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My Rival Religious I envy you You have it so mapped out You, who walk the walk instead of merely talking, You, That live out the truth daily. Who do not shirk from responsibility but do it with a who… (View Post)
From a more Vedantic perspective, but I'm open to Buddhist reflections: When you wake up, the seeds of problems that are embedded in sleep sprout up in full fruition the moment you cross the threshol… (View Post)
The Sweet Escape There is a reddish Serpent coiled in the Rafters of my Mind. Its fangs are sunken into the cross beams There, making a Triangle. The Wood is Grainy in color, Glowing and Pulsing. A r… (View Post)
I believe in an old-fashioned thing called "loyalty." It's only been a few weeks since my mom's quintuple bypass. I've been taking care of her ever since. A part of me definitely wants to s… (View Post)