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Stuck with self-centered friend as a flatmate

edited April 2011 in Buddhism Basics
So, I got a new job. It's gonna be 9 month internship and it might be cool. But I'm going to have to work and live with a friend of mine for the whole time....problem is we have lots of problem communicating. What irritates me is his self-centeredness. For a friend, he doesn't really behave in a very friend way. He's very selfish and inconsiderate.

I wanna frame this positively since I'm gonna be stuck with him. Truth is, I'd hope I could start living a life with people I like...but it seems for the next 9 months it's going to be impossible. I rely heavily on a good social environment for my life though. I'm a very honest and transparent guy...and I tend to be able to drive away or disarm most people I don't quite like. But this guy is a childhood friend. I like the guy, but he just doesn't act as a friend and cares very little what my problems are (whereas I'm more than happy to help him all the time). Think of it as living with an adolescent. A fiesty, self-centered adolescent.

How can I frame this positively. Now one could say this would be a chance for me to practice tolerance and patience. Sure. But I don't to give him the satisfaction of always being me taking the mature path (which I do most of the time). He also does this annoying thing...doesn't pay attention to 80% of what you say when you are trying to be serious.

I don't feel driven enough by the actual internship to put up with disharmony for 9 months. But I don't want to feel like I'm trapped either. Do any of you have any advice?


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited April 2011
    I don't really have any direct advice but heres a useful 7 min video on making decisions

    good luck
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2011
    Congratulations on the internship, Epicurus--that's major news! I think the best approach to your living situation might be, "This, too, shall pass". It's only 9 months. Also, they say that our best teachers are our enemies, or the people who annoy us the most. (I added that last bit myself. :D ) Focus on your work, and maybe get out of the flat to go to the local hang-out and meet new people. In other words, expand your world so that your living situation is only a small percentage of your life.
  • ... Now one could say this would be a chance for me to practice tolerance and patience. Sure. But I don't to give him the satisfaction of always being me taking the mature path (which I do most of the time). ...
    Nah, not tolerance and patience, but rather giving.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    ... Now one could say this would be a chance for me to practice tolerance and patience. Sure. But I don't to give him the satisfaction of always being me taking the mature path (which I do most of the time). ...
    OK, let me try again. You're saying the friendship is pretty much a one-way street. Does he at least do his share of cleaning, washing dishes, and all that? If not, you'll have to set up some rules. And possibly draw some personal boundaries, re: what you are not willing to put up with, and what you can be flexible on. This is a healthy thing for both of you. Best to do this early on, than let resentment fester into anger, and then some sort of blow-up later on. Keep communication open. Barring more specific info from you, there's not much more advice we can give.

  • If you're stuck with him (not clear why) presumably he's stuck with you. So pin him down and have a long, painful conversation about why he's troublesome. You'll be doing him a huge favor, and you'll get some excellent practice at communication and negotiation. I strongly recommend reading some books on this topic first, like Difficult Coversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most, but don't worry; the principles aren't rocket science. You won't need to study the whole 9 months.

    In terms of Buddhist practice, you might benefit from cultivating joy.
  • lol. I've been stuck with one for 2 years now... and I'm looking at an additional three years. Don't worry too much. It takes two to tango, and you will learn along the way how to communicate with a difficult person. You probably won't always to be able to control how you feel, but you will be able to control how you speak. You're gonna have to learn his personality inside and out and figure out how to negotiate. Sometimes I can't wait for my difficult roommate to leave, but other times I realize that I've learned a lot from my daily interactions with her. Be prepared for this line "I don't wanna hear your Buddhist crap!" Lol.
  • edited April 2011
    I don't feel driven enough by the actual internship to put up with disharmony for 9 months. But I don't want to feel like I'm trapped either. Do any of you have any advice?
    Hi Epicurus. Your mind is already trapped by the harmony around you. :)
    Thus it cannot really get trapped by the disharmony. Isn't that a relief? :)
  • His self-centredness is his problem. You don't have to make it yours. Just be aware.
  • edited April 2011
    If you view your friend with compassion, and keep an open mind when observing his behavior, you may find that he is in fact suffering a great deal on a subtle enough level that he is not adequately aware of his discomfort to address it properly. Being a calm, well oriented person is a great way to show him his own behavior.
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    edited April 2011
    So, I got a new job. It's gonna be 9 month internship and it might be cool. But I'm going to have to work and live with a friend of mine for the whole time....problem is we have lots of problem communicating. What irritates me is his self-centeredness. For a friend, he doesn't really behave in a very friend way. He's very selfish and inconsiderate.

