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Help With This Project Please

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited February 2012 in General Banter
So I am embarking on a project, something to do that may actually prove to be worth while. This along side writing a novel with my mum. Anyway, can you throw as many suggestions at me about unsupecting ways that you can shorten your life. By unsuspecting I mean things that are not common or obvious, like eating plutonium for example would be too obvious. Try to make them creative, funny, interesting and of course, factual. Thanks in advance :)


  • Uh...huh? ...this is what happens when we encourage you to get a hobbies...ok, I'll play along, Yeez!
  • watch any of the Jackass movies for endless inspiration with this
  • Eat unprocessed acorns in large quantities...they contain tannin...really really bad. Wat til fall, when oak tree drop them.

    Yeez Tom! Lol
  • watch any of the Jackass movies for endless inspiration with this
    Seen them all and love them all. I use to watch it on YV as a kid before it was famous. Kind of weird watching it now as Rian Dunn is dead.

    Alison, thanks for the acorn idea. I am not on a mission to shortne my life, or anyone elses, I just need ideas that is all. Ones that would relate to everyday life that you may not suspect.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    You should watch the show 1000 Ways to Die. That's the whole point...
  • Are you looking for accidental or suicidal?
  • Eat mass quantities of horse radish. It has a mild toxins in it and when eaten in large quantities can kill. Saw this on a talc show one night about foods that can kill. A lady was eating by the spoonful and nearly died
  • You should watch the show 1000 Ways to Die. That's the whole point...
    I use to watch that when I stayed in guest houses, it had that comic book effect to the start sequence, that was a pretty cool show, never thought of using that, thanks. Also horse radish, I shall have to do some research into what toxin exactly causes the harm.
    @Telly accidental not suicidal.

  • Isn't ingesting too much water fatal?

    What about pickle juice? Acidic.

  • If you all must know, I am creating a book of sorts. I had this maybe silly idea whilst in a place where I seem to get many ideas or realizations, laying on my back looking up at the ceiling fan. I want to make a book using my design skills that is factual, but interesting and something you may not find elsewhere. A book that has maybe 100 ways in which you life is shortened that you would not expect. Things in everyday life. I think people would be inetersted to read about such things, I don't know it is just an idea and something to do.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    You move in with your inlaws and play so much world of war craft on your computer you forget to drink water and keel over.
  • lol, not so factual but funny nonetheless. I wonder if anybody has ever comes close to this scenario... :wtf:
  • Yes, it's called sims.
  • Yes, it's called sims.
    :p:p:lol: :bowdown:
  • Always enjoying live seafood and meats that killed on behalf of you. Frequent hunting of animals, fishing. Condemn buddha dharma etc. Contribute your wealth and skills to bad causes etc.
  • Always enjoying live seafood and meats that killed on behalf of you. Frequent hunting of animals, fishing. Condemn buddha dharma etc. Contribute your wealth and skills to bad causes etc.
    If anything that will perlong your life, well shall I say lives. If you do these things, you will move further away from liberation and subsequently keep the process of rebirth continuing for a longer period of time. As for one single life, I guess it could shorten it to a certain extent yes.

  • Here are some interesting deaths, and I do feel bad for chuckling at a couple.
  • Thanks for posting telly, however I was looking more for ways of shortening your life rather than immediate death.
  • Like mercury poison from a heavy fish diet? Or something more purposeful, like taking a whole bottle of Viagra to win a bet?
  • lol. The mercury fish idea is good actually, I will write that one down and do some research, thanks. Yea I am looking for situations that you really would not expect to shorten your life, things like necking a bottle of viagra for a bet is obviously not a good idea lol. Actually that will probably kill you.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Doing a 100,000 prostrations retreat on a sheet of lead.
  • lmao ^^^
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Uh...huh? ...this is what happens when we encourage you to get a hobbies...ok, I'll play along, Yeez!
    HAHA! At least he is being creative and writing with his mum!:)
  • Uh...huh? ...this is what happens when we encourage you to get a hobbies...ok, I'll play along, Yeez!
    HAHA! At least he is being creative and writing with his mum!:)
    Yea Alyy-Alison! :rant: lol, but she has a point, kind of a weird question to ask :buck:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    How about
    Uh...huh? ...this is what happens when we encourage you to get a hobbies...ok, I'll play along, Yeez!
    HAHA! At least he is being creative and writing with his mum!:)
    Yea Alyy-Alison! :rant: lol, but she has a point, kind of a weird question to ask :buck:
    Well!:) You are a weird myself:)
  • I cannot disagree with that Leon :vimp: :buck: lol I love this bucked teeth emoticon, makes me chuckle inside. Not an lol but an lis
  • I want to know how big that rubber band is and if you'll take a picture.

