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Rejoicing over a man's death

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited May 2011 in Buddhism Today
Evil, stupidity, anger, selfishness, greed, etc, just seems to be flourishing all over the globe.

People are rejoicing over a mans death.
There doesn't seem to be any prominent progression in the fields of (certain) abortion, homosexual marriage, or drug legalization in the USA or Canada.
Conservatives won Canada. Shits gonna happen there.
The United States doesn't seem much better. The gap between Church and State seems to be closing as well. Candidate Mitt Romney doesn't believe there is a separation at all.
Fighting is going on in the world over a thing thats supposed to bring peace and happiness: religion.
My fellow peers are ignorant people. Comments such as, "Yes! Another towelhead dead in response to bin Laden)! Time for Obama!" and "Bullets don't cost much. Lets kill all the prisoners. It'll save us money," can be heard from nearly every mouth.
There are people being murdered, tortured, and raped all over the globe.
The idea of Death and Destruction are being thrown at us at every turn, in regards to doomsday.

I... just sit here and meditate.
Just nothing good seems to be happening.
None of this stuff directly seems to affect me at all.
Yet, it still hurts. I feel others pain, in a sense.
Though, its more of an anger inside, of the injustice.
I'm just a kid. I can't do shit.
And by writing this, I seem like an emo..
Lose lose situation.


  • I'm just a kid. I can't do shit.
    If the people who have screwed things up so royally thought the same thing, they wouldn't be in positions to screw things up royally. You *can* do shit. You have to want to first though. Meditating is a good place to start, but sometimes action is called for. At a *bare* minimum, you can vote, and help educate others to do the same. It's easy to become cynical these days, but there are lots of like-minded people out here (I'm one of them). Look what we did in 2008. It was a start.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I can't vote... sadly. And in America, its not like votes REALLY matter. From what I learned, its the electoral college that votes for us.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    society is the reflection of the the collective individuals.

    raise consciousness and work on yourself, then share your presence with the world.

    all we can do, other than the normal conventional stuff like voting and such.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited May 2011
    My advice is to become a student of history - it all starts looking a lot more positive-trending. I think things are generally getting better from the epochal, wide-lens view.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    edited May 2011
    One of the good, but sometimes hard, lessons that meditation has to teach is how desperately in love with our own worries, depression and misery we are.

    Who would we be without our worries?

    It's a good question ... but, as I say, not always an easy one.
  • A conservative won in Canada, but the big news is that the 3rd party roared ahead of the established 2nd party, to become the dominant opposition. That's very exciting news. So you can't write Canada off just yet. :)
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Mindgate, I'm not sure this is any consolation, but I don't think things are any worse now than they were before. I am 61 now. You don't have nuclear bomb drills where we would crouch under our school room desks. You probably don't have a fallout shelter in your school. You don't stand in long lines in the gym to get the early polio vaccines. You don't have a Cuban missile crisis when your parents tell you -- after watching Kennedy on t.v. -- "There's going to be a nuclear war." You don't have a Vietnam War. You don't have Barry Goldwater running for president. Etc.

    And, when I was a kid, I wasn't living through the Great Depression or World War II.

    Each generation has its own issues, crises, fears, but I'm not sure things get worse. It's just a new set of problems. And we thought like you did. We were idealistic. And then we became somewhat like our parents.

    And just to show you how things don't really change...on the same date (different years), my parents celebrated the death of Adolph Hitler.

    There are still lots of things in life to enjoy. You can still find areas where you can make a difference.

    Oh, and by the way, some of us are not celebrating that our army killed a man, but we are celebrating that an evil man is no longer walking the earth killing people and ruining lives. There is a difference.

  • edited May 2011
    Who knows, MG, maybe someday you'll run for elected office, to try to bring integrity to politics and have some influence on the issues of the day. You may think now that you don't want to have anything to do with running for office, but you talk like you care, and like you're fed up with ignorance, and like you want to make a difference. You may surprise yourself someday. :nyah: You never know what the future holds...

