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Buddha Boy

TakuanTakuan Veteran
edited April 2011 in Buddhism Today

I read about this guy in the past, but I figured I'd get some opinions on him from the community here.

I've read the stories about his "ability" to survive without eating for extended periods of time... I gotta say I'm skeptical about him to say the least. What do you all think?


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Yeah I had a thread here about him too. My opinion is that he's genuine insofar as wanting to help people but not as being anything more special than that, and has been used by friends and family and others who would promote him for their own gain.
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    There is indication that he is highly trained in samadhi, but no indication that he is enlightened.
  • I read that he got into a fight with some guys who were interrupting his meditation. I don't think violence is a sign of Buddhahood.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    I have very little knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism. Might he be a reincarnated Tulku?
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    I have very little knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism. Might he be a reincarnated Tulku?
    I was actually thinking the same thing, but no one has "recognized" him yet. From what I have read, a person is only given the title of "tulku" when a high ranking lama declares him as such.
    I read that he got into a fight with some guys who were interrupting his meditation. I don't think violence is a sign of Buddhahood.
    Yeah, I read about that in the wiki article and I agree that it isn't very buddha like. lol Then again, he claims that he is not a buddha, but has called himself a rinpoche.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I hope he's for real, though I remain skeptical, with an open mind.
  • yea I dont believe he can live without water or food.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    He is like me and you, some guy, or gal, meditating. No more no less.
  • He's no sage.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Who knows.
    Only he knows who he is.
    Let's watch and observe and see what happens.
  • I read that he got into a fight with some guys who were interrupting his meditation. I don't think violence is a sign of Buddhahood.
    wrongful misinformation. They were children interrupting his important meditation and so he had to chase them away. From what i know, his name was Ram bahudur bomjon, then Palden dorje, and now DharmaSangha.. since he began his meditation in 2005 locals have reffered to him as "buddhaboy"... it find him fascinating to say the least. His meditation is due to be complete in less than a month, it has been predicted he will achieve perfect enlightenment in these last few weeks. He made this prediction 6 years ago... interestingly stating also that it could have taken him 20 years if certain things did not happen which he had requested before leaving to meditate in the jungle...

    anyway his Eight moralities or rules are:

    1. Not to discriminate against human beings according to their cast, religion, gender or color etc.
    2. Not to humiliate religions by comparing them as superior or inferior.
    3. Not to accept discriminative doctrinal principles.
    4. Not to think of nations as separate or treat countries as friends and enemies.
    5. To avoid debates and arguments as to whether something is true or false as one view will likely be undervalued and another exaggerated.
    6. Not to practice 10 negative actions (3 of the body: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct; 4 of the speech: lie, words that divide, bad words and twaddle; 3 of the mind: desire (to have something what belongs to an other), malevolence and mistaken visions).
    7. To practice three training techniques: discipline, concentration and wisdom and the dedication of your life to social and national services.
    8. To attain perfect enlightenment or dedicate yourself to get liberation for oneself or others.

    i personally think he is going to be equivalent to buddha, but not another buddha as such.. in his own words he has a "different energy to buddha" , stated when requesting people not to refer to him as buddhaboy.. but he has said he is receiving direct teachings from the buddhas...
  • i would love to say more about what i think but i am far too tired right now ,.., so instead ill leave you with these amazingly profound prayers he gave earlier this year

