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Bookclub Feedback & Survey: Let Us Know What You Think



  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    "If anyone is already reading, try to write down some questions or comments for July 15."

    Good idea.
  • Ok I just got the book today. Looks pretty good. It has 18 chapters. I would suggest we do 3 chapters a week or 4 chapters. Only has 215 pages.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I'm definitely not doing 3 chapters a week.
  • ....with 3 chapters a week it will take 1 month and a half to read 212 pages. Which already is a huge amount of time. 2 Chapters a week will take 2 months and 1 week.

    I mean, cmon, 2 months to read 212 pages is absurd.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    For me I don't mind taking a whole year to be honest, Ric. I am on a different framework as I have difficulty reading. It depends what people want to do and I will decide if I want to participate or not.

    The chapters look to be around 10 to 15 pages each. Granted that I am only up for one chapter per week which would take us 4 or 5 months.
  • I mean, cmon, 2 months to read 212 pages is absurd.
    in my live bookclub it can take years to read a book

  • Got my copy of Turning the Wheel today and started reading! Enjoying the authors conversational writing style, is very accessible. Feels like good brain food :thumbsup:
  • edited June 2011
  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    I would suggest 2 chapters a week, and those who want to go ahead to take notes so when we get to those sections, we can go over those things that way no loses their momentum or train of thought.

    Religion books, especially ones on Buddhism, can be very meaty like a textbook, so I'm not the fast and furious type of reader. I tend to lose information along the way when I read like that. Let's face it, we all can read an algebra book in a decent amount of time, but really how much to you retain afterwards?

    I haven't got this book yet, so I cannot really comment on it's length or level of detail. hopefully, I can find a physical copy near me soon. I'm trying to wait on buying the book because I'm reading Great Expectations. I can be a bibliophile sometimes and I'll try to read both books, so I'm trying to limit my distractions while reading a classic. lol
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I"m way behind, too, bravehawk--but I can catch up. There's still time.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I am not going to purchase the book until a time is set along with an expectation for how many pages or chapters we will read each week. Mainly I would purchase the book to participate in a discussion; I have other books/games I haven't read if purchasing just for something to do.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I've ordered the book, it should arrive soon.
    ....with 3 chapters a week it will take 1 month and a half to read 212 pages. Which already is a huge amount of time. 2 Chapters a week will take 2 months and 1 week.

    I mean, cmon, 2 months to read 212 pages is absurd.
    So we're going to discuss in increments? If that's what people want, then let's try it. Are these short chapters, Ric, and TiaP, like the Batchelor book? I had no trouble reading a chapter/day, or more, of that book. If the chapters are short, we could do 4 chapters/week, that would take closer to a month to discuss. Jeffrey (and Bravehawk), if you don't buy the book, you won't be ready to go when the rest of us are. Unless your local bookstore has the book, and you don't have to wait for it to come in the mail. If you want to participate, please order the book.

    Where are you at in your reading, Ric, TiaP, and Bucky? I'm going to try to catch up with you as soon as I get the book. If we're going to stick to the July 15 date, I'd expect that people would already have read at least a few chapters by that time, so that we can begin discussion on that date. The early birds can get us started, with their questions. So how about by July 15, a minimum of 4 chapters will have been read by everyone, hopefully more.

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Dakini, I am unsure to purchase unless I know how many pages we will read per week.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I don't have the book, I'm trying to find out from members who are already reading the book. Stay tuned. :) But you say you'd be getting the book to participate in a discussion. We can't have a discussion if some people are going to be behind. Anyway, let's see what the other members say.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    "We can't have a discussion if some people are going to be behind."

    Exactly. I don't think I can handle 4 chapters a week. Unless they are 3 page chapters?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Yeah, well that's the question. The Batchelor book chapters were 3-4 pg. chapters.
  • Jeff, if you buy it already you could read at your own pace.

    Ch 1: 8 pages, Ch 2:8 pages, Ch 3: 16 pages

    So as you can see, Ch 3 is double the other 2 chapters. Ive started reading and I am in Chapter 4. But Ive been reading VERY slowly so that I dont get way too ahead. I read about 2-4 pages a day and Im underlining stuff so that I can refer back to what I found interesting and help create some discussion.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    So how many pages a day do we want to be our schedule? Roughly I know its not exact. I just don't want to order the book if most the people are reading it too fast for me to participate.
  • I've read it a couple of time and am re-reading it (we're using it another study I'm in), but am not going to discuss ahead of whatever schedule's agreed to. I can't say I have a preference on how to schedule, only that if one is set all participants are willing. IOW, I'm ready to contribute when it is best for you all. Will continue to check this thread as the date approaches. :buck:
  • It would be helpful to know who is in/out.

    As far as I can see from this thread it is Bucky, Dakini, and I.

    and bravehawk ?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited June 2011
    So far, we have: TiaP, Bucky, you, me, and waiting in the wings--Jeffrey and bravehawk. I think we can do about 3 chapters/week, minimum. That's 4-5 pgs/day. That should be do-able. At that rate, it'll take about 6 wks. Thanks for the feedback, Ric. So let's get going. I'll PM the others to see if anyone else wants in.
  • what's this bookclub?
  • Its THE bookclub. All the cool kids are in it
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Vincenzi, The club is going to read Turning the Wheel and discuss on the forum. So far we haven't firmed up a timeline for the reading. That is we don't know when we are starting the book and finishing.

    It was an idea to discuss every few chapters rather than at the end. So we have to decide when we are starting to read. And how many chapters per week.