    ...and did I mention, you're smart? That helps. Running-for-office-wise, I mean. :)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I'm planning on moving to Canada. :p
  • edited May 2011
    The friends I had when I was your age who couldn't wait to become Canadian citizens (their parents moved the family to Vancouver when my friends were your age, so they could choose their citizenship without actually applying), REALLY regretted it! Think about it--the Canucks, as you pointed out, just elected a conservative. RE-elected, that is. Don't rush into anything.
  • But OK, you have a point that Canada isn't evil. It doesn't get into a lot of wars, or initiate wars.
  • I'm planning on moving to Canada. :p
    Good move. The US has some serious pain ahead of it, though it might manage to fake it away for a few more years.
  • edited May 2011
    The problem is that if the US economy goes down the tubes, it's going to drag Canada down with it. But in terms of political pain, yeah, Canada would be a better place to be. No one's attacking Canada.
  • The simple step is start looking less at all the injustice and death that makes you angry.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    My advice is to become a student of history - it all starts looking a lot more positive-trending. I think things are generally getting better from the epochal, wide-lens view.
    Why do I seem to agree with this?
    Even though I was just like the OP years ago?:)
  • The majority of people have no wisdom.
    That is why the planet/world is in the state it is.
    USA is not unique.
    Thai & Cambodian soldiers are killing each other
    over a small patch of land around an ancient temple.
    Note that they are not fighting for the temple, it
    belongs to Cambodia. Just the access road to the temple.
  • Hi Mindgate

    I agree with taiyaki. We can all work on ourselves first, this is the basis of practice. Then after that what you do and say will be good.

    Keep up your practice.

    Best wishes,
  • The majority of people have no wisdom.
    That is why the planet/world is in the state it is.
    USA is not unique.
    Thai & Cambodian soldiers are killing each other
    over a small patch of land around an ancient temple.
    Note that they are not fighting for the temple, it
    belongs to Cambodia. Just the access road to the temple.
    word! Greed, Anger and Ignorance are real downers

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Evil, stupidity, anger, selfishness, greed, etc, just seems to be flourishing all over the globe.

    People are rejoicing over a mans death.
    There doesn't seem to be any prominent progression in the fields of (certain) abortion, homosexual marriage, or drug legalization in the USA or Canada.
    Conservatives won Canada. Shits gonna happen there.
    The United States doesn't seem much better. The gap between Church and State seems to be closing as well. Candidate Mitt Romney doesn't believe there is a separation at all.

    Yet, it still hurts. I feel others pain, in a sense.
    I agree with those who mentioned history is an indicator of progress. Humankind is evolving, socially, and in a good direction.

    Mindgate, you seem to really be getting caught in the world of appearances. For instance, you seem to have compassion for Osama, who killed people out of fear and anger. That's great, I think compassion is a noble response.

    However, you don't seem to have compassion for your neighbors, who are generally good people, whose fears and anger manifest in ways such as "towelhead dead" or "bullets are cheap". Instead, you seem to have fear and anger for them.

    If you really wish to cut the cycle, consider looking at the thoughts that arise in your mind such as "ignorant people" as an expression of your own delusion, your judging, your own ignorance. People aren't ignorant, there is no static quality to people... they're changing all the time. By stilling your criticism, you'll be in a great place to say something helpful at the right time.

  • Agree with above, Where's da love homes?
  • CinorjerCinorjer Veteran
    Change is messy, painful, and innocent people always get ground up in the wheels. In Europe, was the Catholic theocracy and fractured feudal system better or worse than the stable peace offered by the Romans, which was based on slave labor and a military dictatorship? Our industrialized nations are based on easy and cheap access of energy and food and other world resources. Huge cities and infrastructures simply can't be maintained without it.

    Our old way of dealing with it is disappearing. Nations can't just invade and conquer and take what other nations have anymore to solve their problems, because there's not enough to go around no matter where you look. There are no great untapped wilderness areas that can do more than sitck a bandaid on the problem.

    So people are afraid, and that brings out the worse in them. People who are on top right now are desperately clinging to their privilage, while people already without are just desperate.

    But the people undergoing the plagues during the European dark ages could never imagine the wonders of today and how many people in the world demanded and got change, in the end. Messy, bloody, sometimes hard fought, but lessons were learned. The seeds of something better are still there, being planted today. It only remains to be seen how many tears and how much blood it takes before the next great civilization stands on our shoulders.

    That's what I tell myself, when I get too depressed about what's happening today.
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