    Jhyangling shide jhyampei mwenlam tsenmo thyinley shidub yishin norbui tertsen
    shejyawa shyugso.
    Here is the great wish-fulfilling gem: the treasure accomplishing four actions,
    called the World Peace Great Loving Prayers.
    1) Jyigten jyigten ledhe pei
    Dyisum khyenpei lamei tsog
    Yidam khando tsyokyong dang
    Jogsang genam ghongsu sol
    Favor us with grace, assembly of Gurus of the world and beyond the world
    knowing the three times, personal deities, sky walker goddesses, Dharma
    protectors and perfectly enlightened ones.
    2) Tserab nejhung dadi bar
    Shangngen ghedig lamtwen pei
    Dhintsen lamar dhemoi tsei
    Tagtu gosum gwipe dwi
    I bow with faith and devotion to the graceful gurus, demonstrators of the path
    to both the noble and the bad, the virtuous and the sinful from ages past to the
    3) Migme thugje dangi la
    Butar cheshing khorwa yi
    Dongtug yeshe cholje pa
    Yidam lhalahang dagchhyag chhel
    I salute my tutelary deities who with emptiness show compassion as a mother
    does to her son and who provide the wisdom of liberation from the depths of
    cyclical existence.
    4) Tagtu dibshin dogje lha
    Denda mepei nwithwi chen
    Dwennam chharchwe lungten pei
    Pawo khandor dagtsyag tsel
    I salute those brave, powerful and incomparable sky-walker goddesses who
    defeating Mara and predicting future events have always accompanied me like a
    5) Tsyogshi jinge dersheg nam
    Khenchei nwipei dagngi tsei
    Gangla gangdwil jepa yi
    Denpar jelahang dagtsyag tsel
    I also bow to those enlightened ones of the four directions who have world
    knowing wisdom compassion and the power to liberate sentient beings from
    the cycle of existence; those great ones who release beings from their respective
    6) Tsyogdwi kwinkhyab jyangsem kyi
    Dowai dwenngi jeghong ney
    Tagtu phartsyin churchye pa
    Jyangtsyub sempar dagtsyag tsel
    I salute those bodhisattvas with the enlightened minds pervading throughout all
    directions and times who thought only to benefit the sentient beings and always
    practice the ten perfections.
    7) Damtsye ngenshing dogje ney
    Tsyogkwin shidang dwilwa yi
    Tenpa dharshing gyeje pei
    Ngenrang ghedwin latsyag tsel
    I salute those Shravaka (heeders) and Pratik (self enlightened) Buddhas who
    listening to the real Dharma tell others the righteous path and spread the rules of
    peace and humility throughout all directions.
    8) Shenyang tsyagjyar hwepa la
    Dhaggi goshum gwitwi ney
    Jhyamling shider yonggwe chhir
    Mwenlam namdag dhijye do
    Bowing to all respectable gurus, gods and goddesses with the three doors of body,
    speech and mind, I pray these pure World Peace Loving Great Prayers make the
    universe peaceful.
    1) Maha gurui jyinlab dhang
    Dagchyag lhagsam namdag pei
    Tseme jhyampei mwenlam gyie
    Jigten shishing deleg syog
    May our pure, vast and immeasurable Loving Great Prayers make this universe
    peaceful and happy with the blessing of great gurus.
    2) Dagchyag chyomden tsyoying kur
    Thimshing erme rabtu ney
    Machyoe lame dhetsen gyi
    Yingsu rolwar jyingyie lob
    Bless us that we may enjoy the natural and highest great joy of being inseparable
    in the state of emptiness in the Dharmakaya of the perfectly enlightened.
    3) Nelug dwendam matog shing
    Yijyung kwintag rabthwil ney
    Ngijin marig togpei daar
    Rangchhwei rangdwel thongwar shyog
    May all sentient beings having seen the self imprisonment of being entrapped in
    the two misconceptions of me and my, ignorance, and imagination; which without
    knowing the condition of ultimate truth revolve to the self produced conceptual
    forms of imputation, see the path to self liberation.
    4) Marig ngijin lasog pey
    Nachhog lengen shagpa ley
    Dhebur wangme ngerchyoe pa
    Lugjyung lugdog toypar shyog
