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The Truth of Duckha is that all ducks are not ultimately satisfying without the right sauce.
The Truth of the Origin of Ducky is that craving for and clinging to what is pleasurable and aversion to what is not pleasurable results in the wrong noodles.
The Truth of the end of Ducks is a return to the source sauce.
This leads to less duck and the Noble Eightfold Bath:
behaving indecently,
cultivating freedom
practicing mind and bath emptying
having a rubber duck
How important is getting the source/sauce right? http://www.venganza.org/about/ All Hail His Noodliness OM MANY PERME TA TIONS
I used to be vegetarian. Actually because the karmapa asked people to think about vegie. over two years. and then away at the family feasts at my dads cottage and caved in and ate meat. some day I will be vegetarian again.
The link in the first post to the Church of the Flying Speghetti Monster illustrates how unsatisfactory belief centered around credulity can be.
@ourself in another thread mentions how the unsatisfactory nature of existence can be OK. In other words the First Noble Truth is a generalisation rather than an absolute.
Existence is bliss is an equally valid First Noble Truth. I would also suggest that people are not always able to examine reasoned expectations and assumptions. However they can develop an approach to dharma from a variety of angles ...
In a sense we have to curtail our tendency to follow the obvious nature of a position and come up with potential solutions or thinking that does not label things as 'just humour', 'just obvious' or indeed just so ...
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
I'm not trying to negate the first noble truth, lol...
It's just that we've done the suffering thing to death and it's getting old.
Even if the last of us awakens we will need the first noble truth lest we forget but let's get this wheel spinning already.
There is no absolute annihilation of anything so even with sufferings cessation there is still the potential to suffer even if it never reaches fruition.
Seeing the 4 Noble Truths means seeing them in each of the 12 links of Dependent Origination, for example ignorance, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of ignorance, this is the cessation of ignorance, this is the way leading to the cessation of ignorance, kamma formations, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of kamma formations, this is the cessation of kamma formations, this is the way leading to its cessation of kamma formations, consciousness, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of consciousness, this is the cessation of consciousness, this is the way leading to the cessation of consciousness, and the same way for mentality-materiality, the six sense faculties, contact, feeling, craving, clinging, becoming, birth, aging-death.
@bookworm said:
loving kindness to you, may you be happy
... and words convey meaning but may exasperate communication.
The origin of suffering is the inability to uncover innate bliss. The first alternative Noble Truth. This is nothing to do with ignorance but is the result of knowing (too much) ...
@bookworm said:
What is that innate bliss? Do you mean the jhanas?
That 'Innate Bliss' is part of the Alternative First Nobel Truth. Existence is pyjamas/bliss. Even though the condition of the pyjhanas is a forced covering that hides our pristine perfection.
Have you never heard 'Ignorance is Bliss'? So in this sense even the First Nobel Truth of Buddhism is revealed in its alternative ...
Daffy Duckha does not approve.
yumm makes me wish there was a french restaurant in town!
Aha, Jeffrey...you meat eater!
I used to be vegetarian. Actually because the karmapa asked people to think about vegie. over two years. and then away at the family feasts at my dads cottage and caved in and ate meat. some day I will be vegetarian again.
It's not a problem. You can have the Peking duck, I'll have orange chicken.
And I'll take all the sauce you've got....
(paragraph 1)
Anybody thinking of having duck for dinner can ,,,,
I'm not on the menu 
So now I have an image of Dukha Zen practice, where you have to answer the koan: "Why a Duck?"
Why 'anything'...?
^^^^ building character and compassion here, while humans discuss what kind of SAUCE.
Or "Why did the duck cross the road?"
Big Duck sez, Forget the sauce. Don't forget my feelings.
When are the Mallardyanas going to start with their ducktrines?
The thicker the sauce the more it clings to the noodles...
As they say round here as a term of endearment, Ay Up Me Duck.
Thanks everyone,
The link in the first post to the Church of the Flying Speghetti Monster illustrates how unsatisfactory belief centered around credulity can be.
@ourself in another thread mentions how the unsatisfactory nature of existence can be OK. In other words the First Noble Truth is a generalisation rather than an absolute.
Existence is bliss is an equally valid First Noble Truth. I would also suggest that people are not always able to examine reasoned expectations and assumptions. However they can develop an approach to dharma from a variety of angles ...
In a sense we have to curtail our tendency to follow the obvious nature of a position and come up with potential solutions or thinking that does not label things as 'just humour', 'just obvious' or indeed just so ...
It's just that we've done the suffering thing to death and it's getting old.
Even if the last of us awakens we will need the first noble truth lest we forget but let's get this wheel spinning already.
There is no absolute annihilation of anything so even with sufferings cessation there is still the potential to suffer even if it never reaches fruition.
Waking up is always someone else's job.
Seeing the 4 Noble Truths means seeing them in each of the 12 links of Dependent Origination, for example ignorance, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of ignorance, this is the cessation of ignorance, this is the way leading to the cessation of ignorance, kamma formations, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of kamma formations, this is the cessation of kamma formations, this is the way leading to its cessation of kamma formations, consciousness, which is the noble truth of suffering, this is the origin of consciousness, this is the cessation of consciousness, this is the way leading to the cessation of consciousness, and the same way for mentality-materiality, the six sense faculties, contact, feeling, craving, clinging, becoming, birth, aging-death.
Words are one thing, but..
but what? what post are you referring to?
Dhamma is not found in books is what i'm saying.
Oh let's not kick this off again....!
Do you have a problem with me or something?
Thank you, @bookworm, for clarifying.
I see that point.
loving kindness to you, may you be happy
Buddhism in a nutshell
... and words convey meaning but may exasperate communication.
The origin of suffering is the inability to uncover innate bliss. The first alternative Noble Truth. This is nothing to do with ignorance but is the result of knowing (too much) ...
Gonna quote more platitudes?
Reality for you. May you be unsettled
and now back to dharma ducking ...
What is that innate bliss? Do you mean the jhanas?
That which 'should' come naturally...But we struggle to find it and this struggling to find it is the ducking problem so to speak ..."Duckha" ....
That 'Innate Bliss' is part of the Alternative First Nobel Truth.
Existence is pyjamas/bliss. Even though the condition of the pyjhanas is a forced covering that hides our pristine perfection.
Have you never heard 'Ignorance is Bliss'? So in this sense even the First Nobel Truth of Buddhism is revealed in its alternative ...