Received the following email and survey questionnaire and thought others might enjoy/credit its direction and results. I get too crabby to answer questions that assume I agree with whatever definitions the writer may have in mind but declines to reveal.
You might find this survey
interesting:The results purport to tell
you where you stand relative to
Collectivism, Authoritarianism,
Internationalism, Tribalism, and Liberalism.
I think it's full of shit.
I don't feel like a left-leaning bleeding heart Progressive.'s way too cut n dried. Surveys can be fun, but they should have some way of being reasonable sounding.
LOL funny
I just treat it the same as the facebook quizzes that go around. Don't take stuff seriously.
I got -100 in tribalism. I don't even know what that is, LOL. Off to uncle google for that one.
Socialist Pro-Government World-Federalist Bleeding-Heart Progressive
It's probably not entirely incorrect. But a lot of the questions could be read many ways depending what point of view you are looking at it from.
For me it calculates that: You are a: Socialist Non-Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Libertine
Meh, I've been called worse
Yeah, there are a lot of these things out there. And there is no way to nuance an answer except "maybe", which could just as easily be "not sure".
Like any survey, it's all about how the questions are asked. Then they drive your answers into a matrix of rigidly defined holes.
looked up the tribalism, I was right in my assumption. I really don't subscribe to that at all. While I recognize that this is not the world we live in, I'm a fan of a world without borders. Everything looks much nicer without imaginary lines to divide every part and every people. My only unity in the sense described is humankind and the planet and all it's life. I don't understand allegiance to flags (they are, afterall, only pieces of cloth) or national anthems and so on. Don't care one bit for any of it. I am probably the least patriotic person there is.
Socialist Non-Interventionalist Humanist Liberal
Ok. Actually I'm not surprised by that assessment.
Communist Bleeding-Heart Progressive. El Che Vive I guess.
Given the questions and the wording I strongly suspect this originated with a right wing website. But I could be wrong.
Right thread....
I'm a say what....?! :lol
My thanks to everyone for doing what I refused to do ... take the quiz in the first place.
The thing I find most interesting about such "surveys" is that the more careless and broad-brush they become, the more people (aided by a Facebook and Twitter mentality?) start believing them ....
Communist Anti-Government Non-Interventionist Humanist Liberal
I often like these kinds of surveys because sometimes you do learn little tidbits of information about yourself. But this one just seemed like someone threw paint against wall to see how it splattered.
WOW! I'm a Conservative Anarchist Total-Isolationist Traditionalist. I was completely unaware of that. Maybe I should buy more ammo and canned goods?
Meanwhile, water is wet, the Pope is Catholic, and vodka gets you drunk. I rolled my eyes quite a bit at the wording of the questions.
^^^^^ Ditto. On both counts.
Good to see there are some other Buddhist libertines on here. I was beginning to think I was the only one
Socialist Pro-Government Interventionist Humanist Progressive.
Like that, although it lacks the word anarchist! Maybe I'm getting old...
However, there were no questions about the green values.
yeah, the questions seemed loaded. How many of you answered that we should just nuke our enemies?
The quiz result makes me a "Centrist Moderate" Maybe I am maybe I'm not