    May sentient beings know the rules of ascending and descending Samsara, people
    who without self independence (exception) consume various fruit of bad karma
    through the ignorance of the two misconceptions of me and my and so forth.
    5) Malwie yonten kwingyi shyi
    Jhyampei tsulthim gyeden ney
    Kyewoe chhogshag deepjyang shing
    Lamar jalwel soenam thob
    May all sentient beings receive the opportunity to see the enlightened gurus by
    maintaining virtuous karma and purifying their veil of sins after taking the eight
    loving vows which are the source of infinite quality.
    6) Jyamgwen dolma chenre shig
    Daagpo baitri lasog pei
    Jyingyi labshing lungten te
    Tsedi dwendang denpar shyog
    May this human life be fruitful receiving blessing and future prediction of being
    enlightened by the Arya Maitri Nath, Arya Tara, Arya Lokesvara, Daagpho and
    Baitri and so forth.
    7) Khorwa jyisi khyamgyur kyang
    Tagtu lama dangthe ney
    Langdor nekwin shejye chying
    Phagpei lamle midog shyog
    Even though we are moving through the cycle of existence, after having met the
    spiritual guru may all sentient beings never stray from the noble path knowing
    the entire side of taking and discarding karma.
    8) Lamar yimi chhepa dang
    Lungten payang nangme kyi
    Yelwar midor midog pei
    Depe lamdu jyugpar shyog
    May we not disbelieve the spiritual guru and may we not be uninterested even
    though they have predicted our enlightenment, but may all beings follow the path
    of enlightenment with irreversible faith.
    9) Dedwi chherab ngama nam
    Dhenshing togpa phelgyur ney
    Ngondwi madub lamshyug shing
    Dubpa tagchye thobpar shyog
    After having followed their spiritual path, recalling their past lives and spreading
    knowledge, may sentient beings receive accomplishments (siddhi) with the signs
    and accomplish the path which was not accomplished in the past life,.
    10) Gangdwe jyishin twiljye pei
    Gyuma tabui tingjin gyie
    Namtwil nelwi shela sog
    Chechying yunring negyur chyig
    May sentient beings live long consuming the places, body and foods which are
    produced by Maya-sadrishya Samadhi (illusion-like meditative concentration)
    through which meditation produces everything as wished.
    11) Jyungshi namshe semdang chey
    Wangdu dwipei tingnge jin
    Thaye ngene dowai dwen
    Jechyir twilshyug chyegyur chig
    May all sentient beings do penance to benefit all sentient beings receiving
    complete meditative concentration which controls the four elements and the
    senses and mind.
    12) Dagchyag lamdu jyugpei tse
    Dugngal pucham mingyong shing
    Dhechen dhedang chhungpa yi
    Shalam farol tsinpar shyog
    While we follow the path without experiencing the slightest suffering, may all
    sentient beings cross over to the grounds and path of advancement to the state of
    liberation and omniscience with the same happiness of the Pureland (Sukhavati).
    13) Lamdu lobpei kabnam su
    Tsyoekyong barchhe rabsel ney
    Yidam ngwedub chalwa kwim
    Thamche ghegme thobpar shyog
    While we are practicing the path of enlightenment may the Dharma protector
    remove all obstacles and may we attain accomplishments (siddhi) without
    interruption granted by personal deities.
    14) Tsengai ngejyung jyangsem dang
    Chhetsung tagom chyopei thwie
    Dhirni gheshe mepar yang
    Lamgom debu jogpar shyog
    May we attain the perfect results of meditating on the path of enlightenment even
    without Dharma teachers by the power of past lives’ renunciation, enlightened
    mind (compassion), great and small vision, meditation and practices.
    15) Jyangtsyub semkyie rangshen gyi
    Dhitsihi dwennam dubpa la
    Chonpei kabsu kurdeb dang
    Ngethab lasog mebar shyog
    May the followers of the path not be humiliated and devaluated while with
    enlightened mind they are attempting to benefit self and others for this and the
    next life.

