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  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    alcohol also contributes to cancer of several areas of the body, in addition to the liver problems. Less frequent binge drinking versus chronic alcoholism does not exempt a person from any of those health problems, either.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Mingle, both @karasti and I are painting a bleak picture of what alcohol can do to you. Take it from two people who had family members who killed themselves by their penchant for alcohol - and I couldn't in all honesty actually label my uncle an alcoholic - the stuff is like fire: it makes a good servant, but a bad master.

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    @Mingle said:

    And hangovers, oh god the hangovers. I'm I still feeling the effects from the juice two nights ago. I'll take meditation next time.

    I do hope you're serious about taking meditation next time.

    One of my two best friends in high school told us how she and her mom watched as her dad died of overdrinking (cirrhosis of the liver) and watched him turn blue as he went. You just don't forget that kind of thing. Multiply that times millions who've died the same way. Thing is, she loved her dad very much in spite of his alcoholism.

  • @silver said:

    I do hope you're serious about taking meditation next time.

    One of my two best friends in high school told us how she and her mom watched as her dad died of overdrinking (cirrhosis of the liver) and watched him turn blue as he went. You just don't forget that kind of thing. Multiply that times millions who've died the same way. Thing is, she loved her dad very much in spite of his alcoholism.

    Must be horrible. People are so stubborn with those kinda things wether its smoking drinking or just eating crap in general. Even when they know somethings killing them they still just cant brake the habit. I do find it a little bit selfish.

  • @federica said:
    @Mingle, If you're not a regular habitual drinker, the fact that the hangover has lingered is a sign that you overloaded your liver.
    The liver is responsible for evacuating toxins from the body, and dispersing them harmlessly through your system.
    Any it can't get rid of, or that would be too toxic for the process to work - remain stored in the liver for the rest of your life.

    Please drink at least a pint of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, as soon as you can. Or eat a couple of apples.

    I'm serious.

    You think so? I am totally agreeing with you there. The hangin normally isn't too bad but when it is Its screws me for the next day perhaps even next two days. I just lose my appetite. Is it normal for them to be that bad.

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    Do you foresee yourself getting that bad with your level of drinking alcohol, @Mingle?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Mingle said:

    You think so? I am totally agreeing with you there. The hangin normally isn't too bad but when it is Its screws me for the next day perhaps even next two days. I just lose my appetite. Is it normal for them to be that bad.

    If you're not a frequent drinker, then a heavy night is going to affect you a lot more than someone who's adapted their lifestyle to include drinking as a regular habit.

    It's like hitting your head in one place, with your knuckle. After a while, if you don't stop, your nerve receptors start numbing the pain, and although it hurts, the intensity doesn't increase. it finds a level, and after a while, you go numb.
    I's the same type of thing with drinking.

    Apples, or pure apple juice, or better yet, apple cider vinegar is a proven tonic and a healthy thing to imbibe, or eat. I drink some every day. It's an excellent ingredient to add to your regular diet.

  • @silver said:
    Do you foresee yourself getting that bad with your level of drinking alcohol, @Mingle?

    Sometimes, it really varies though. On my birthday before last I started drinking at noon and didn't stop till 4 in the mornibg, I was drinking tequila near the end too and the next day was fine. The other day though I only had a bottle of penot and jeez as I said still feeling it. I think it all depends how much you eat before hand. If I have a nice fry up like I did on my birthday that normally sets me up for a messy night lol. The other day though I didn't eat much at all.

  • @federica said:

    If you're not a frequent drinker, then a heavy night is going to affect you a lot more than someone who's adapted their lifestyle to include drinking as a regular habit.

    It's like hitting your head in one place, with your knuckle. After a while, if you don't stop, your nerve receptors start numbing the pain, and although it hurts, the intensity doesn't increase. it finds a level, and after a while, you go numb.
    I's the same type of thing with drinking.

    Apples, or pure apple juice, or better yet, apple cider vinegar is a proven tonic and a healthy thing to imbibe, or eat. I drink some every day. It's an excellent ingredient to add to your regular diet.

    I take it Strongbow doesn't count lol ?

  • Wow Can't believe a drunk post turned into such an insightful thread with 59 replies.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    strongbow. Yes, very funny....


  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    @Mingle said:

    Sometimes, it really varies though. On my birthday before last I started drinking at noon and didn't stop till 4 in the mornibg, I was drinking tequila near the end too and the next day was fine. The other day though I only had a bottle of penot and jeez as I said still feeling it. I think it all depends how much you eat before hand. If I have a nice fry up like I did on my birthday that normally sets me up for a messy night lol. The other day though I didn't eat much at all.

    'Insightful' is one thing - you taking it seriously is another. I meant do you think there's a chance you could some day drink yourself to death? You seem to be taking this with a grain of salt...tequila huh? I don't know what penot is.

  • MingleMingle Veteran
    edited September 2016

    @silver said:

    'Insightful' is one thing - you taking it seriously is another. I meant do you think there's a chance you could some day drink yourself to death? You seem to be taking this with a grain of salt...tequila huh? I don't know what penot is.

    Penot Grigio is wine and Nah. I've never really been a drinker at all and I've definitely haven't ever relied on it. When I got into my 20's Its initial thrill had already worn off.

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    @karasti said:
    @dhammachick I'm not saying it isn't. Just clarifying that that was not what my post was about at that point.

    Oh I know. I wasn't having a dig at you.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    it isn't uncommon for wine to produce a harsher hangover because they tend to have more nitrites (or is it nitrates? I can never remember). different types of alcohol affect people differently sometimes. But as a serving of wine is only a few ounces, a whole bottle is a lot of servings. Anything beyond 2 servings for a man is considered to be too much, and a potential health hazard. A believe a glass of wine is 4-5 ounces (depending a little on the type as some have more alcohol than others). That means a total of one measured fluid cup. A standard bottle of wine is 5 servings. If it's one of the large bottles, it's twice that.

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    I know with red wine it's the tanins that give the wicked hangover (I once dated a winemaker).

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Here you go - go to the gym or for a run the next day after a drink!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @dhammachick said:
    I know with red wine it's the tanins that give the wicked hangover (I once dated a winemaker).

    Just the once? ;)

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited September 2016

    @seeker242 said:
    Nobody has ever passed out in the bushes naked from doing too much meditation. :p

    I did hear of a young semi naked aristocrat who almost passed out from too much ascetic meditation. He was under a tree at the time. Siddhartha (yes it was he) was rescued by a village girl named Sujata and she gave him some payasam (a pudding made from milk and jaggery/sugar) after which Siddhartha got back some energy.

    Silly boy. o:)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    See? Sugar's not all bad....

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