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Nebraska woman sues all homosexuals....


  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Please sir, can we sue Christians, perhaps Cardinals for being ... not sure where to begin.

    Also I think we can have a list of people who should be criminalised:

    • Buddhists from the accursed and self indulgent Hinayana
    • Koan creators
    • Mantra magicians
    • Ultra spirituals
    • Unenlightened teachers

    Come to think of it all Buddhists should be sued for ... not sure what yet ... I am sure they are up to no good, sitting quietly in the privacy of their own home ...


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    There goes the house.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    How much would it cost to sue all evangelicals? ;)

  • KennethKenneth Veteran

    Well, if they are within 60 or 70 light years they get our TV, which is even worse. Jerry Springer comes to mind from the US :o , but I guess they'd have to be a lot closer to get that.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    I dunno, sometimes the real news is worse than anything Jerry Springer can put out. Like this article.

  • KennethKenneth Veteran

    Point taken. And I can hardly imagine what craziness will arise if the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage nationally. END TIMES!!

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    @Kenneth said:
    Well, if they are within 60 or 70 light years they get our TV, which is even worse. Jerry Springer comes to mind from the US :o , but I guess they'd have to be a lot closer to get that.

    When I was still working as a school administrator, if we had a snow day I would always try to watch Jerry Springer. Why? To remind myself that there are a lot of people out there like those you see on Jerry Springer, and some of those types were parents of kids we had in our school. Made me much more empathetic toward some of our students.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    ""That homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet.""

    Sylvia Ann Driskell ( AKA "Nutjob" )

    Ah they do say that "Ignorance is Bliss" ....

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @Shoshin said:
    ""That homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet.""
    Sylvia Ann Driskell ( AKA "Nutjob" )

    How convenient that she undertakes to sue all homosexuals, as a group: that makes for more pocket money than just suing her neighbour next door...

    Anyway, people like this are almost clever in their blatant simplicity, otherwise, how could this woman even come up with such an idea?
    And this phrase is memorable. It should almost figure in the Brainy Quotes any time soon....

    I could even laugh all day if the whole affair wasn't so sadly embarrassing for the human race.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    I wonder if she has opened herself up to lawsuits?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I was wondering the same thing... In fact I would love to see a counter-Case being filed against her by an aggrieved and homosexual, church-going lawyer....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited May 2015

    The Church should be sued for:

    • Women burning (especially the mature)
    • America; caused by religious heretics, the Pilgrim Mothers
    • Anti paganism, anti semitism, anti science, anti sanity etc
    • Bishops hats ie. bad fashion


    The Xtians and it seems Buddhists of a certain bent have been illegally abusing and misusing power for centuries. Very, very naughty.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    @Kenneth We don't have to wait for end times, God is going to bring it. See?

    I mean, clearly God has destroyed the UK and Canada and New Zealand like 13 other countries who legalized gay marriage. Apparently he is only concerned with the actions of the US. We are, after all, the best example of a Christian nation, being that we have God on our money and our pledge!

    My husband works for the tax collection division of our state, and they get people who owe tax bills and will write things like "I refuse to pay the state of MN on the grounds that the only being I owe-in the form of my soul-is God, and in the name of his son Jesus Christ, your tax bill is not recognized." LOL Then they get very upset when they find their bank accounts have been levied. I guess God didn't protect them after all! That's what I thought of when I read this lady's self-made lawsuit. I wonder if she tried to find a lawyer or just decided to tackle it herself from the start.

  • KennethKenneth Veteran

    @karasti, my favorite part of the article is: 'Wiles added that gay marriage will likely be the final straw with God who is also displeased with the entire world where “everywhere communism takes control, they go after the churches and they kill the pastors and they demolish the church buildings and they reeducate the church children. That’s what’s coming to America. It’s already started.”'

    :o Communism! Oh man, that is so 1955! Senator McCarthy, you have a call on line 1!

    It has to be reassuring to some that God can take care of it on his own with a fireball. On the other hand, it seems that one of the central conceits of fundamentalists everywhere and of every belief is that God can't get by without their help. I'm not sure what she thinks her legal standing as "ambassador" is as she lists herself as a plaintiff along with God and Jesus. Since there is no lawyer, it seems to me she should have some sort of signed power of attorney from God and Jesus if she is going to list them as plaintiffs being represented in some fashion by her ;)

  • GraymanGrayman Veteran
    edited May 2015

    I don't find it funny.

