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Personally, I'm a flibbertiggibet. I don't lose mindfulness. I lose my mind. But I pick myself up everytime, and that's my biggest practice I think. (View Post)
White as camphor, Cold as steel Wield the Flammifer; Refuse to kneel. Without end I Espy the Snowy Paths Seeing A L L in an icicle of quaint Glad; Thus Roads take me to Cities opposite of Sad And eve… (View Post)
"Hope for the Highest, Wish for the Miraculous, And, Fully Expect the Mundane." The Great and Glorious may not always appear via the mundane. At times, things are indeed simply great, simpl… (View Post)
(Quote) Yeah... There are times when I wish I had never watched the movies, as I did when I was young, so now when I read the books images of Elijah Wood and Viggo Mortensen are indelibly lodged in m… (View Post)
"The Road goes ever on and on, Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where … (View Post)