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Sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha to head for Myanmar from Beijing



  • TandaTanda Explorer
    I suppose I should respect other's opinions.But I rather like to go by the ZEN saying, "If you find Buddha on your way, kill him" Assimilating Buddha's teaching is impotent rather than worshiping him. Any contrary views?.
  • A sacred tooth. Give me a break.
  • A regular tooth verse a buddhas tooth. Same and different. Mind makes both.
  • I wonder how much it would go for on ebay :scratch:
  • In the town where I live the Anglican church was closed down and sold from a lack of interest. Perhaps if Jesus tooth made the rounds it might have survived. That kind of relic may not help ones personal realization, but it can likely help to keep a religion alive, which can't be bad.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I don't really think any kind of relic would keep any religion alive, if subjected to scientific scrutiny, analysis and carbon dating....
    And it's a sorry day for any religion, if it relies on relics to keep it going.
    I scarcely think the Anglican church closing down could have been saved by such a relic appearing...
  • Ehhh, it's coming from the Chinese, they are masters of "antiquing" things. Just look on ebay at all the "antiques" that come out of China.

    Here's a relic for you, and what people will pay for things:

    Talk about attachment.
  • There are five or six temples that claim to have Buddha's tooth scattered around Asia, last I checked. And that doesn't include the many temples with claims to have Buddha's ashes and in once case, a finger bone was miraculously found in a secret cave in China back in the 1980s, when the temple was desperately in need of donations and upkeep. And then there are the many relics of cremated Masters. People of all faiths and cultures just have this innate desire to assign special value to objects associated with the famous.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    It is a well-documented fact that the Buddha definitely had 48 teeth.....
  • I don't really think any kind of relic would keep any religion alive, if subjected to scientific scrutiny, analysis and carbon dating....
    And it's a sorry day for any religion, if it relies on relics to keep it going.
    I scarcely think the Anglican church closing down could have been saved by such a relic appearing...
    No amount of scientific scrutiny, analysis and carbon dating on the Shroud of Turin has changed the minds of millions of believers. What other reason do you think that there is for displaying this type of relic if not to inspire belief in people and attract them to your faith?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    This Buddhist relic tour came to my city. I was thinking about going, then I saw that they supposedly had some relics from Kasyapa Buddha (a Buddha that came before Shakyamuni) and I totally lost any feeling that there was any way to know if a relic was legit or not. It seems somewhat reasonable that relics from some past masters would have been kept but that a relic from I guess prehistoric times survived and was passed down strains credibility to me.
  • "He who knows that this body is like froth, and has learnt that it is as unsubstantial as a mirage, will break the flower-pointed arrow of Mara, and never see the king of death" The Buddha taught that this body is only a shell that will be discarded. Why should we care what was found, those ashes, those bones, that tooth is not the Buddha.
  • I don't really think any kind of relic would keep any religion alive, if subjected to scientific scrutiny, analysis and carbon dating....
    And it's a sorry day for any religion, if it relies on relics to keep it going.
    I scarcely think the Anglican church closing down could have been saved by such a relic appearing...
    No amount of scientific scrutiny, analysis and carbon dating on the Shroud of Turin has changed the minds of millions of believers. What other reason do you think that there is for displaying this type of relic if not to inspire belief in people and attract them to your faith?
    Eh, there hasn't been any significant carbon dating or scientific analysis done on the Shroud of Turin.

    The whole idea of revering relics seems completely contrary to the teachings of the Buddha, but society worships fame and anything remotely connected to the famous (whether verified or not).
  • There's been a ton of testing done on the Shroud of Turin. Most recently, earlier this decade a team of the nation's top scientists were assembled (maybe it was an international team, I don't recall), and they tested it. A scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in NM was dragged into the project kicking and screaming, he didn't want to have anything to do with it. He was a chemical expert, I think. What he found after examining the cloth really shook him up. He wrote a book about it. He said it's real. Or that it dates back to Jesus' time, anyway, and there are chemical changes in the cloth that can't be explained. Previous teams had tested a section of the shroud that was patched, so they got a date of approx. 1200 AD. The rest of the cloth shows a much older date.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I've always heard that the Shroud of Turin was faked - but a really good fake. I've seen TV specials and such on it, and I think that is the jist of it, if I remember it correctly. Its been a while.
  • robotrobot Veteran
    edited November 2011

    Eh, there hasn't been any significant carbon dating or scientific analysis done on the Shroud of Turin.

