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Any Suggestions when one is feeling suffocated in Life?

Its hard to Pin Point the reason 'why' I feel this way at the moment..

Life in general is Good. (and we all have off days of course)

But I just feel DRAINED OUT.. and feel I need a break from LIFE (and my routine)

Get up> Go work> Come home> Be a parent > Be a husband > Be a sibling > etc etc etc..

Im fine with this and happy enough in life most of the time , But like i said im just lately feeling 'drained' with it all

Any suggestions?


  • chelachela Veteran
    Take time for yourself. A vacation may be in order. Practice daily mindfulness to slow things down and gain perspective.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Any suggestions?
    Do the usual things differently.
    Here is what Sid might do . . . (Siddhartha that is)
  • ^^ Good suggestions, so far. :)

    How about doing something spontaneous now and then? Break the routine in some way. I don't know where you live, (and what the weather is like) but try to get out into the sunshine, even if it's just a short 15 minute walk somewhere and back again, at least a few times a week.
    If Spring is the season just around the corner for you- plan a garden, or start a clean-up project in your yard, shed or garage - something different that when completed will give you a very cool sense of accomplishment- and you score points with the spouse, too! :)

  • Recognize that you've never done the same thing twice. It's always new.
  • I often feel suffocated and in need of a break myself. I turn to practice, either sitting on a cushion or being mindful of the body and the senses. Also immersing myself fully in tasks that do not require much thinking, trying to be them. That all helps shift the focus from my thoughts about the situation and to what immediately is this very moment.

    Thinking...that is where my problem is. When I can disentangle myself from the mind's fog, there is a sort of a healing inside, a transformative shift of consciousness. And a realization that it is all a game that we ourselves started, that everything is actually much simpler than we make ourselves believe, acceptance of the impermanence and then compassion for self and everything. How very wonderful to be and how very wonderful not to be!

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • misecmisc1misecmisc1 I am a Hindu India Veteran
    edited March 2013
    try to do things slightly differently, so that you are more mindful of your actions, everything else will take care of itself. don't worry. relax. metta to you and all sentient beings.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Do you do daily meditation practice?

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