    Spirituality can be blessing. But religion can sometimes look like a disease that spreads. This individual's mind has been molded and shaped, likely from a child, to fear eternal torture and destruction. She will never get to experience the feeling of free mind and spirit. She is in a prison that she seeks to draw others into. Her ignorance of what she is doing isn't a choice but a necessity. To question her own beliefs or God is to risk much it could destroy herself. It is a sickness that she was given and she will spread and that is sad to me because she will never be free. But do not be confused, I do not believe the same of someone who is blessed with the 'spirituality' of Jesus Christ. Their faith seems to be a hope in a dark place. I cannot judge them for this just because I do not need it.

    It is also sad for all those, homosexuals, who are damaged by this individuals mind and heart that has been molded by a intolerant religion.

    Many posts here seem to mock but I think we should pity.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Pity is a condescending and patronising sentiment.
    I would have some level of sympathy for her if she were more open-minded an amenable to common sense.
    As it is, she herself has deliberately locked her own mind in a closet, and refuted facts, and refused to be open to reason and widely accepted information.
    The woman has opened herself up to ridicule.
    She has not followed any form of correct legal procedure, her suit is based on ignorant views, and frankly, if she's a laughing stock, she has brought it on herself.

  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited May 2015

    “I believe I am speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit,”
    Reading the fireball article-what's not to love about the end-times, all that destruction and murder and the wrath of the lord.
    At what point did Abrahamic religions lose their ideas of love and compassion? Maybe it was never there.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @Theswingisyellow said:
    At what point did Abrahamic religions lose their ideas of love and compassion? Maybe it was never there.

    A fair question.

    I would suggest that love and compassion is generated by the Abrahamic Mystics, loving and compassionate atheists and secularists and even by some heretical Hinayanist Buddhists (strange but true) <3

    Civil, humane, decent society does not sue people for what is none of our concern and generates nothing but ... - I was going to say happiness - but I feel that is dependent on the participants just as much as in heterosexuals. :p

    We should IMHO ridicule, expose and overcome silly morality and dodo dharma too.

    @Earthninja said:
    There's a reason aliens haven't contacted us...

    Too true.
    Buddha nature? We are barely past monkey nature ...

  • GraymanGrayman Veteran
    edited May 2015

    The words sorrow and compassion for this indivdiual would have better served my meaning than the word pity. I did not mean to give off condensending attitude. I find laughing and sarcasm to be condenseding but pity is just me expressing that I wish that she had different opportunities in life that gave her a different understanding and wider view of life than her current one.

    @lobster @theswingisyellow

    Much of the old testement is full of incompassionate activity and law. Jesus was essentially a liberator of sorts. He provided an example of the understanding needed to truly be a compassionate person. I have heard it argued that he recieved his compassion from elsewhere, even buddhism but learning what compassion is one thing and fully ebracing is another. Any person who can ebrace it and enact it deserves the credit of that act. I am not of the opinion that only buddha or Jesus or through these individuals can one find compassion. I believe it to be a inherent quality within us that any person who is willing to listen will find within themselves.

    There is a split in christian compassion that is caused by the contradiction of the old testement and christ teachings. Strong focus on old testement law will lead any christian down a path of intolerance and judgement.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    It is stated by some that many Christians do not adhere to the OT, and that it's more a book adopted and used by Jews. In fact, the Torah, if I am not mistaken, consists of the first 5 books of the OT although, of course, the Books have different (Hebrew) names....

    Most hard-line Christians will cite both the OT and the NT as 'God's Holy Word' while many more relaxed and easy-going Christians will stick with the NT.

    This is not a hard-and-fast rule, and I am generalising....

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    An interesting thing that is related, so bear with me.
    The other day, my teenager was watching Through the Wormhole, the show Morgan Freeman voices/hosts.

    There was a section talking about the brains of liberals and conservatives and whether they think differently.

