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Starting a Buddhist Bookclub



  • u skip a-headers ought to be ashamed! ;)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Great idea! But I am broke. Next time. A beautiful and wonderful idea!
  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    @Jeffrey: by the same author as Buddhism without belief.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I think that I may just get this book for my Kindle and read it, since someone said it's more than just a book against beliefs. It'll give me something to do while I fix up this old computer, which I accidentally deleted the Windows partition on while I was setting up Ubuntu (too tired maybe).
  • Great idea! But I am broke. Next time. A beautiful and wonderful idea!
    i got my copy from the library :)
  • ...I am broke.
    There're a bunch of copies in the San Francisco Public Library.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    "Alone With Others" is also by Batchelor. It looks interesting; you can check it out a bit on Amazon with their "take a look inside" feature.
    thank you Dakini!!! this is so cool...i've read the's absolutely one of my faves...
    So will you be joining us, Bucky?

  • edited May 2011
    So will you be joining us, Bucky? this how you officialize it?

  • I think that I may just get this book for my Kindle and read it, since someone said it's more than just a book against beliefs. It'll give me something to do while I fix up this old computer, which I accidentally deleted the Windows partition on while I was setting up Ubuntu (too tired maybe).
    Cloud, see my earlier comment about the book. I don't find it negative, or "anti"- anything. See what you think.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I didn't find it anti, but I thought he generalized a little too much. For example he made a sweeping statement that the traditions believed in a transendental mystical realization. Yet if you listen to Pema Chodrons CD Pure Meditation, the five qualities of meditation are clear seeing, forgot , sitting with difficult states, being in the present, and no big deal. Look at the last one. She also specifically mentions that meditation does not transend anything but rather you go deeply into what you are experiencing. Finally she stated that the purpose of meditation is not to feel good at the beginning of her talk, which she said she could imagine the shockwaves going out the room and into the hallway.

    I found some other observations of Batchelor that were sweeping, not thought out, or that I didn't agree with.

    I liked his explanation of the 12 interdependent links. He translated each link in a way that I could understand it better, which might eventually form a bridge to the more traditional formulation. Included was an excellent kitchen sink everyday story of how these links function in a person much like me in their life.

  • I found this book gathering dust, as yet unread, on my bookshelf! Thank you for reminding me it was there :) Have started reading!
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    I'm listening to the audio version now, which I think is actually read by Stephen Batchelor. Have made it through the first two "chapters" so far, pretty interesting.
  • I found some other observations of Batchelor that were sweeping, not thought out, or that I didn't agree with.

    I liked his explanation of the 12 interdependent links. He translated each link in a way that I could understand it better, which might eventually form a bridge to the more traditional formulation. Included was an excellent kitchen sink everyday story of how these links function in a person much like me in their life.
    That was my impression. Great nuts and bolts exegesis combined with claims that we're expected to take on faith.
  • Great nuts and bolts exegesis combined with claims that we're expected to take on faith.
    It would be good to hear a list of the specific claims you're expected to take on faith. (Or maybe we should wait for the 15th to start the discussion.) Pema Chodron is Karma Kagyu, which is a very meditation-oriented, cosmologically liberal school of Tibetan Buddhism (my own teacher was trained in the Karma Kagyu lineage.) If you look at the Gelug school, which I think was Batchelor's, you get a lot more of the transcendental mystical stuff. (See Batchelor's more recent book Confession for examples.)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    He is an evangelical agnostic fivebells ;)
  • i'm in. bought the book about a year back, started it, then back-burnered it. it would be useful -- and great fun, i think -- to apply some group mind to it. :-)
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Just got it in the mail (sucks I had to buy it again... If only people would return books when they borrowed them instead of moving away and taking them)

    Should be ready by 15th :)
  • people ...

    if it weren't for them i'd consider taking the vows of Boddhisatvahood.
  • Awww just checked the library, they dont stock it. I may have to give this reading a miss but hopefully will be able to participate in the next one(tight budget at the moment).

    The bookclub is an awesome idea, I have been looking for something like this for a while, thank you for starting it!

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Maybe we can pick a book likely in libraries next time?
  • @Willowberry, where do you live?
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    is there anyone who can translate sri lankan (sinhala) book to enlish?

    there is a dhamma book (sort of DIY) which has written by an author who got the Right View

    Author is not saying author has the Right View, but the reader can see the book surely guide a person towards the Right View

    current publisher is ready to publish the translation too

    translator can translate and get the translating cost or can translate it as a dhamma gift

    the book will be at very low cost because author do not take a single cent from it

    the book is available at 'sarasavi bookshop' (under sinhala books, Buddha charithaya) internet
    the title is 'thama thama nena pamanin'
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Are you suggesting a book for the book club?
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    Are you suggesting a book for the book club?
    wonderful if someone can translate it to english and send to the book club

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