    The whole idea of revering relics seems completely contrary to the teachings of the Buddha, but society worships fame and anything remotely connected to the famous (whether verified or not).
    Apparently some people don't accept that the analysis was complete or correct but I don't think you can say that it was not done.
  • There's been a ton of testing done on the Shroud of Turin. Most recently, earlier this decade a team of the nation's top scientists were assembled (maybe it was an international team, I don't recall), and they tested it. A scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in NM was dragged into the project kicking and screaming, he didn't want to have anything to do with it. He was a chemical expert, I think. What he found after examining the cloth really shook him up. He wrote a book about it. He said it's real. Or that it dates back to Jesus' time, anyway, and there are chemical changes in the cloth that can't be explained. Previous teams had tested a section of the shroud that was patched, so they got a date of approx. 1200 AD. The rest of the cloth shows a much older date.
    Is there a link to this somewhere? Because frankly I've never heard of this and I know the Vatican is pretty guarded about the Shroud.

  • Eh, there hasn't been any significant carbon dating or scientific analysis done on the Shroud of Turin.

    The whole idea of revering relics seems completely contrary to the teachings of the Buddha, but society worships fame and anything remotely connected to the famous (whether verified or not).
    Apparently some people don't accept that the analysis was complete or correct but I don't think you can say that it was not done.
    I did not say that no testing has been done, just that no significant testing has been done. I don't consider a small swatch from a segment that was patched on at some point later to be significant. A test done on a portion taken from the main body of the Shroud would have been significant.

  • I did not say that no testing has been done, just that no significant testing has been done. I don't consider a small swatch from a segment that was patched on at some point later to be significant. A test done on a portion taken from the main body of the Shroud would have been significant.
    Well then, you are in the company of millions of Christians who also deny that the research is valid.
  • edited November 2011
    Correction: the scientific study I spoke of was done in the late 70's and early 80's. The project was called STURP. Raymond Rogers was the thermal chemist involved in the project, with two other scientists from Los Alamos Lab, and other specialists. (see the wiki link posted above.) For a report by the research team, see:

    And yes, earlier studies had concluded it was faked, but those were ineffective studies, meaning they didn't test the original cloth, and there were other flaws.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited November 2011

    I did not say that no testing has been done, just that no significant testing has been done. I don't consider a small swatch from a segment that was patched on at some point later to be significant. A test done on a portion taken from the main body of the Shroud would have been significant.
    Well then, you are in the company of millions of Christians who also deny that the research is valid.
    It's not that I deny the research is valid, it's that it doesn't tell us anything substantial about the shroud.
  • For STURP team members' evaluation of the later radiocarbon dating of the Shroud, see:

  • I did not say that no testing has been done, just that no significant testing has been done. I don't consider a small swatch from a segment that was patched on at some point later to be significant. A test done on a portion taken from the main body of the Shroud would have been significant.
    Well then, you are in the company of millions of Christians who also deny that the research is valid.
    It's not that I deny the research is valid, it's that it doesn't tell us anything substantial about the shroud.
    My original point was pretty simple: Some people get excited about relics and that can cause them to have a greater interest or faith in a religion. They may follow the 10 commandments or N8FP with more devotion possibly resulting in conditions that are ripe for awakening. Thats all.