  • 16) Tsyogdwie kwintu jyangtsyub kyi
    Shingdung shegpei gyalwa dang
    Jyangtsyub sempei lamdag la
    Thamche depe jyugpar shyog
    May all sentient beings follow the path of victorious and enlightened beings (Jin
    and Bodhi Sattvas) who have reached under the Bodhi Tree with the all direction
    and time pervading enlightened mind (bodhicitta).
    17) Gomdang kache ngyamshib te
    Jyangtsyub lamsum jedang shing
    Shome dugngal nagsog su
    Ngyongwai debu ngyurmin shyog
    May all sentient beings achieve quickly the fruit of experiencing unbearable
    suffering for the sake of others in the jungles following the three enlightened
    paths of meditation, penance and research.
    18) Lama yidam khando yie
    Dibshin dogsying jyigme syog
    Gyundu jyinlav ngodub dang
    Lungten panam thobpar shyog
    May all gurus’ personal deities and sky-walker goddesses accompany sentient
    beings like a shadow so that they become fearless.
     May sentient beings
    always receive blessings, accomplishments (siddhi) and a future prediction of
    19) Syine cholme gomgyur chying
    Tsulngi lhagpar thonggyur ney
    Chhinang jyungwa semdang chey
    Deyie rangwang jepar shyog
    May those sentient beings control the outer elements of water, earth, fire and air
    as well as mind, meditating effortlessly in calm abiding meditation and analyzing
    two types of ascending and descending orders of creation and destruction of
    20) Daggi semkye twulshyug dang
    Jyampei mwenlam diyi thwie
    Dugngal ledang bagtsyag chey
    Shyishying dewe chhimpar shyog
    May sentient beings through the power of an enlightened mind, penance and
    loving prayers be freed from suffering, bad karma and karmic imprints as well as
    be contented with the happiness.
    21) Nagtug thwedu busin dang
    Dwido dangni kheme chying
    Chhadang tekom gwenme par
    Nechhon dawoi nweshoe de
    Bearing the harm from enemies, illness, weapons, heat, cold, thirst and hunger
    in a place without refuge being no different from wild animals and insects in the
    dense jungle -
    22) Dogme jyigsar shatung gyi
    Yojye dangdel sogjyig chey
    Kwinle ringshying shoeme kyi
    Rigdug dungal malwie pa
    With the fear of losing one’s life, being separated from resources of eating and
    drinking without friends in a frightful place, furthermore being separated from
    loved ones and accepting unbearable suffering in each of the six realms without
    exception -
    23) Dangdu langshing nagthwe du
    Daggi tsogngi jinge pa
    Sagpei thuyee rigdug gi
    Dugngel thamchey delwar syog
    In the middle of the jungle by dual accumulation of virtuous action and pure
    wisdom - all that exists having been accumulated through this power - may all the
    sentient beings of the six realms be freed from all their sufferings.
    24) Fama dodug semchen gyi
    Ngyongwa ngyonggyur dungal nam
    Gelte lwipar gyurpa n
    Dheyang dagla jyewar shyo
    If there remains any sufferin endured or to be endured by sentient beings of the
    six realms which are as compasionate as our mother and father, may also those
    sufferings be transferred to me
    25) Chirni lechihi kyenngen dang
    Lhagpar shyedang wanggie ni
    Ngyalwar kyepai fama nam
    Mwenlan dithwie dolwar shyog
    Through this power of these Loving Great Prayers, may those beings which are as
    compassionate as our mother and father who are born in the hell realms because
    of general karmic bad causes, and especially those influenced by anger, receive
    liberation from hell.
    26) Jyamgwen dolma chenre shig
    Daagpo sogkyi kyabhog tu
    Chhuchying ngyalwei dowa kwin
    Dewai silwa thobpar shyog
    May all hellish realms receive the coolness of joy being under the refuge of Arya
    Maitreya Nath, Arya Tara, Arya Lokeshwara, Daagpo and so forth.
    27) Jyampei gyumai tingjin ley
    Shagme ngima thongtwil ney
    Kwintag dangngyal dorthob chying
    Tendei yuldu gyurwar shyong
    Through the power of loving illusion-like meditative concentration, may
    thousands of suns without downfall be produced. May the imaginative cold hell
    realms receive warmth and the fields of the cold realms be changed into ever
    joyful purelands.
    28) Mishoe chhawe ngyamthag pei
    Dowar chheme jyangsem kyi
    Tingjin tinchhen lejyung wei
    Chhyarpei tendu silwar shyog
    May those sentient beings anguishing from unbearable heat always be cooled with
