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[Video] Buddha statue move lips & eyelids in front of devotees

nvamsanvamsa New
edited March 2011 in General Banter
Videos captured at a Buddhist centre in Malaysia on 27/Feb/2011.
Original article in Chinese.
Article in Google Translate.
See videos at bottom of webpage.


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  • patbbpatbb Veteran
    they have alot of Buddha statues.

    I'm not being sarcastic here, just asking because i don't speak Chinese.

    Are they selling these statues?
  • I'm not sure - most probably no based on the article, which says the centre is a place where members go for regular group practice (may be chanting/meditation) & has ~50 Buddha statues which are typical in a Buddhist worship place here.
  • edited March 2011
    Who was that who sang, "Got myself a crying, talking, sleeping, walking living doll"?

    I am being sarcastic.
  • Oh, thanks for the laugh this morning! The videos are so obviously manipulated, and the translated article says only some people in the crowd could see them move, it reminded me that people are people everywhere and in spite of their religion, culture, or intelligence.

    Also reminds me of an article I read a long time ago in the paper, about a Chinese Buddhist temple badly in need of donations and visitors for repair work, suddenly finding a long lost fingerbone of THE Buddha in a cave behind the temple. Seems some traveling monk from India brought it there way back when and they had just discovered the records. Now visitors flock to the temple to pay homage to the little piece of bone. It's a miracle! Well, the miracle of some crafty old monk desperate for money to fix a leaky roof and with knowledge of what motivates people.

    Isn't the mind a wonderful playground of illusion and desire?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Didn't Gerry Anderson do this first with his Stingray puppets?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    And this has to be the biggest laugh of the century... Even as a child I could see how totally daft this was...
    A love triangle... he's in love with her, but not with her, and she's in love with him, but her gets in the way....*deep sigh*....

    Those Buddhas have sure got it easy.....! :D

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    There's a lot of "magic" woven into Buddhism in Malaysia. Another cheap thrill, that clearly has nothing to do with Buddhism, is the famous snake temple, which is Buddhist. I was there quite a few years ago, and indeed, there are vipers all over the temple, just lazing in the haze of incense. But of course, we are supposed to believe that Buddha and Buddhism is not magic.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran

    I have never seen anything like it, except maybe Thunderbirds.
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