  • I did not say that no testing has been done, just that no significant testing has been done. I don't consider a small swatch from a segment that was patched on at some point later to be significant. A test done on a portion taken from the main body of the Shroud would have been significant.
    Well then, you are in the company of millions of Christians who also deny that the research is valid.
    It's not that I deny the research is valid, it's that it doesn't tell us anything substantial about the shroud.
    My original point was pretty simple: Some people get excited about relics and that can cause them to have a greater interest or faith in a religion. They may follow the 10 commandments or N8FP with more devotion possibly resulting in conditions that are ripe for awakening. Thats all.
    And I made a comment on a portion of your comment. Is that an issue?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Oh stop it, both of you.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    I'm fine with not assuming Siddhartha Gotama ever existed
  • I know on an intellectual and skeptical level, it's easy to skoff at the thought of both the improbability of some relic being authentic and people's reactions to being shown something like an old tooth or a piece of cloth. But, like people who laugh at the thought that sitting and doing nothing can be a transforming experience, it kinda misses the entire meaning of the drama. It's a fascinating part of the human experience and mind.

    The creation and veneration of sacred relics is one of the most widespread and ancient of spiritual practices. I'm not just talking about the Buddha's tooth or a splinter from the cross. I'm talking about a tribe of people who don't even know what a religon is, who dig up an ancestor and keep their skull in a special place so the spirit of the wise old man can keep watch over the household. Less gruesome, even places where Gods or Holy People appeared become relics, places of power. It can be a Sacred Grove, or a spring, or just a rock. Maybe it's the wrong spring, or someone replaced the rock, or just took an old tooth and declared it to be something special.

    I think it's about connection. Our minds, no matter how invested in belief, long for a physical connection to the spiritual. It's the way we work on a deep, nonverbal level. We want to touch. It's the difference a child feels between a Mother saying she loves us over the phone or being present and giving us a hug. So when we see a relic, it provides a direction for this emotional bonding.

    In my case, my family has my Grandmother's preaching Bible, filled with her scribbled notes and underlines and used all her life. Right now Mother has care of it, and one day it will be passed to me, I suppose, and eventually to great-grandchildren who never knew her. It fits every definition of a relic for my family. Sure, it's just a book. Nothing special about it. But when I hold it, I feel connected to someone I love and perhaps that future person will use it as a connection in their life to something deeper.

    So I wonder, do any of you have your own personal relics, objects that mean something special to you?
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    Do you know the story of the dog's tooth?

    "There was an old woman in Lhasa whose son was a trader. Once a year he went to India to do business. His mother was a very devout Buddhist. She said to her son on numerous occasions, as he was setting off on his trips, 'You know, you're going to the land of India, which is the most holy country on earth as far as Buddhists are concerned, because the Lord Buddha appeared there and first presented the teachings of the Buddhadharma in that country. Do your old mother a favor and bring back some relic or some holy article or object from India that I can use as an object of worship on my shrine. I'll place it on my shrine and do prostrations to it, pray to it, make offerings to it as a way to develop my faith and merit.'

    "Every time the son would say ,'Yes, mother,' but he would become so involved in his business that he would completely forget about it, because to him it was a very trivial thing. When he would return, his mother would ask, 'Well, did you bring me my relic?' And he would tell her he'd forgotten. This was repeated many times.

    "As she got older, the woman became a little desperate and she finally said to her son, 'This may be the last journey you will make in my lifetime. This is your last chance to bring me a holy relic from India. If you fail this old mother of yours is going to kill herself in your presence.' Realizing that she was serious, he tried his best to remember, but again he became involved in traveling, trading, and making profits.

    "On his return journey, he sat by the side of the road to brew up a cup of tea. Suddenly, he remembered his promise to his mother and in his desperation, saw the bones of a dog that had died by the side of the road. He had an inspiration and broke off one of the teeth from the jawbone of the dog, wrapped it up in a very fine silk of different colors, and carried it home.

    "When his mother said, 'Did you remember?' he said, 'I remembered.' He unwrapped the gift and said, 'This is the Buddha's tooth. I brought this back from India just for you, Mother, because you wanted something very holy. It is a very, very blessed and holy object.' His mother was overjoyed. She took it and put it up on her shrine. She would spend the whole day doing prostrations to it, making offerings to it, and praying to the Buddha in the presence of what she felt was the tooth of the Buddha. The remarkable thing was that relics started to emerge from this dog's tooth. Not only did these benefit a large number of people, but the old woman was enveloped in a rainbow of light as she died and a shower of blossoms rained down from the sky as an indication that she had definitely made a significant step forward on the path to liberation.