    Do you want to join us Vincenzi?
  • @Jeffrey

    you mean this sutra:
    Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion
  • @Vincenzi

    nope thats not it,

    Turning the wheel of truth. Its not a sutta, its a commentary on the first teaching.
  • Dividing 225 pages (or 230 to include the Note on Text) by 6 weeks is about 38 pages a week. Adjusting for chapter breaks yields:
    Wk 1: Note on Text, Intro. & Chs. 1-2, pp. ix-32
    Wk 2: Chs. 3-5, pp. 33-76
    Wk 3: Chs. 6-9, pp. 77-121
    Wk 4: Chs. 10-12, pp. 123-160
    Wk 5: Chs. 13-15, pp. 161-192
    Wk 6: Chs. 16-18, pp. 193-226

    Wudya think? :buck:
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    What about 2 a week?

    Wk1: Intro, 1
    2: 2,3

    If you guys want to read more you could read another book at the same time. This would make the discussion accessible to less voracious readers.
  • edited June 2011
    @Jeffrey: that works for me too but
    @ Dakini, all: i just noticed Dakini proposed THE FIRST FOUR CHAPTERS BY 7/ bad...
    Dakin's proposal was on the 21st of June...that's almost a month to read 60 pages...
  • @Jeffrey

    no thanks, I don't have the book.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thank you Bucky G, for all the math.

    To clarify: We did indeed, set a time from for beginning discussion. July15, by which time I had said I'd expect people will have read a minimum of 4 chapters. I calculated about 4-5 pgs/day to cover 4 chapters/wk, depending on length of chapter, but we can adopt Bucky's' modified schedule.

    Yeah, I said "let's get going" already a few weeks ago. Jeffrey must've missed the post about beginning discussion of the 1st 4 chapters July 15. My book should arrive any day, I can be ready July 15. I think Bucky's is a good schedule. Jeffrey, you could skip the intro and read ch. 1, 2 for the first discussion. You can still participate in the week 2 discussion if you're read ch. 3. We don't know how long the discussions will continue, so there will be some wiggle room probably, for slower readers.

    Vincenzi, we're ordering the books online from Amazon.
  • Hey Dakini, all,
    You're welcome (for the math). I know I keep saying this, when I throw ideas out there it's in the interest of "keeping the ball rolling" but not because I want a particular schedule. On the one hand, I don't want to see people unable to participate because of a schedule and on the other hand we need some kind structure to prevent floundering.

    Dakini has it pretty much figured out so as usual I defer to him and the Club.
    Peace :buck:
  • it seems like a very interesting book and the book club idea is nice... I will join with the next one :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Bucky, et al., I've looked at the schedule more closely, and I see that it requires approx. 40 pgs/wk, which seems like a lot, even for me. Jeffrey is reading another book at the same time, for another group. So I'll post a compromise between his schedule and Bucky's. Most of you are way ahead, anyway.

    Vincenzi, you can think about a title you'd like to suggest for next time. We expect to be done with this book and discussion in August sometime.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Can we cut it to 20 pages per week? That would really help out. Or 30?

    I ordered the book and will try to catch up.
  • @Dakini

    I don't know any good books about Buddhism... I focused on reading some sutras.
  • Dear Bookclub mates:
    Bucky, et al., I've looked at the schedule more closely, and I see that it requires approx. 40 pgs/wk, which seems like a lot, even for me.
    You could cut it in half for approximately 20 pages a week; or cut THAT in half for 10 a week. Jeffrey's schedule is basically the one I threw out there halfed. I'm personally happy with 1 page a week or 100 a week. Is there a number of pages a week you all think would be the most inclusive? :buck:

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I have received the book in the mail and have started reading it. I would read 10 pages or 20 pages. It will give us enough to talk about for the week whereas 40 would be a lot to keep up with might feel like labor haha.
  • Thanks Jeffrey. By most inclusive I mean a figure that will prevent the more "reflective" readers from feeling overwhelmed and the more "rapid" readers from getting bored. :buck:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited July 2011
    OK, gang, here's the revised schedule.

    wk 1: Intro, chapters 1-3
    wk 2: Chap. 4-5 27 pgs
    wk 3: Chap 6-7 21 pgs
    wk 4: 8-9 21 pgs
    wk. 5: `10-11 26 pgs
    wk 6: 12-13 19 pgs
    wk 7: 14-15 21pgs
    wk 8: 16-18 32 pgs

    Do have the book yet, Jeffrey? I got it a little over a wk ago, and I'm through chap 4 now, in spite of having other books I'm reading as well. It goes easily.

    Thanx for your patience, you early birds. I hope you have some good topics ready. :)

    btw, I consider this lead-up to the 15th to be "week 1".
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Yes I have the book I am caught up on my other book and through the intro in the one we are reading. Welcome back by the way haven't seen you on the forum recently. I formed the impression from the opening intro that the sutra would be quite stirring, buddhas first teaching.
  • im still here, bidding my time :o
  • btw, I consider this lead-up to the 15th to be "week 1".
    Thanks Dakini. :buck:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Well, with a little luck, week we can cover wk 2, as well. I assume Jeffrey and I are the stragglers, and I can geet through chap. 5 in time, probably. We'll see how Jeffrey does, and play it by ear.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I haven't been feeling well, but we'll see.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    How are you doing, Jeffrey? 3 days until we start...tick, tick, tick....
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    chapter 1s almost down
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I knocked off chapters 2, and 3 :)
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Way to go! You're going to catch up with me, pretty soon, I'd better get cracking! And check out Ric's sneak-preview topic, it's a good one. :)
  • almost done w/ ch. 5, getting ready to write my questions, observations :buck:
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