    the rain produced from the big clouds of infinite-enlightened-mind-meditative
    29) Dugngel keyngyur ngyalwa yi
    Nagtug dongpo lasog pa
    Dhechen shyinggi ghachhal tar
    Dhejyam dwenden shyingdu gyur
    May those dense jungle trees of the hell realms which are the causes of suffering
    be changed into wish-fulfilling fields of joy and softness as the groves of Pureland.
    30) Ngyalwei dungel gyurgyur pei
    Ledang ngyongmong bagtsyag kwin
    Gyalwei khemchei nwipa yi
    Segtue torshying dagpar shyog
    Through the wisdom, compassion and power of the enlightened ones, may all bad
    karma, ignorance and karmic imprints which are the causes of suffering of the hell
    realms be burned, cleaned, blown away and purified.
    31) Chirni lechee kyenngen dang
    Lhagpar sernai wanggyur pei
    Yidwag jyigten lhungpa nam
    Mewnlam dithwie dolwar shyog
    Through this power of these Loving Great Prayers, may those beings which are as
    compassionate as our mother and father who have fallen into the hungry ghost
    realms because of general karmic bad causes, and especially those influenced by
    meanness, receive liberation from the hungry ghost realms.
    32) Dhane shungte jhyamting le
    Jungwei dwichee jingbu la
    Pagsan shingdang rinchhen gyi
    Shyalye khangdu ghawar shyog
    From now may all sentient beings be happy in inconceivable mansions full of
    wish-fulfilling trees and great gems and so forth in the pond of elixir produced by
    loving-meditative concentration.
    33) Shagme royee chhimgyur ney
    Yidwag komme gyurwar shyog
    Gangdwe longsu chyonge ney
    Lhadang ngyampar nepar shyog
    May all hungry ghosts be without thirst being content with the taste of elixir
    preventing downfall. May they also be equal to gods receiving whatever they
    desire to consume.
  • 34) Hwoeku thobchying dwikwin tu
    Longkui shyingdu chwepar shyog
    Gangdwe tingjin letul ney
    Tekom dungel mepar shyog
    May all hungry ghosts achieve a body consisting of light consume in the Pureland
    of complete enjoyment body of enlightened ones. May all hungry ghosts be free
    from the suffering of hunger and thirst manifesting things as they desire through
    meditative concentration.
    35) Chirni lechee kyenngen dang
    Lhagpar timug wangsong wey
    Dwidor kyepa nelug kyi
    Yeshe shyarwe dolwar shyog
    May those animals which are as compassionate as our mother and father which
    have been born into the animal realms because of general karmic bad causes,
    and especially those influenced by ignorance, receive liberation from the animal
    realms by the rising wisdom of true samsaric condition.
    36) Jhyampa tsenpoi tingjin gyi
    Gyunne babpei shagme kyi
    Dwichi dwido chhimgyur ney
    Chhewai digshe pangwar shyog
    May animals eradicate their harmful food being satisfied with the elixir
    preventing downfall raining down from great loving meditative-concentration.
    37) Ghangdag lwinmong kwelchyoe dang
    Chigla chiggee shawa dang
    Fama delshying gwenme pa
    Dungel thaye shepar shyog
    May all animals exhaust their infinite suffering which suffer from ignorance,
    servitude, eating one another, and separating from parents as well as being
    without protection.
    38) Fen chhun doggyur thwinpar shyog
    Namyang chhewar mijyug chying
    Shoggi jyigtak rabshyi ney
    Jyigme dohong jyepar shyog
    May animals traverse fearlessly being peaceful by never going to harm others and
    being free from losing one’s life. May animals live in harmony being friends with
    each other.
    39) Chirne lechee kyenngen dang
    Lhagpar tsyagpei wanggyur pei
    Miyi jyigten kyegyur pa
    Sepa mepar chyopar shyog
    May those human beings which are as compassionate as our mother and father
    who are born in the human realms because of general karmic bad causes and
    especially those influenced by attachment, conduct good morals without craving
    especially those influenced by attachment, conduct good morals without craving
    anuna ra vichitra
    bhayi nakshatrako samuhlejhhey loka sada
    sunder paarun
    May gods and humans who are established in the Vehicle of the Dharma
    protecting the bright Dharma so that it flourishes, make this world ever beautiful,
    just as the earth is illuminated by the wonderful clusters of the constellations.
  • ... there are hundreds more,, if you want the rest ask me and ill email you the PDF... or visit and see if they have a file there.

