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MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited March 2011 in General Banter
I've noticed many people have been being extremely sarcastic lately, especially on NewBuddhist. It bothers the crap out of me!

Is using sarcasm unskillful?


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Depends on how it's used. If it's used to show that a line of thinking is clearly flawed and elicit a laugh at the same time, yes. If it's used to mock someone, no.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Depends on how it's used. If it's used to show that a line of thinking is clearly flawed and elicit a laugh at the same time, yes. If it's used to mock someone, no.
    Showing that a line of thinking is clearly flawed can be considered mocking, I think. I'd think a polite rebuttle would be a bit better in this case rather than using sarcasm.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Showing that a line of thinking is clearly flawed can be considered mocking, I think. I'd think a polite rebuttle would be a bit better in this case rather than using sarcasm.
    I agree, MG. My uncle was a shrink, and he believed that sarcasm was never appropriate. Best to communicate one's feelings directly. Sarcasm veils true feelings. It's considered an agressive act, of sorts. Definitely not "right speech". I dunno, what do you think, Cloud?

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    I think sarcasm fits into the realm of most joking.

    I consider that if everyone connected gets it and laughs, it is skillful enough for a lay person. If the intent of the sarcasm is the ridicule of another, such as a veiled judgement, I would consider it unskillful because it clutters our mind with delusion.
  • Matt, you're such a goody two-shoes... :)
  • Sarcasm is part of human communication. Deal with it.
  • If it annoys you. meditate on it.
  • I used to use sarcasm a LOT, thought the whole 'hiding feelings' thing was BS until I actually examined it.

    But yeah, everyone appreciates a good joke (as long as it's executed well, I suppose).
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Humorous sarcasm which develops into friendly banter between people, is not harmful.
    Sarcasm used in ad hominem attacks to deliberately belittle, criticise or poke fun at somebody else or their opinions, is definitely not ok.
    Hit the flag button guys, if it really grips your doo-doos, and we'll deal with it as appropriate. :)
  • Yes, it's definitely not right speech in my case.
  • Sarcasm can sometimes be easily misunderstood by people whose first language is not English. We have such people in this forum. This form of humour can be misconstrued as an intent to get laughs at their expense. It may not be funny to the them, and seen to be an attenpt to ridicule, mock, taunt, insult, etc...

    But, then again, maybe I'm being a spoil sport.... ;)
  • I find myself being sarcastic when I am fearful, angry or resentful...hence...not very skillful of me.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    It depends. Sometimes people use sarcasm thinking that it's funny or "just a joke", when it is actually just themselves bolstering their ego, in a way that is not even recognizable to themselves, because it is disguised as "humor". I would say that it is used this way more often than not.
  • edited March 2011
    You can't be sarcastic with a keyboard and expect it to come across properly calibrated.

    Most people are a bit stressed and will over react so your clever interjection of irony can have crushing effects.

    Antidote: say something nice about someone in each of your posts. If you can't come up with a small bit of something complimentary to say maybe avoid hitting the "Post Comment" button.


    BTW, if you say what I just said above in other forums? Someone invariably comes back with a sarcastic, "Thanks mom," comment. :):):)
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    I'd say it's always wrong speech. I'm not really annoyed with it or anything that's just my opinion.

    It's not very straightfoward or productive.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    so unskillfull I'd say yes
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Sarcasm can sometimes be easily misunderstood by people whose first language is not English. We have such people in this forum. This form of humour can be misconstrued as an intent to get laughs at their expense. It may not be funny to the them, and seen to be an attenpt to ridicule, mock, taunt, insult, etc...

    But, then again, maybe I'm being a spoil sport.... ;)
    It depends. Sometimes people use sarcasm thinking that it's funny or "just a joke", when it is actually just themselves bolstering their ego, in a way that is not even recognizable to themselves, because it is disguised as "humor". I would say that it is used this way more often than not.
    You can't be sarcastic with a keyboard and expect it to come across properly calibrated.

    Most people are a bit stressed and will over react so your clever interjection of irony can have crushing effects.

    All of these are good points. Even if sarcasm were innocent humor (which I don't think it is in most instances), it's too easily misunderstood, due to the written medium, plus possible language differences between writer and reader on this forum. Bearing that in mind, maybe we could just skip it, or, as one poster did recently, label it as sarcasm in parentheses. Sorry to spoil the perceived fun.
  • Sarcasm is just a good joke. Dont be cruel.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    The problem is, too many people use it to be cruel in a veiled manner. :(
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @Dakini, and everybody:

    that's when Mod's come in.
    as already stated, if you find a post questionable - flag it.
    That's all you really need to do.
    You may have an opinion, but if you hand the matter over to the Mod's you need do nothing more.

    Especially: Never comment, never reply, never contribute, never expand, never intervene.

    That's our job.
  • Alot of the time sarcasm can only really be appreciated as being a joke, if the tone of voice of the person who is being sarcastic can be heard, otherwise it can be considered as mocking. It's the same when someone tries to be sarcastic or tells a joke to someone who is maybe not from the same region or country. They just don't get it. It has happened to me many times with my Chinese friends, I tell a joke and they look at me like I am being serious, I have to tell them I am joking ( the other possibility and most likely one is my jokes just arn't funny ! ), they get used to it after a while and start to realise when your joking and when your serious, but the point is, since the tone of voice of the person cannot be heard on a forum post then its maybe best to avoid using sarcasm on forums.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    The French don't understqnd English Irony/sarcasm.... My daughter has a tattoo, and got it from an excellent French tattooist, and said she would bring in her baby to have a tattoo on his forehead saying 'I love my Mum' and the tattooist replied that it might be better to wait until he's a bit older, because the head still has to grow... I mean; he took her completely seriously, and she was so completely NOT serious....!
  • In my opinion sarcasm is a form of passive aggressiveness.
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