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I'm Liberated! In My Dreams..

I think I may have had this happen to me before and I may have even mentioned it on this forum before, but at the moment I am finding that I cannot tell if I have dreamed up certain situations that have occurred or if they actually have taken place, often just trivial things. Last night though I had a dream where I felt a strong sensation of liberation from direct insight and meditation. I remember a part of the dream still quite vividly where a number of people were trying to become enlightened as well as me but were getting caught up in these wonderful sensations, they would talk about how lovely and light they felt and a tingly sensation during meditation. I took a step back and thought this was the wrong approach and realised all I had to do was sit down and eventually I was liberated :/ The feeling and motions of what took place felt powerful and well, liberating lol.

Has anybody else had dreams about meditation or enlightenment before?


  • I know what you are talking about when you say you are not sure if you dreamed something or if it actually took place. There are some times when I meditate and I can not tell if I have fallen asleep or if it is part of my meditation.

    I've also have dreamed about becoming enlightened, in one of these dreams I was dressed as a monk and was walking around in a monastery/cave. I was searching for enlightenment (literally) and all of a sudden I see this golden box that is shimmering in on the floor. I finally pick up the box and open it, and when I do a blinding light comes out and I wake up. I guess the dream took becoming enlightened very literal.
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    edited January 2013
    till now, not even in my single dream, i have find myself meditating. seems like my dreams think : no more please, already enough - about meditation - lets watch something else other than trying to watch breath :)
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Unfortunately, I've never dreamed of enlightenment... but @Takuan I think we would make a nice dream team since I'm frequently battling the zombie hoards in my dreams. In my sleep, at least, I'm quite the badass.
  • nlighten said:

    I know what you are talking about when you say you are not sure if you dreamed something or if it actually took place. There are some times when I meditate and I can not tell if I have fallen asleep or if it is part of my meditation.

    I've also have dreamed about becoming enlightened, in one of these dreams I was dressed as a monk and was walking around in a monastery/cave. I was searching for enlightenment (literally) and all of a sudden I see this golden box that is shimmering in on the floor. I finally pick up the box and open it, and when I do a blinding light comes out and I wake up. I guess the dream took becoming enlightened very literal.

    I have had this before where I cannot work out if I or somebody else has actually done or said something, or if I have simply dreamed it up one night. At the moment though it is happening an awful lot and I can only put it down to coming off of medication. It is annoying sometimes because it may be something critical that I have said, maybe something quite embarrassing and I cannot figure out if it actually took place or not :lol:

    When I was meditating in my dream I was not a monk and neither was anybody else, but we were in a kind of school group type thing. What was really random is that I found a new element in the periodic table which seemed to be the key to my enlightenment lol, all I remember now is that it began with the letter 'n'.
  • Unfortunately, I've never dreamed of enlightenment... but @Takuan I think we would make a nice dream team since I'm frequently battling the zombie hoards in my dreams. In my sleep, at least, I'm quite the badass.

    +10 for dreamland badassery!
  • ...I remember a part of the dream still quite vividly where a number of people were trying to become enlightened as well as me but were getting caught up in these wonderful sensations, they would talk about how lovely and light they felt and a tingly sensation during meditation. I took a step back and thought this was the wrong approach and realised all I had to do was sit down and eventually I was liberated :/ The feeling and motions of what took place felt powerful and well, liberating lol...

    Interesting. It seems we all have our own way of looking at things.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    While I have had dreams that were spiritually transformative, they really can't compare to this very moment of awareness. Even the lucid visions that can accompany moments of grace, are soon just fading post cards of past spiritual adventures.

    Except perhaps that pointless dream of me body surfing with dragons. Now there's a postcard that has remained just too much darn fun to fade..
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