Einstein said that E=MC2, & we're made of light people so get prepared.
He wasn't joking or weed smoking, he'd worked it out there is no doubt.
But I've worked it out & he was wrong, & i worked it out whilst using my bong.
The power of my weed to understand my mind, & all of it's words that wasn't kind.
Our mind is there to help us learn, to learn new skills that we have to earn.
Our mind reflects our actual thoughts, we're not just zero's we're not just noughts.
Once we've learned everything there is to know, to eternal paradise off we go.
By that point of course we have shed our mind, & are always caring & always kind.
By that point of course we will be made of light, & nothing is wrong every things right.
So Einstein was ever so close but no cigar, he was ever so close but ever so far.
Away from the truth because he looked with his mind, away from the truth stuck with the blind.
Meditation across the nation, & emotions & feelings control is the new "Rock n Roll".
That's very funny. Inaccurate, but funny, nevertheless! Good effort!
My favorite Einstein quote has got to be:
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.
Isn't it wonderful that a religion that is over two millennia old can be so relevant in these modern times?
Speaking of crime....
He was a jolly clever chap!
He was British, I assume?
Sadly, there is actually no official record of Einstein actually ever having said that. The attribution is apocryphal. (see bottom of Page 2).
Many would LIKE him to have said that - but there is no written record, account or proof that those words were ever actually his, at all.
(PS: The article itself, as a whole, is interesting.)
I don't know about you other folks but I don't really need Einsteins approval of Buddhism.
:om: .
But if we don't claim him the theists will!
I am really sorry but... too late?
But clearly Albert stole thisone from Gotama...
I like this one:
Very apt when interpreting DO.
They already tried that ever since his death, and even before that, claiming he said he believed in God (which he had to deny). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Albert_Einstein#Personal_God_and_the_afterlife
I share his unbounded admiration! Though he clearly did not consider himself an atheist, and that's okay. He preferred to be a believer in science.
I think I might "discover" a lost letter from Einstein where he explains that all his scientific insights were a direct result of his Buddhist practice.
This does a good job of debunking some of the Buddhism and Einstein myths
Ok now I am really confused.
He did say
But he didnt say
Ok ... so ... case closed. Good nite!
:thumbsup: .
The source for the quote is the problem. There doesn't seem to be any work or speech of Einstein's that contains it, so even if it's quoted in other works... it's a ghost-quote. The page @vinlyn cited says "It sometimes appears with a reference to Albert Einstein: The Human Side (Princeton University Press, 1954), but there is never a page reference - for the simple reason that the quote does not appear anywhere in that book."
I awoke this morning and said - 'I am not going to laugh at anything as it is all too wonderful and precious' - and I'm currently wetting my pants and belly laughing at this thread.
Tomorrow - I will take the world really seriously as well!
Let's just say Einstein was a Buddhist. Hurrah!!
Have you actually read Einsteins theory?
here enjoy: http://www.bartleby.com/173/
I have read it - it is a great description of relativism but from a Western Christian perspective.
I believe there is nothing mentioned in his theoretical texts anywhere about the alleviation of suffering, and how it may be achieved, but its output just promulgates paranoia and anxiety about our ridiculous position in the world, and how if we decide to explode, wow, what an explosion of energy that will be!
Einstein was not a buddhist. He just enabled us to unleash the energy...
...promulgates paranoia... I like that.
There are many in this world, whose objective appears to do just that @SpinyNorman, they just don't realise it!
Hey Am I making you paranoid?
... \ lol / ...
I tell you why I don't care what Einstein said about Buddhism. We think he said this so we cling to yet another source anointing Buddhism as being the "right" religion. Trouble with that is that if tomorrow they discovered a letter written by Einstein where he said, "Buddhism is the biggest pile of steaming horse manure I ever saw", then we'd have to begin deeply questioning Buddhist thought. He was just one man.
Oh no no no no no you dont. Do not trivialize such achievement!
He was THE MAN. In many things and in many ways.
That he was only one man is totaly irrelevant in his case.
What he thinks about the Dhamma does not concern me because I still trust my own judgement over his.
But I do agree with the rest. That is the problem with Authority worship.
Oh yes I do.
Einstein made brilliant contributions to the world...in one broad field, but he had no particular authority in terms of religious thought.
That is the problem with Authority worship.
Yes, master, you are entirely correct on this matter...
Finally some acknowledgement... :nyah: .