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Religious Texts

edited March 2011 in General Banter
Talking to my christian father, who was trying to persuade me that there is some fact in the bible:
The fact that the OT, The Qur'an, and some other religious texts have a lot of similiarites and describe a lot of similar events. Does this prove anything?


  • No.
    defend please
  • It proves that Abrahamic religions are all based on different versions of the same events and that religions try to create a moral code through storytelling. Since morals come from empathy, they are pretty much universal, so any religious text would be based on the same basic ideas.
  • It proves that the tribal people who eventually came up with those texts lived in close proximity and experienced the same or similar events and had somewhat similar beliefs and culture. What was your father trying to prove? There is some fact in the Bible, why wouldn't there be? Lots of research has been done on Biblical events and people. Some is myth, some is fact.
  • edited March 2011
    All it proves is that they are basically from the same sources. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are known as the "Abrahamic" religions, or "Religions of the Book", because they are all based on the theory of the people of the region being descended from Abraham. That's all it proves, IMO.

    Other than that, for me, your question is too nonspecific, for me at least, to "defend".

    Can you suggest to me what it might prove?
  • Talking to my christian father, who was trying to persuade me that there is some fact in the bible:
    The fact that the OT, The Qur'an, and some other religious texts have a lot of similiarites and describe a lot of similar events. Does this prove anything?
    It proves world religions are a neglected part of our educational system.

    Your father does know that Christianity and Muslim religions are both offshoots of and use an expanded version of the Jewish Torah, right? They're similar because they are all branches off the same tree.
  • edited March 2011

    It proves world religions are a neglected part of our educational system.
    So much is absent from our education system! (I don't mean to digress, but I couldn't resist; our ed system is pathetic. OK, back to the topic at hand...)

  • all religions point to a non-dual understanding of the universe.
    i find the same truths in all religious text. it's our conditioning that doesn't allow us to see that truth.

    when we are striped of the conditioning or rather set that conditioning down, we can see truth very clearly.

    like jesus was man awakening to his christ nature or spirit. he spoke about becoming like children again to come to the kingdom of heaven. only a "nothingness" can pass the needle. the idea of virginity is a non dual idea. it's not pointing to physical virginity but spiritual virginity. what is pure and can never be tainted? consciousness.

    or god tells moses that his name is I AM. I am refers to everything.

    or how about bhagavad gita. the whole idea of krishna is nondual. he is literally everything. good and bad.

    idk just some things i found interesting.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    We find whatever it is we're looking for; the mind can only see things in the way its view allows them to be seen.
  • Some spiritual leaders eg Tolle think that Jesus was an enlightened being.
    IMO, there is no single path to nirvana.
    Nirvana by any other name is still nirvana.
    How do we know that Moses & Muhammad were not enlightened?
    The Bible & quran are written by people. Edited over time.
    So how much of it are the actual words of the prophets?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited March 2011
    don't worry about who wrote the words.

    figure out what the words are pointing to. find their logical conclusions.

    is there truth in it? if not discard and move on.

    but why isn't there truth in it. see everything can be a lesson. even when we see things as not truth can show truth.
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