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Bookclub Feedback & Survey: Let Us Know What You Think

DakiniDakini Veteran
edited May 2011 in General Banter
Dear bookclub members,
Since participation in discussion (and posting of thread topics) has been underwhelming, I thought it would be good to find out where people are at with this. Did you fall behind in the reading, and if so, would you mind letting us know why (didn't like the book, life "stuff" got in the way, no time to read, whatever)?

Would you like to continue the club and try another book? If so, feel free to start a Book Suggestions thread. Or would many of you prefer to put the club on hold for the summer, and try again in the fall? Or...not try again in the fall?

It's not too late to post thread topics, if anyone is interested in doing so. Thanks for giving the club a try. :)


  • Hey, I started reading the book awhile ago and then I got busy with graduating and trying to find a job. Ive been busy reading career books and such. Im not sure how bookclubs operate...

    I think maybe a reading schedule would be good. Maybe every week read one chapter.

    and thanks for starting the bookclub Dakini, :)
  • I regret not being able to participate more. I think it's a good idea that just needs to be fine tuned along the way. I second the schedule motion. A "registration" process and a guidelines for staying on schedule, not reading ahead, etc..., might help too.
    bucky :sawed:
  • Has anyone ever tried a sutta/sutra study here?
  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited May 2011
    I read the book, but what can I say.. to me it was the most useless interpretation of the Buddhas words I ever read, so I guess I just didn't want to say anything about it.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I wasn't interested in reading this book, but I think the idea of a bookclub is a good idea. It might just take a while to catch on. Plus a little bit more of an organized structure might help some. Its a bit of work for you @Dakini so I don't want to try to tell you what to do but even though I didn't read this book I enjoyed reading some of the posts and would join in if there was a book I did read in the future.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed it, but maybe not enough of it "stuck" that way for me to have a lot to discuss about it. Would've probably remembered more specifically about if if I had read it instead of just listening to it.
  • I read the book, but what can I say.. to me it was the most useless interpretation of the Buddhas words I ever read, so I guess I just didn't want to say anything about it.
    lol! It kind of left me cold, too, so I didn't participate. But I'd be up for participating in the future, depending on the book selection. Not all book suggestions are going to appeal to all members, so some may participate selectively, which I think is ok.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    @person If you have any book ideas, feel free to start a book suggestion thread. And thanks, it has been a bit more work than I had time for (I'm in the middle of packing and moving), so if you have good ideas re: organizing it, and some time to pitch in, you can help.

    Do people really want a regimented schedule, like Week 1, Chapter 1 & 2, Week 2, Chapters 3 & 4, etc.? I thought allowing flexibility would work best, since everyone's schedule and life is different. But we can take a vote on that, if people think it would be helpful.

    Shall we continue with a summer book, or wait until Fall?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    That would be cool to do some of the short discourses in the Pali Canon. That might be easier with more participationg. We could schedule a week to read. And then a day to post topics with each person who signs up responsible for a topic? How does that sound? If you have an idea we could do other short readings provided enough people sign up. For example a review of something by a personage. I enjoy milarepas poetry so maybe something like that. Something from tricycle perhaps. Of course any of this could be done in the regular forum, just the set sort of responsibility and commitment might bring out more people doing the reading.

    How does that sound?
  • Dakini: I still truly believe it's a great idea. It'll catch on. Plus, the participants will naturally change from book to book. I've been in a live Buddhist reading "club" for a few months now and although I haven't voted yet they vote on titles and have a schedule, but they also have flexibility: like, we'll try this, but if don't' get that far or further, re-plan from there. At times, they've abandoned books in the middle. I'm just throwing ideas out and will participate regardless of whatever the format ends up being.

    Jeffrey & Dakini: Regarding sutra study: I meant in addition to the book club, not in place of. With sutras, you could just post one, and say "go!" and see what happens. When it dies out, move on to another. Just more idea tossing.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Thanks, Bucky. I agree on all counts. But since we're not getting much participation on this thread, and no one has come up with suggestions for the next title to read, there's not much we can do for now. Your club meets in person, so everything can get discussed--whether to switch titles, or whatever. Here, since the membership is invisible unless it chooses to make itself active and visible, there's no way to consult among ourselves. I'll have to let it go, unless interest manifests in continuing with a new book title. I may try again in the fall.