    I find it related, because these types of stories as mentioned in this thread are usually extremely conservative Christians that share this type of more extreme lines of thinking. Not that most go to this degree, but just their thought patterns in general.
    On the show, they said the main difference is that when problem solving, liberals tend to use the critical thinking, problem solving and emotional sections of their brains. While conservatives use the fight-or-flight section of their brains to make decisions. That made so much sense to me. I imagine if we are born into one family or another, how our problem solving is determined is largely in what we see (like so much else in our lives). Which is why you see political leanings follow SO strongly in families even if they don't seem to make much logical sense for the living situation of the person expressing such views. So this lady is expressing her views in such a way because she is quite frightened. She is trying to solve a problem that she perceives and in her view is taking a stand (rather than running) from something that she finds quite important.

    I am quite liberal, and I'm sorry to admit my first thought on hearing this was "Ah ha, I knew it. They really are less evolved than us liberals." But upon thinking about it, right now in our world, we do need people who can operate from a fight-or-flight perspective. We tend to believe it would be a lovely, peaceful place if we didn't have such a big army and so on, but perhaps we'd all be flower wearing hippies and get blown off the face of the earth because we never saw it coming, lol. There must be a balance in there, of course, just sharing my thought process at the time immediately following seeing the show.

    It gave me a greater understanding of where people come from when I am thinking, "WHAT? How can you even think that? That makes no sense what so ever!" We really are thinking very differently about the same situation.

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran

    @karasti I've heard about that study as well. The Buddhist in me then kicks in and reminds me that we aren't inherently one or the other. (Not saying this is your claim; just my reaction when I ponder it.) Totally anecdotal on my part, but I've definitely seen shifts in ways of thinking, whether it be from critical thought to fight-or-flight and vice versa. Heck, I've done it myself! :)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I am constantly checking the way my mind is led by outside perceptions, hence my personal refusal to be drawn on comments (in another thread).
    This is no reflection on anyone else, nor is it a criticism of anybody else's opinion; it's just a brake on my own loose tongue and inappropriate speech....

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    I do too, @Rowan1980 and I'm sure most people do. I try to be cautious how I am reacting to things and what I am using to determine how to react. Sometimes it goes better than others, lol.
    I am not a big political junkie by any means, but it's interesting to me how widely it can change, like the election in the UK. It makes me wonder if when people perceive things aren't going well, those who operate more frequently out of a fight or flight response are more likely to vote than they would be if they thought things were going their way.
    It helps explain (kind of) why in the US we fluctuate back and forth between democratic presidents and congresses, and republican ones. I never understood how that happened.

    I do feel bad for people who are always afraid and reacting in that manner. I now the times I feel I am operating from a fight or flight mode are never pleasant and I can't imagine doing that all the time.

  • KennethKenneth Veteran
    edited May 2015

    @federica said:
    It is stated by some that many Christians do not adhere to the OT, and that it's more a book adopted and used by Jews. In fact, the Torah, if I am not mistaken, consists of the first 5 books of the OT although, of course, the Books have different (Hebrew) names....

    Most hard-line Christians will cite both the OT and the NT as 'God's Holy Word' while many more relaxed and easy-going Christians will stick with the NT.

    This is not a hard-and-fast rule, and I am generalising....

    Hi, reporting in from the Bible Belt.

    Here are my not hard-and- fast generalizations..

    Conservative Protestants:

    Fundamentalists and most evangelicals stress Gods law. God's love tends to be conditional even thought they mostly don't see it that way, e.g. "Love the sinner, hate the sin". In the NT they tend to emphasize the Epistles over the Gospels, except for John, which emphasizes the Christ aspect of Jesus. The most fundamentalist are also big fans of the book of Revelation. In the OT they tend to focus on legalistic books like Leviticus and Deuteronomy as well as prophetic books like Isaiah, which they see as a prediction of the coming of Christ. Modern theological scholarship is for the most part rejected.

    Progressive and Liberal Protestants, mostly found in the traditional "Mainline" protestant denominations such as the Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians and Lutherans:

    The love of God is stressed. God's law is open to interpretation. In the NT the Gospels are much more central than they are for conservatives. The legalistic and eschatological aspects of the Epistles are not emphasized. Revelation is seen entirely as metaphor and not emphasized. In the OT, books like the Psalms, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes are most relevant. Modern theological scholarship is for the most part embraced.

    Full disclosure. I was raised agnostic and only dabbled in Liberal Christianity.

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