    "So even in situations where the object of one's faith seems to be quite ordinary, one should never exclude the possibility that one's faith and confidence in that situation will open one to a great deal of blessing and benefit. This in fact was the basis for the proverb in Tibet that says, 'Even a dog's tooth can give off relics.' ” - Kalu Rinpoche
  • I'd never read that before. Thank you for the gift.

  • I know on an intellectual and skeptical level, it's easy to skoff at the thought of both the improbability of some relic being authentic and people's reactions to being shown something like an old tooth or a piece of cloth. But, like people who laugh at the thought that sitting and doing nothing can be a transforming experience, it kinda misses the entire meaning of the drama. It's a fascinating part of the human experience and mind.

    The creation and veneration of sacred relics is one of the most widespread and ancient of spiritual practices. I'm not just talking about the Buddha's tooth or a splinter from the cross. I'm talking about a tribe of people who don't even know what a religon is, who dig up an ancestor and keep their skull in a special place so the spirit of the wise old man can keep watch over the household. Less gruesome, even places where Gods or Holy People appeared become relics, places of power. It can be a Sacred Grove, or a spring, or just a rock. Maybe it's the wrong spring, or someone replaced the rock, or just took an old tooth and declared it to be something special.

    I think it's about connection. Our minds, no matter how invested in belief, long for a physical connection to the spiritual. It's the way we work on a deep, nonverbal level. We want to touch. It's the difference a child feels between a Mother saying she loves us over the phone or being present and giving us a hug. So when we see a relic, it provides a direction for this emotional bonding.

    In my case, my family has my Grandmother's preaching Bible, filled with her scribbled notes and underlines and used all her life. Right now Mother has care of it, and one day it will be passed to me, I suppose, and eventually to great-grandchildren who never knew her. It fits every definition of a relic for my family. Sure, it's just a book. Nothing special about it. But when I hold it, I feel connected to someone I love and perhaps that future person will use it as a connection in their life to something deeper.

    So I wonder, do any of you have your own personal relics, objects that mean something special to you?
    Oh I get the drama (as you put it). Although I feel there's a difference between objects that are known to have belonged to the person vs objects that are claimed (often by some promoter looking to make a buck) to have belonged to the person with no way to verify authenticity.

    Also in the case you mentioned, your Grandmother's Bible, there's more than it simply having belonged to her, but from the notes and underlines it provides a glimpse into her mind. That in and of itself is valuable.

    Indeed I do. Foremost, a King James Bible that my Grandmother gave me as a gift on my 9th birthday. It's also full of passages she underline that ether have significance to her, or she felt I should particularly take note of. I also have a 1942 photograph of my Grandfather in his Naval dress blues which was given to me by my grandfather shortly before he died. And my house is full of relics from my wife's family that she will not part with.

  • And I made a comment on a portion of your comment. Is that an issue?
    No I don't have an issue. I have not taken a side on whether or not the shroud or the tooth is authentic because I don't think it matters. What matters is whether or not people can benefit from their interest in religious relics. Do they do more harm than good? I say no.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Millions of people worship the Buddha, nothing wrong with that. Much better than worshiping television, money etc.! :) IMO
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Millions of people worship the Buddha, nothing wrong with that. Much better than worshiping television, money etc.! :) IMO
    Nothing wrong with it.
    I just think they're blind.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Maybe I was brief.

    Worshipping the Buddha as a whole or just his teeth, his socks, his words; is a mistake.
    He pointed to our true nature and wanted us to wake up to it. That's something else.

    I think the historic Buddha would have laughed out loud about people worshipping his tooth (and I’m aware that there is not one single account of the historic Buddha laughing out loud!)
    But it is just so completely absurd.