    @Jeffrey I'm up for sutra study, if you want to organize it, decide what passages will be included, and provide links. I think that's a useful thing. But I think it can co-exist alongside a regular book discussion, it doesn't have to be either-or. But at this point, unless enthusiasm arises for reading another book, we can try to keep a little group going with the suttra study.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Hmmm I wish I knew more about the sutras? I think one flaw to our club was that the book is too much material to wrap your mouth around. Maybe if we read a chapter at a time and discussed and then we would get our appetite for more discussion. Then again maybe there just isn't interest.
  • its an interesting question about book selection. Just another suggestion if you guys try it again at some later date. Have a list of books and have people vote on which one they would rather read. This way it will be easier to get a more active membership...
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    OK. We'll try that, but it would still be helpful to have book suggestions from members to put on the list.

    Jeffrey; I thought the book was short enough, and the chapters small enough, that it wouldn't be a problem dividing it into two parts for discussion , rather than chapter by chapter. What if there's not much to discuss in some of the chapters? I dunno. I mean...what can you do with a two-page chapter? That would make sense for most other books, though.

    One member just contacted me that he'll begin reading the book. Maybe some members were away when we started.
  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    Hey there, Sorry I havent participated more, but I got a killer toothache and ear infection that lasted the better part of three weeks so I was in too much pain to really focus and be able to read.

    I do have to say, not much of this book really stuck with me. I did like the section on death though for some reason, even if it was brief. Can't wait til next book though.
  • Hi all,
    I like a book list idea and the sutta study ideas. One more idea: a BOOK that IS A STUDY OF A SUTTA, like Ajahn Sucitto's "Turning the Wheel of Truth: Commentary on the Buddha's First Teaching" (Shambala, 2010).
    May all beings find the causes of true happiness within.
  • The book club is a great idea, and I look forward to the next book as well.

    For me, I found it hard to comment on this particular book because its ideas are so close to my basic philosophy already. It's hard to find our own position provocative, you know?

    But, that's just the nature of a book club; some books will be familiar and comfortable, while others are new and surprising.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Maybe that's why it didn't stand out that much for me either @pearl, most of it was just common sense thinking, and I tend to think "common sense" is the type that I have. ;) Not common knowledge, but rational thinking applied universally to all aspects of life, not excluding religion.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    I agree with the members who say it wasn't an easy book to discuss, except for maybe a couple of topics. Members, please submit suggestions for the next book. This means you, Bravehawk (sorry to hear about your toothache, etc.), Pearl, Cloud.

    So far we have the suggestion: SUcitto's "Turning the Wheel of Truth: Commentary on the BUddha's First Teaching".

  • I would be down for reading the above mentioned book
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Thanks for your feedback, Ric. I'll try to get some feedback from other members.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I am reading another book with another group, but I will be back next time. If we want to read Never Turn Away by Rigdzin Shikpo then I could participate in both groups as I would be reading the same book.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Jeffrey, it was you who suggested we read something on the suttras. but ok, we can put down: "Never Turn Away" as a possibility. Could you tell us more about the book?

    PART 1: The Path of Openness
    PART 2: Mandala Principle
    PART 3: The Collapse of Confusion
    PART 4: The Pursuit of Truth.

    I would read either books, but I would rather read the 1st one.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    Dakini, the problem is that I am reading Never Turn Away and would have less time to read another book. If we read a short sutra I would be able to participate. I have not read the sutras in four years so I wouldn't remember which are good ones to read.

    Never turn away is an interesting presentation of the four noble truths. Shying away from reality is described as ignorance in the four noble truths. This is consistent with Rigdzin's teacher Trungpa Rinpoche's message that we are in a cacoon, setting sun mentality rather than eastern sung newness and freshness mentality. Trungpa believed that many buddhists look to their practice as a daddy to help them get away from their experience and that turning towards the experience was a way to live without deception.

    I have only read the first part of the book so I am not totally sure.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    WEll, you're already discussing! I'll send some messages around to the others to get feedback.

