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Nearly Broke into Tears When I Read This...


  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited April 2013
    It is upsetting, that is true. I will admit that I didn't do more than skim through the whole story; didn't read it carefully. However, these thoughts ran through my mind:

    1. Just because they are dressed as Buddhist monks, doesn't mean they ARE Buddhist monks. Impersonating priests, monks, nuns, etc happens somewhat frequently when religions play a part in unstable politics - in Asia and South America and elsewhere.

    2. Do we forget that humans sometimes need to, or merely want to set aside their religious prohibitions to killing - when they feel it's justified?
    The Jews and the Christians (The Church) have waged wars all over the globe throughout their history, and ignored the "sin" (a mortal sin in Catholicism) of killing. People always find a way to justify their killing.

    Buddhists (if these 'monks' were indeed Buddhists) are human too, and obviously chose to resort to some pretty Karma-blackening defense reactions to oppression, and/or political and ethnic cleansing.
    That does not mean Buddhism has gone sour, it merely means these particular individuals have their own sullied Karma to worry about.... not much we can do about it.

  • All your points are well-taken, MaryAnne. Buddhism IS the third largest religion in the world and there is bound to be warped interpretations of it. I'm not concerned for my dharma-practice. Even at 49, I guess I can be pretty naive: thinking that all Buddhists have the 4NT and the 8FP as a touchstone. Whatever they call themselves, I do not recognize anything of Dharma in what they are doing. They are not Buddhist.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    There are bad actions in every religion, Buddhism is not immune to it. Just as people kill in the name of God, so they kill in the name of Buddha. They have a very skewed idea of some things. In their mind, they are defending Buddhism and their countries culture. Clearly that is not the way to go about it. Both their victims, and the monks, deserve compassion.
  • @maryanne
    The sixth commandment does not forbid killing, only murder. This has been the standard interpretation .
  • Any religion can be twisted into an excuse for violence, even Buddhism. All indications from the article are, these are actual monks from the temples. According to the article, there is a violent anti-Muslim movement being preached in the temples now, and it's no big secret who is doing the preaching. Of course, this had to find fertile ground.

    It is sad. So sad for everyone.
  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    From the article, there is a "monk" who was in jail for 9 years after inciting anti-muslim riots. Sounds like a real piece of work.

    "Wirathu describes himself as the 'Burmese bin Laden.'"

    "Many Burmese find it easier to assume a cherished institution has been infiltrated by thugs and provocateurs than to admit the monkhood's central role in anti-Muslim violence in recent years."

    Turbulent times in which we live. May peace and understanding prevail on earth. May we pray for the victims, both Muslim and Buddhist.

    I must say, I almost cried as well when I started reading this article. I think it just goes to show the dangers of dogmatism.

    Be diligent my friends. We are fortunate to have fertile soil here in the West for our development. I believe this is the next incubating land for the sacred Dharma. With our powers combined, we can save the world! :)
  • Be diligent my friends. We are fortunate to have fertile soil here in the West for our development. I believe this is the next incubating land for the sacred Dharma. With our powers combined, we can save the world!
    Well said.
    Twisted dharma also exists in Sri Lanka, the monkey Monks are trying to create a Buddhist State. Hindu shrines and people are violated. Shameful.

    We have to stand up not for 'our religion' but what is compassionate and what is right, to the best of our ability and knowing.

    We also have to be understanding of the fear and ignorance, the power grabbing and corrupt hearts that are also our brothers and sisters, down to the last murderer and hell dweller.

    Be diligent my friends
    worth saying again . . .
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