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The 31 Places of Existence?
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eternal heaven & hell because he could not
see beyond that.
The Buddhist hell & heaven are not eternal.
I was going to say another anatomy but lincoln
will ban me.
This is a bit different, maybe that is why I find it interesting.
Thanks for helping me out!:)
How are you doing by the way?
I'm fine, thanks.
In buddhism you can find the distinction between ordinary beings and superior beings, or the Arya. This basis can be made on their respective levels of consciousness or realization. ANyone who has gained direct intuitive realization of emptiness, or the ultimate nature of reality, is said to be an Arya according to Mahayana, and anyone who has not gained that realization is called an ordinary being. In relation to the three realms, the subtler the level of consciousness an individual attains, the subtler the realm of existence he can inhabit.
For example, if a person's ordinary mode of being is very much within the context of desire and attachment- that is to say that he tends to develop attachment to whatever he perceives, like desirable forms or pleasant sensations and so on - then such attachment to physical objects, thought processes and sensory experiences leads to a form of existence which is confined within the desire realm, both now and in the future. At the same time, there are people who have transcended attachment to objects of immediate perception and physical sensations, but who are attached to the inner states of joy or bliss. That type of person creates causes that will lead him or her to future rebirths where physical existence has a much more refined form.
Furthermore, there are those who have transcended attachment not only to physical sensations, but also to pleasurable inner sensations of joy and bliss. They tend more towards a state of equanimity. Their level of consciousness is much more subtler than the other two, but they are still attached to a particular mode of being. The grosser levels of their mind can lead to the fourth level of the form realm, while the subtler attachment towards equanimity leads to the formless realms. So this is the way we relate to three realms to level of consciousness.
On the basis of this cosmology, Buddhism talks about the infinite process of the universe, coming into being and going through a process of dissolution before again coming into being. This process has to be understood in relation to the three realms of existence. It is from the third level of the form realms downwards that the world is subject to continuous process of arising and dissolution. From the fourth level of the form realm upwards, which includes the formless realm, the world is beyond this process which we could call the evolution of the physical universe
Then as Fivebells suggested, if these were "meditative places" of the mind...okay, I can see that.
Or if anyone was to tell me that was what Buddhist heavens and hells were like, I can even say okay, as long as you agree that it is no more factual than Christian heaven and hell.
Also, It's just my belief, but I think the soul is a sentient energy that attaches itself to something physical(whether animal or human). I believe that their is body,mind, and energy, but most let the body lead the mind, but its really a preferance. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, at least that's what science has in it's laws. So if that is the cause, does that not support reincarnation? Was the Great Teacher Buddha trying to tell us in so many words, that our energy doesnt need the physical attachment and that we can live or sustain ourselves with out the physical body? I'm native american so maybe my beliefs systems is a bit biased, but Im a big believer in spirits/energies.
My cosmology goes:
-ascended/nirvana/raw energy-attainment of not being attached to the physical. The state of bliss or nothingness(or non-physical attachment).
-Angels/Bodhisttivas/(positive)spirits(sp?)-people who made a pact with themselves to help others, whether to obtain nirvana or help their state of mind(ie calm sadness or anger, etc) so they can see clearly the path need taken.
-Saints/Buddhas- Those with a undeniable connection with the divine(who use that force for good).
-Humans(enlightened or not)- Us just learning to deal with life and learn humanity.
-animals- Though some can be vicious, I believe they are there to teach us things, whether we know it or not(ie-paper wasps teaching us to make paper, Dragonfly larvae showing us the enigneering/mechanics of a motorboat, Massive Insect kingdoms show us how large society can work/function in peace).
-demons or lesser beings(negetive spirits)- Those who love malice and do not understand humanity. often reincarnates as animils or human.
I pretty much believe that these form cycle and dont state. Some states last longer than others, but nothing last forever...except energy.
I myself do not blindly believe everything he says, but I do believe a lot of what he says after reading and pondering.
I cannot wait to watch it!