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cell phones in church :)

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
There's a price to be paid for cell phones in church and here's the video to prove it.


  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited September 2013
    Great. I wish someone would adapt that to some Buddhist Sanghas I know.
    And I wish all young parents would realise that not everyone appreciates their kids running around during teachings. Young parents your dharma is your chose to sprog them.

    signed ...Citta .A grumpy old bastard.
  • One night during a long puja the priest's toddler was running around. Several times the priest stopped what he was doing to chase the child while the wife sat texting.
  • Yup seen similar. Some teachers wont have it. If anyone had tried anything like that around Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche they would have been bounced.
    And I once saw Sogyal Rinpoche refuse to continue until a resentful looking couple had taken their tantruming toddler outside. ' But its very difficult ' the male said..'No it isnt' said Sogyal ' get a baby sitter '.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I don't understand why people bring their kids places when it's clear that the kids don't want to be there, and are only going to be disruptive to everyone. I love my children. I don't expect everyone to love them and then tolerate their bad moods. If I can't go because my kids are too rambunctious that day, so be it. You aren't teaching them anything by forcing them to go to church (or anywhere) if they didn't get much sleep or woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Any church I've been to always has a daycare/nursery so the kids can go and do an activity related to that day's lesson. Our Sangha, when we host retreats, Friday is always kids day, so the stuff is based on kids and their natures, so they can get in some learning and fun, too. It works out well.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    @citta, you "grumpy old bastard!"

    There was a time, a long time ago, when I was acting as monitor during a morning period of meditation. A certain woman was wearing a perfume that was loud enough to drown out both the incense in the hall and the 1812 Overture, if it had been playing. I asked her to please go to the bathroom and clean it off. She may have tried, but it didn't work ... and I threw her out.

    Just sayin' ... as one old grumpy bastard to another.
  • Right on.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    karasti said:

    I don't understand why people bring their kids places when it's clear that the kids don't want to be there, and are only going to be disruptive to everyone. I love my children. I don't expect everyone to love them and then tolerate their bad moods. If I can't go because my kids are too rambunctious that day, so be it. You aren't teaching them anything by forcing them to go to church (or anywhere) if they didn't get much sleep or woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Any church I've been to always has a daycare/nursery so the kids can go and do an activity related to that day's lesson. Our Sangha, when we host retreats, Friday is always kids day, so the stuff is based on kids and their natures, so they can get in some learning and fun, too. It works out well.

    I've been pleased to see that there are a few restaurants who don't accept children either all the time or during certain hours. It reserves a very few places for those of us who don't necessarily appreciate screaming children, particularly where the prices are quite high.

    And I hate little children who are taken to movies that are clearly for adults. As well as people who chat on their cell phones or text during movies.

  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    For those who feel occasionally inclined to rant about children, my vote goes to this banned advertisement.
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