    Buddha statues are absurd. The idea comes from overly devout followers, certainly not from the Buddha. And in this case that’s not just my humble opinion; I think that’s pretty much a historic fact.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited November 2011
    How could a block of wood be absurd? It's just a block of wood! :) If you don't make it absurd, it's not absurd. It's just a block of wood carved into a particular pattern, nothing more. :) What does it matter what other people believe when the belief is not harmful? They are blind? What about you? :) I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would think you are blind too, but they don't criticize you for it, unless they themselves are blind.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited November 2011

    Worshipping the Buddha as a whole or just his teeth, his socks, his words; is a mistake.
    He pointed to our true nature and wanted us to wake up to it. That's something else.

    Buddha statues are absurd. The idea comes from overly devout followers, certainly not from the Buddha. And in this case that’s not just my humble opinion; I think that’s pretty much a historic fact.
    This is true, but try to tell everyone in Asia that. Can't we respect their tradition? If we're going to go down this road, we may as well say the Buddha said ritualism was wrong, he didn't teach that "enlightened masters" were above or exempt from mundane virtue, he didn't teach sex as a path, he was against institutionalization of monasticism, blah blah blah. People knock scholars like Stephen Batchelor who try to get to the bottom of what the Buddha taught, and brush away the non-Buddhist elements,and yet they get all worked up about a tooth? About stupas with relics in them? ehhhhh *shrug*
  • How could a block of wood be absurd? It's just a block of wood! :) If you don't make it absurd, it's not absurd. It's just a block of wood carved into a particular pattern, nothing more. :) What does it matter what other people believe when the belief is not harmful? They are blind? What about you? :) I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would think you are blind too, but they don't criticize you for it, unless they themselves are blind.
    When a Buddha statue is a block of wood to you at least, you’re clear about that.
    In the same way; any tooth is just a tooth. No need to take it on a tour across the country.
    (Am I seriously explaining this?)

    Am I blind, you ask? That depends on what you think of as blindness.
    I think being blind is; not-questioning; not being honest about what I really think and feel; being a “Buddhist” instead of being who I am; being afraid to look deeper; being afraid of the truth.
    When you think I’m blind according to this definition please don’t hesitate to correct me.

  • Actually, this discussion sounds like a good ad for Western Buddhism. Which is not a bad thing.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Actually, this discussion sounds like a good ad for Western Buddhism. Which is not a bad thing.
    Thanks, I agree.
  • Hey, let's start a movement! :)
  • edited November 2011
    I'm in! :)
    Hey, let's start a movement! :)
  • I'm sure there are already 64 factories in China churning out fake copies that will appear on eBay shortly.

    Gimme a break!
  • Buddha statues are absurd. The idea comes from overly devout followers, certainly not from the Buddha. And in this case that’s not just my humble opinion; I think that’s pretty much a historic fact.
    I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you saying *you* think they're absurd, or that "overly devout followers" (??) think they're absurd, or both?

    Either way, whomever thinks they're absurd surely knows little or nothing about Buddhism. I don't think most Buddhists (including HHDL) would use them as part of their practice if they were so absurd. Since most Buddhists don't see the Buddha as a deity, and thus don't "worship" the statue or the man, I see **nothing** wrong with having a statue of The Enlightened One as a reminder of why we practice. That's all it is to me. If you see that as absurd, I'm sorry for your shortsightedness.
  • I have a nice Buddha carving as a work of art, as much as anything else. But maybe that's "clinging". All this talk of no-self and not clinging and not this, not that starts to get me confused. In order to be good Buddhists, should we give most things away and live in shipping containers?
  • Zenff, you understand form is emptiness. The statues in the temples and the cowshit in the fields are equal. But why do we bow and chant to statues of Buddha and build beautiful temples in his name, instead of bowing to the cowshit in the field? Because emptiness is also form. The Buddha is actually in all of us, of course. Don't be attached to form, or emptiness either.

    I'll bet you've heard the following story before.