    sleep time :)

  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited April 2011
    he is real
    I don't doubt he is a real person. He is like the Buddha in this regard: he is subject to birth, old age, sickness and death. As the Buddha was just a man, so is he.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited April 2011
    "his Eight moralities"
    I guess the Noble Eight-fold path was somehow lacking. If he wants to teach the Dhamma, then why not just teach the Dhamma.
  • I guess the Noble Eight-fold path was somehow lacking. If he wants to teach the Dhamma, then why not just teach the Dhamma.
    The Eightfold Path is just one exposition of the Dharma.

    If you look to the ancients, for example, you can find many others (It's quite amazing as a journey through a quotes website to see how dharmic the great quotes are.)

    We should not be precious.

  • I wonder if the real BUddha came to 21st century,
    how many of us will doubt him.
    not saying ram bahadur is the buddha.
  • I wonder if the real BUddha came to 21st century,
    how many of us will doubt him.
    not saying ram bahadur is the buddha.
    just to reiterate DharmaSangha himself says he is not a reincarnate of Buddha.. he has a "different energy to the buddha"

    also he says..

    ..taken from the prayers above~

    Lungten payang nangme kyi
    Yelwar midor midog pei
    Depe lamdu jyugpar shyog
    May we not disbelieve the spiritual guru and may we not be uninterested even
    though they have predicted our enlightenment, but may all beings follow the path
    of enlightenment with irreversible faith.

    on may 18th 6 years after he started his meditation, we will find out what a perfectly enlightened being is like.
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    If he were to become Enlightened on May 18, what exactly makes him so special? There have been many enlightened folks in the past and more will come in the future. Why is this one person so important?

  • He is apparently no ordinary boy.
    If he is an actor, he is a damn good one.

    Most boys his age cant sit still for 15 minutes.
    If he were to become Enlightened on May 18, what exactly makes him so special? There have been many enlightened folks in the past and more will come in the future. Why is this one person so important?

  • There is too much hype & superstition surrounding him.
    What do you expect in a poor, illiterate country?
  • He is an ordinary boy who got hooked on meditation. Just like an ordinary boy can get hooked on playing guitar at an early age and develop amazing skills.
  • wowza... what forum is this again?

    "got hooked on meditation"?
    R U actually joking?
  • Takuan,

    hi, its an interesting question.. we will just have to wait and see.. did you read through his prayers? They give you some indication of what he is all about... he wants to unify all religions, because he believes they are essentially the same.,, he is meditating for the liberation of all sentient beings... one of his first mantras - Om Namo Guru Buddha Gyani
  • btw,,, my profile pic remind you of anyone? :::)))
  • i dont know about anyone else but I see a buddha in this picture.
  • no, actually im not joking. And yea I dont believe he went without eating and drinking for 6 years...wowza

    actually I know for a fact he didnt.
  • thats a shame,, i thought it was a misleading joke.. oh well... lets hope he can use his amazing skills to bring about world peace in spite of his ske[tics anyway...

    do you have any factual evidence you can show us ? or tell us where this fact went from suspicion to fact exactly?
  • edited April 2011
    Maybe he'll reach perfect enlightenment on May 18th, or maybe he won't. Maybe he will reach Buddhahood. Maybe he will be "the great unifier" or maybe he will start another religion. Only time will tell, but speculation only fuels the fires and rumors. Siddharta already described the path, which it appears this fellow is following. Are we idolizing little here?

    If he helps bring peace to the world, then I surely support him, but let's not make him out to be a God... Rather, just let him inspire our practice.
  • i dont think he would want to be idolised. beyond being associated with the teachings he has received from "Lord Metreiya" and the other buddhas, he is simply a symbol as is buddha.. just a symbol... like his footprint, or teachings, guiding sentient beings towards liberation.
  • Maybe he doesn't want to be, but that doesn't stop others from doing it, does it?

    No offense, but from your posts it seems you've put this guy on a pedestal and are expecting great things from him. What will happen if these things don't come to pass?

    Just an observation. Not trying to pick a fight. I'm going to stop posting on this topic now.
  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I guess the Noble Eight-fold path was somehow lacking. If he wants to teach the Dhamma, then why not just teach the Dhamma.
    The Eightfold Path is just one exposition of the Dharma.

    If you look to the ancients, for example, you can find many others (It's quite amazing as a journey through a quotes website to see how dharmic the great quotes are.)

    We should not be precious".

    For me the 4NT's and the N8 are the core of the teachings, it is the Dhamma. We have so little grasp of the profundity of these basic teachings and are ready to move on to the next thing. My grasp and understanding of these teachings is poor at best, but to me, for me this man is yet another sideshow, another thing to get lost on, another way to miss the point. The Buddha already turned the wheel-what need have I of this Buddha boy?
    With metta,

  • Maitreya Buddha is not here yet. So everyone can relax
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    So did he reach ultimate enlightenment?
  • TakuanTakuan Veteran
    So did he reach ultimate enlightenment?
  • He is not enlightened at all. a very violent and troubled young man who speaks freely about world peace while he himself is not really interested in such a thing. He is vicious.

    The Himalayan Times Report: Buddha Boy Turns Violent ~ Thrashes His Siblings‚+thrashes+siblings&NewsID=326582
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