't tell me your one too, your %? simply curious if thats totally cool
  • edited March 2011
    one %=Creator one %=Eternal Universe , thats really all I want to hear, and all in My question I am interested in. If that is cool.. no one seems cool with that.

    I'd love to see answers like this:
    C %= this
    E U %= this
  • Your header is what came first not what percent. I think everyone is surprised that the only answer on topic is a percent for such a wide question. If everyone knew it was about numbers maybe those good with numbers would gravitate to your thread.
  • "one %=Creator one %=Eternal Universe , thats really all I want to hear, and all in My question I am interested in. If that is cool.. no one seems cool with that.

    I'd love to see answers like this:
    C %= this
    E U %= this"

    The creator can only create a universe that will eventually collapse. With laughter your friend Jeffrey.
  • "But which came first, the wisdom or the ass? " lol.. hes so 100%
  • Did you know they are breeding foxes for housepets in Siberia? 32%
  • one %=Creator one %=Eternal Universe , thats really all I want to hear, and all in My question I am interested in. If that is cool.. no one seems cool with that.

    I'd love to see answers like this:
    C %= this
    E U %= this
    At the risk of repeating myself and others, such questions are what are known in Buddhism as "imponderables". AND you asked the question about a Creator on another thread. Such questions are non-sensical to Buddhists because they have no bearing on more immediate and more important questions.
  • @Jefferey thank you jeff for being so understanding and wanting to share in a structured question of mine, reallly!

    to all others I would really like to see first the 2 percents C and EU. Then ANYTHING else you want to say on another line. I'm open minded
  • edited March 2011
    @Sherabdorje Imponderables means they are not worth stressing about, but are still there. your 2 please sir
  • This is my favorite thread ever. 12% C ** % EU
  • edited March 2011
    @Sherabdorje Imponderables means they are not worth stressing but did it ever occus to you could just compromise and answer the damn question? you 2.. please sir
    NO!!! This is a Buddhist bulletin board, and you have posted this in the section "Modern Buddhism". As Lincoln the Administrator said, this is not a MySpace Poll where we post inane questions. No. NO!!
  • @Jeffery I'm rethinking joinging a temple now! I am bewildered by the dodgieness of a challeneging question. In all honesty the response I have gotten from almost everyone on this thread is not JUST THE 2 and a discussion. But a almost hateful mockery of closed mindedness, it makes me want to ditch this site and wonder about the rest of people who read Buddha or maybe read in to it too much not enough, whatever it is I feel they are easily threatened now, based on 90% of these responses.

    Just the 2:
    then a discussion of anything you want to say.

    "No actually Mock me and call me F ing stupid "
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited March 2011
    Freeofwant, buddhism is about freeing yourself so that you can free others as far as I know.. But one needs wisdom or one creates difficult conditions.
  • edited March 2011
    @Sherabdorje If Buddha was sitting with us, would he give us his guess of the 2 percents I'm curious about? I rest my case.
  • @Jeffery thats why it's so beautiful. I am a little hurt by everyone, why can't we have the wonder of the 2 %'s.. it's imponderable but it can just be a simple guess. Still no one understands me...
  • @Sherabdorje If Buddha was sitting with us, would he give us his guess of the 2 percents I'm curious about? I rest my case.
    No. That's exactly my point. The Buddha would remain silent or at least tell you it's imponderable. Thank you for making my point for me.

  • What do you find joyful about this question? Most people reject the idea of a creating or an eternal universe.
  • @Sherabdorje But, if I asked him for a simple guess, you really think he would shut the door and say it's imponderable? It is imponderable, he would say his simple guess and NOT ponder it, thats all I want.
  • @Jeffery Why can't we hope for both, that's what I find joyful.
  • Its not imponderable but it is not useful to reach suffering at least not in a conceptual rigid. Way. It can only be useful to practice with the arisings and see that they are as they are.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    call it a night, ok?
This discussion has been closed.