    The morning after Philip Kapleau and Professor Phillips arrived at Ryutakuji Monastery they were given a tour of the place by Abbot Soen Nakagawa. Both Americans had been heavily influenced by tales of ancient Chinese masters who'd destroyed sacred texts, and even images of the Buddha, in order to free themselves from attachment to anything.

    They were thus surprised and disturbed to find themselves being led into a ceremonial hall, where the Roshi invited them to pay respects to a statue of the temple's founder, Hakuin Zenji, by bowing and offering incense.

    On seeing Nakagawa bow before the image, Phillips couldn't contain himself, and burst out: "The old Chinese masters burned or spit on Buddha statues! Why do you bow down before them?"

    "If you want to spit, you spit," replied the Roshi. "I prefer to bow."

    From: One Bird One Stone: 108 American Zen Stories by Sean Murphy
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    How could a block of wood be absurd? It's just a block of wood! :) If you don't make it absurd, it's not absurd. It's just a block of wood carved into a particular pattern, nothing more. :) What does it matter what other people believe when the belief is not harmful? They are blind? What about you? :) I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would think you are blind too, but they don't criticize you for it, unless they themselves are blind.
    When a Buddha statue is a block of wood to you at least, you’re clear about that.
    In the same way; any tooth is just a tooth. No need to take it on a tour across the country.
    (Am I seriously explaining this?)

    Am I blind, you ask? That depends on what you think of as blindness.
    I think being blind is; not-questioning; not being honest about what I really think and feel; being a “Buddhist” instead of being who I am; being afraid to look deeper; being afraid of the truth.
    When you think I’m blind according to this definition please don’t hesitate to correct me.

    Not blind, in my view, is to have compassion and understanding and to not judge and gossip about other faults. Especially when you have faults of your own.

  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited November 2011
    Maybe I sound insensitive, and okay maybe I’m guilty.
    And of course I have a Buddha statue or two in the house. No problem.
    And faults, don’t worry, I know I’m not without them.

    I can have compassion and understanding for people who have a deep sense of devotion for teeth and blocks of wood.
    It’s just not something to applaud, to encourage, or something to join in with.

    I find it surprising how the worship or relics is part of Therevada. When you’re so serious about being in line with the original teaching of the Buddha, you can’t seriously get into this kind of devotion. It clearly is a later development.
  • zenffzenff Veteran
    edited November 2011

    Not blind, in my view, is to have compassion and understanding and to not judge and gossip about other faults. Especially when you have faults of your own.

    I’m not sure what exactly you’re thinking of and I’ll go off topic I’m sure.
    If you like, you could send me a PM… I think I can handle criticism.

    “Judging and gossiping about other peoples’ faults” is not always a mistake imho.
    When the bus is going in the wrong direction (like straight into the river) it is smart to discuss the direction it has taken.
    When we are part of a community we share responsibility for what’s going on in this community.
    It can be wrong – irresponsible - to play deaf, dumb and blind; to let things rot and think we’re only minding our own business.

    But again, I’m not sure what was on your mind.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    You guys are as every bit attached to your arguments, as the people following the Buddha's tooth.
    What ever the item, whatever the attachment, we're all guilty of wanting it to be just so....
  • Just had to laugh because one of the headlines on today is "Lennon's tooth sold for $31,200.00"

    So let's talk about devotion, or maybe call it what it is, and use that dreaded word "worship." Next to the word God, it probably leaves a bad taste in Western ears that have rejected the traditional religions based on worship.

    But for many Buddhists in the world, their religion is pretty much composed of devotion. This intellectual hairsplitting holds no interest for them. There is the Lord Buddha, a classic Savior figure and founder of a religion, various saint-like figures we call Bodhisattvas, and we pray to him in times of trouble and these deities look down from their Heavenly realms and watch over us.

    It's humanity doing what it does.

    Now, I am not good at worship. I got kicked out of my church Sunday School classes as a teenager when I pointed out that God might get our obedience out of fear of punishment, but that doesn't mean he deserves our worship. The school bully didn't deserve my lunch money, either, but I learned to hand it over. I don't do worship. But I don't begrudge other people the privilage. What do you think?
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