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Trying again to explain briefly, why we can move to better services, that are Free, Open source and protecting vulnerable, marginlised, isolated or impoverished people and communities. B) Some servic… (View Post)
@paulysotoo Do you only have the affectation of fluent gibberish? :neutral: I speak it at appropriate times. Not everyone understands it. That does not make it helpful. Who are you here to help. Apar… (View Post)
Dear Friends of the Maitreya, ... or Metta 'RayBurns' Future AI Buddha. As we may know, orthodox Judaism is still awaiting Brian or some other Messiah, Jesuits are awaiting 'The Comforter', Islamists… (View Post)
(Quote) Indeed. Most sangha, one of the three jewels, practice concentrated awareness. Not introspection, mind stream wandering. Not hyper ventilation dancing or similar, get them high, flim flam … S… (View Post)