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Is it healthy to keep watching death stories?

I'm not even that depressed anymore. But since I first decided to see the suffering in birth, old age, sickness and death, I began to be stuck on death. Now I'm on YouTube seeing funerals and stories of dead people, especially children. Could this be good in the sense that I might become unattached, or am I doing myself harm?


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I think it likely depends on your own psychological state and how you are taking it.

    In olden days yogis would live in charnel grounds where the dead were chopped up and laid out for the carrion to feed on. And in Tibetan Buddhism they use bowls made out of skulls and horns made out of femur bones to remind them of death. So there is some history of surrounding oneself with reminders of death to enhance ones practice.

    If its causing you much distress and depression though it would probably be better to back off and focus on a different aspect of the Dharma.
  • I have something compelling me to do it. A morbid curiosity. It doesn't distress me unless it's someone I knew, like celebrities. I was crying a bit right now, but I think it's something that needs to be done. Maybe this will make me more comfortable with death.
  • By the way, I know my limit and only see bodies that are not too shocking too see.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    You should engage in behaviour that you are sure is beneficial . . . and well you know it . . . :wave:
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    If it causes negativity to come up, then that's problematic. If it causes pleasure to come up, I'd say that's also problematic.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran

    I'm not even that depressed anymore. But since I first decided to see the suffering in birth, old age, sickness and death, I began to be stuck on death. Now I'm on YouTube seeing funerals and stories of dead people, especially children. Could this be good in the sense that I might become unattached, or am I doing myself harm?

    It sounds like you're getting a little obssessive-compulsive about the topic, or the youtube watching, OP. Being "stuck" on something sounds like attachment.

  • I'm still a total amateur, but this sounds a little unhealthy to me. I understand the meditating on death part, and being aware that it is inevitable and may come at any time. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, but this is something that he emphasises in his books and he includes certain meditations that are beneficial, but if anything actually watching videos of funerals or the dead sounds to me like something that should only be attempted by the most advanced practitioners.
  • @rivercane I begin to realize that. Following on what Invincible_summer said, this is not causing me detachment, but attachment. Maybe that's not as bad as aversion, but it's still not helpful. I better lay off and save this for when I'm more spiritually mature.
  • ZeroZero Veteran

    Could this be good in the sense that I might become unattached, or am I doing myself harm?

    Too much of anything, good for nothing.
  • Dakini said:

    I'm not even that depressed anymore. But since I first decided to see the suffering in birth, old age, sickness and death, I began to be stuck on death. Now I'm on YouTube seeing funerals and stories of dead people, especially children. Could this be good in the sense that I might become unattached, or am I doing myself harm?

    It sounds like you're getting a little obssessive-compulsive about the topic, or the youtube watching, OP. Being "stuck" on something sounds like attachment.

    I do agree ... it sure dose sound like an obsession and if you do anything for long enough it becomes a habit and then that means that you're causing yourself harm.
    It will damage your spiritual practice, your better to meditation on the subject, but to much of intellectual study alone is bad for us and to much meditation alone is bad for us. We need to have a health balance of both to have a health mind.
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