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powerful solar flare early tomorrow

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited March 2012 in General Banter

Maybe it would be a good idea to turn off the computer before the 1 a.m. arrival.

Solar flare


  • And wear some three digit sunblock.
  • Why?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited March 2012
    Solar flares have unusually strong electromagnetic waves that knock out cell phones and other electronics.
    Good idea, genkaku, thx for the warning.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
  • ....2012 predictions coming true... First solar storms kick in, disabling communications. Then there will be a burst of Gamma rays from the galactic core, that combined with the solar storms, destabilizes the earth's magnetic field ... causing a resonance wave that builds into massive tectonic upheaval.

    If you have been observing animals lately... they have be acting strangely... as they are known to do before natural disasters. Hamsters are cavorting with gerbils, Squirrels are refusing nuts and looking sneaky, and the urban raccoon population is said to be stockpiling canned goods and small arms.


  • ....2012 predictions coming true... First solar storms kick in, disabling communications. Then there will be a burst of Gamma rays from the galactic core, that combined with the solar storms, destabilizes the earth's magnetic field ... causing a resonance wave that builds into massive tectonic upheaval.

    If you have been observing animals lately... they have be acting strangely... as they are known to do before natural disasters. Hamsters are cavorting with gerbils, Squirrels are refusing nuts and looking sneaky, and the urban raccoon population is said to be stockpiling canned goods and small arms.



  • I heard that the sun has been more active in solar flare activity in the past few this true?

    Also that our magnetic shield that protects us from space weather is slowing down or weakening...sort of beginning a reset...

    Yay space doom. I'm not sure my bug out bag and combat boots will be enough to weather a giant fire fuck ball heading this way.

    Other rumor I've heard is that we may be entering (as a galaxy) a dirtier part of space...more space weather phenomena.

    That our planet experiences epochs of cataclysmic events???

    Has anyone warned the rapture believing Christians? :rarr:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    There's been evidence in South Pacific ocean patterns that a flip in the magnetic poles is in the offing. This has been building up over years now, so it's still some years in the future. Such a delicate orb we live on. We should appreciate it more.
  • Yes the solae flares occur every 11 years anyway, but they are never normally that much of a deal, but this year they are meant to be quite a deal. They knocked out all of the telegraph lines going back some many years, but if that happened now all chaos would break out. I thought the solar flares would cause some issues this year, and I personally do think a pole flip is on the cards, it has happened before so it can happen again.

    Does anybody know exactly what time this is meant to be, lets say Eastern time over there?
  • Ah okay, "Radio Blackout event at 0024 UTC March 7 (7:24 p.m. EST "
  • I had no idea about this! Instead of risking the computer being fried, I hope all NB friends will unplug their devices.

    I think it won't be as bad as people think, yet. I guess the sun is just, warming up :lol: terrible I know.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    This flare is X5.4. The last big flare pair was an X6.5 one on December 5, 2006, which was followed up the next day by an X9.0 whopper from the same area. There was an X6.9 flare on August 9 last year.

    Also my cat has started jumping in the shower with me... :eek:
  • Nice find Leon, interesting stuff. Looks like we have some interesting times ahead.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Power outages. So expect your clocks to be off tomorrow, especially those in Europe, where it's due to occur in the morning, before going to work.
  • Meh, it is what it is. Could be fun :-)
  • It's ironic that on a day of a huge solar flare is the first day that in my town it has not been blue skies all day for about 5-6 weeks lol. However I know that the actual weather has nothing to do with it, I find it ammusing anyway.
  • Where is the news onvthis flare

    Link please

    Only because you said please :nyah:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Where is the news onvthis flare

    Link please
    See Tom's earlier post: "solar flare could interrupt satellites, power grids"


    I think it won't be as bad as people think, yet. I guess the sun is just, warming up :lol: terrible I know.
    You mean this one?
  • This is for nibiru, solar f-ck balls, aliens, comets and doomsday scenarios that no bug out bag could prepare me for...also Rufus does it better, right @pyramidsong.

  • Okay I get the message :buck:
  • I don't know about everyone else, but where I am nothing seemed to happen at all with regards to power outages or anything out of the ordinary today..
  • ..... my dog looked at me funny this morning. ...kind of knowingly. ...and slightly impish.
  • We live on a cracked shell floating on a blob of molten goo spinning as it hurtles around a titanic nuclear reaction... Life has been reset on this planet time and time again.. The sun will swallow us.. if we are still here by then,,, and life is impermanent, unsatisfactory, and without an abiding self-essence..

    in this context .. uh.. well nothing really.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    OK, did we all survive the solar flare?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    OK, did we all survive the solar flare?
    All my armpit hair fell out. :buck:
  • @person better that you didn't pluck it out! lol...might want to give your kitty cat some anxiety medication.

    okay little kitties, you can come out now.
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