  • The ball?
  • lol yes my elastic band ball. I will take some pics later, I have kind of just woken up and I am not a good lunchtime man :p
  • Oh, I guess it's already tomorrow where you are. But where I am is your yesterday... weird. I'm hijacking. I guess I should add a post...

    How about death by too much TV? My meemaw was always saying how it was bad and what of thefree radicals that come out of it and microwaves?
  • Yes, thanks for the idea. The radiation that pumps out of a TV and which is then absorbed by the viewers. I am sure most technology emits quite a bit of radiation. I also had the thought about granit. Granit is a rock that emits a lot of radiation, quite alot actually, so if you live with a house filled with the stuff, surely that will shorten your life somewhat?
  • My cat eats paint chips, sometimes because she scratches the wall. I have to make sure they are cleaned up.

    Oh, asbestos!
  • I know all too well about asbestos, Thailand is full of it, in fact my roofing cavity has it inside, not much I can do there, 90% of thai house have it so...

    But yes, it is now midday on saturday and I woke up an hour ago. What time is it in Texan Town?
  • Oh, here one that I am actually certain of.

    Pharmacist who handle chemotherapy bags have to use this product called phasil...which basically limits their exposure to chemo drugs which are poisonous to a Normal healthy person.

    But this phasil only became available in the 90s and not many hospitals use it. It sort of prevents the chemo from being sprayed into breadable air.

    A nurse friend of mine told me that dirty needle sticks were common in hospitals, even with new retractable needles.

    They are accidents, but some patients may have hepatitis or HIV and infect health care worker...precautions are taken but when nurses are rush and tired, mistakes happen.
  • 11:20pm
  • Okay, thnak you very much Alison, you ahve been the main source of ideas here so I give you a :bowdown: and ofcourse a visit from Mr :buck: because I love that guy.
  • Also gtg, in a rush today, many things to do, ahhhh. Okay tom, slow down, breathe in and breathe out. Over and out newbuddhist. Goodnight those in America, good morning to fellow europeans, and good afternoon Asians and Aussis :)
  • Here you go Alison, I don't know why but the ball has seemed to com out squashed in the photo lol.. It is slowing down in progress due to the fact that the more eleastic bads I add, the more surface area there is to fill! And yes, that is a TB buddha on top :)
  • Yes, thanks for the idea. The radiation that pumps out of a TV and which is then absorbed by the viewers. I am sure most technology emits quite a bit of radiation. I also had the thought about granit. Granit is a rock that emits a lot of radiation, quite alot actually, so if you live with a house filled with the stuff, surely that will shorten your life somewhat?
    Not sure about the granite claim. My father's family has made grave markers and monuments for decades. My grandfather passed when he was well into his 80s. There are no other health concerns to note from that side of the family or employees of the business.

  • That's a big ball!lol

    How long did that take?
  • So far it has been about 2 months after I arrived in thailand Alison, because it is cheaper and easier to eat out, when you buy meals to take away, they package them in whatever and use many elastic bands for saucs etc, I just had the idea one day whilst sitting on the bed with my english mate to start one, and I never stopped. The weight of it is quite astonishing considering what it is made of. Like I said, I want to get one elastic band, weigh it, then weight the ball and do the math to find out about how many elastic bands are in there. I also think about the potential energy of the thing, those bands are fully stretched trust me, and there are a lot. It is what also I think helped my totally numb and useless hand return to 100% :)
  • Yes, thanks for the idea. The radiation that pumps out of a TV and which is then absorbed by the viewers. I am sure most technology emits quite a bit of radiation. I also had the thought about granit. Granit is a rock that emits a lot of radiation, quite alot actually, so if you live with a house filled with the stuff, surely that will shorten your life somewhat?
    Not sure about the granite claim. My father's family has made grave markers and monuments for decades. My grandfather passed when he was well into his 80s. There are no other health concerns to note from that side of the family or employees of the business.

    Thank you for the info roo. That is interesting to know, I guess that I must have heard it from an unreliable source, I don't even remember where I heard it lol. I shall do some research anyway.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Nearly all natural stone has radiation in it. Granite has a bit more than others but is still well below saftey levels. I believe it can hold and absorb radiation well so granite exposed to radiation will remain radioactive for a while. Apparently there could be some potential issue if one's house was built upon a deposit of granite. I'm not an expert, the idea just piqued my interest.
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