    I wanna frame this positively since I'm gonna be stuck with him. Truth is, I'd hope I could start living a life with people I like...but it seems for the next 9 months it's going to be impossible. I rely heavily on a good social environment for my life though. I'm a very honest and transparent guy...and I tend to be able to drive away or disarm most people I don't quite like. But this guy is a childhood friend. I like the guy, but he just doesn't act as a friend and cares very little what my problems are (whereas I'm more than happy to help him all the time). Think of it as living with an adolescent. A fiesty, self-centered adolescent.

    How can I frame this positively. Now one could say this would be a chance for me to practice tolerance and patience. Sure. But I don't to give him the satisfaction of always being me taking the mature path (which I do most of the time). He also does this annoying thing...doesn't pay attention to 80% of what you say when you are trying to be serious.

    I don't feel driven enough by the actual internship to put up with disharmony for 9 months. But I don't want to feel like I'm trapped either. Do any of you have any advice?
    I had my share of roommates, especially when trying to live off campus in college. Your Buddhist training can help, but it's up to you to change, not your roommate. First, you need to see your situation with a clear mind. You're using language suited for a marriage instead of a temporary living arrangement. You have a mutual business arrangement with someone where both of you are investing in temporary shelter. Especially telling is saying you feel "trapped". No, you only have temporary obligations. You're not married, you're sharing some bills.

    People have a hard time with roommates because their minds have been conditioned to think of living together as something family does, with all the emotional baggage that goes with it. I blame television, where roommates always turn out to be best friends and forge bonds of brotherhood. The reality is, after going through a couple of roommates, you'll be happy if the guy coughs up his half of the rent money on time and doesn't eat all your food.

  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    Act a little colder towards him, he's taking you for granted and when you give him the cold shoulder a bit he might just realize how selfish he has been.
  • I don't really have any direct advice but heres a useful 7 min video on making decisions

    good luck
    What a great talk! Thank you.

    What is the name of the nun?

  • edited April 2011
    Cinorjer ,

    ''People have a hard time with roommates because their minds have been conditioned to think of living together as something family does, with all the emotional baggage that goes with it. I blame television, where roommates always turn out to be best friends and forge bonds of brotherhood. The reality is, after going through a couple of roommates, you'll be happy if the guy coughs up his half of the rent money on time and doesn't eat all your food.''

  • Also, they say that our best teachers are our enemies, or the people who annoy us the most...

    Boy ain't that the truth!
  • Also, they say that our best teachers are our enemies, or the people who annoy us the most...

    Boy ain't that the truth!

    Very true!!! I wish I had :om: attitude when coping with them. :buck:
  • edited April 2011
    So, I got a new job. It's gonna be 9 month internship and it might be cool
    I don't feel driven enough by the actual internship to put up with disharmony for 9 months. But I don't want to feel like I'm trapped either. Do any of you have any advice?
    Hi, Epicurus. I just want to offer a reality check. The global economy is the worst it's been in a long time. You've had the great good fortune to not only find a job/internship, but one that "might be cool". You are blessed. Only a few weeks ago you were despairing about finding a direction in life, finding interesting work.

    And yet, you "don't feel driven enough by the actual internship to put up with disharmony for 9 months". Are you saying you'd throw away employment in a line of work that you may enjoy, in an economy where there's massive unemployment, just because you have to put up with an annoying roommate for a few months? Hmm.....

    It sounds like you're feeling resentful that your options in life are so limited (due to: the economy, you have some sort of chronic (?) illness, perhaps your education status) that you're feeling forced to enter into an unpleasant living situation. I think that the first thing would be to lose the resentment. Buddhism is about changing the way you think about a situation, if the situation is causing you "dukkha".(For example, you could focus on the blessings (job/internship compatible with your interests), and regard the living situation as a minor and temporary annoyance, or better yet--an opportunity to learn how to handle a challenging roommate). And I think the suggestion someone made, to use the living situation as an opportunity to develop coping skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, boundary-drawing skills, is an important one. Regard it as a growth opportunity. Psych yourself to view the situation as do-able. Use your mind to overcome (perceived) adversity. And the suggestion to get out and socialize, since that's important to you, is good, so that your life doesn't revolve around the home situation.

    It sounds like a plan. Make the most of the opportunity you've been given. The 9 months'll be over before you know it. Best of luck.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited April 2011
    The Nuns name is Thubten Chodron. You tube Sravasti Abby they have a channel and upload a new teaching almost daily. Its really great :)
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