    I don't know enough about suttras, especially Theravada, to know what to choose.
  • edited June 2011
    If people are interested in reading suttas, there's a book: "In the Buddha's Words, An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon", edited by Bhikkhu Bodhi, that might be a good, but intense, read.
    I picked up a paperback copy of this book for about $20.
  • I would suggest as a 1st book that we keep it lite! The only books I might not participate are those that are too technical and stop to explain every minute detail.

    The above book is also 500 pages long..I think based on our previous attempt that we go for something more easy going.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Dakini, regarding chapters I think it will keep it ongoing rather than one culmination of discussion which might be a dud. By having a chapter a week the material would be more fresh in our minds. If one week we didn't discuss very much people could notice that they were behind and tune up their reading.

    How does that sound?

    I guess I could try to read two books: turning the wheel of truth and in my other group a different book. Provided that we are not reading more than 10 or so pages each week.

  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    I'm game for reading "Never Turn Away". Sounds interesting! also Im up for any sutta that people can access easily online(legally) as it would help other members who cant buy or get things out of their area. I know reading the suttas can get a little touch and go due to different traditions, but would be good from an academic learning stand point for all of us.

    p.s. having a toothache and ear infection on the same side hurts! finally glad its gone! :)
  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    also, doesn't always have to be a sanctioned Buddhist book. It could be an everyday book that you found inspiring or interesting. We apply our precepts to the everyday world, why not to everyday reading? just a thought.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    also, doesn't always have to be a sanctioned Buddhist book.
    Yes, this crossed my mind, too, bravehawk. I'm all for inspiring and uplifting!

    In the meantime, I see nothing wrong with putting up two titles for people to read and discuss. Jeffrey will be reading both "Never Turn Away", and "Turning the Wheel of Truth", so those who choose Never Turn Away will have someone to discuss with. (I think "Never Turn Away" is his main focus." I'll be reading the suttric book. It's a bit longer than I thought, 225 pgs., says Ric, so we'll take it slowly. Ric, save up your thread topics, keep a runnning list as they occur to you, or something.

    So--are we off and running? :)

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited June 2011
    In view of the fact that the book has 225 pgs., let's set July 15 as the date to begin discussing the first few chapters. Does that sound workable?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011
    I will not be reading Never Turn Away due to too much controversary. Tibetan Buddhism and Trungpa Rinpoche, the author's teacher, are too controversial (on this forum).

    I am interested in the other text if we only read 10 pages a day. I think it would be better to read a sutra online so that more people can participate. I don't mind one bit if the sutra is from the Pali Canon (I a Tibetan Buddhist).

    We could read a short discourse from Thanisarro or whatever every two weeks? How does that sound?

    Thanks let me know what you think.

  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Jeffrey, don't let the few spoil your experience and your reading. Those of us who aren't into Trungpa et al won't be reading the book and wont be commenting. Other members are interested in the book, you can enjoy a good discussion with them.

    What do I think? Well, we could pick a couple of online sutras...

    But I'd like to see you enjoy the book you selected for yourself, and discuss with bravehawk and anyone else selecting that book. The author is your lama's hubby, I imagine it would be a rewarding experience for you to read his work. Go for it. Us cranks won't spoil your party, I promise.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Thanks Dakini,

    I am actually reading the Never Turn Away book with my sangha mates so I would be interested in reading either books or alternatively some of the short discourses of the Pali Canon.

    I am game!
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
  • wowow Im a bit confused, My book arrives on Monday. Who will be reading the Turning Wheel book ? Does anyone have it already? I figured once we all had it we can see how "breakable" it is.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Ric I'm up to reading that one. I'll choose it since you have already bought it. How many pages long is it?
  • its like 200-220. So not that long.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited June 2011

    Yeah when we get some a few more consensus I will order it. But I think we should do that one since it should be good and you have already bought.


    Remember that if there is another book you like we can do that one next.
  • I'm looking forward to to discussions on both books.:buck:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Ric, maybe there was a misunderstanding, but I thought I made it clear here and in PM's that we would do the "Wheel of Truth" book. You're just way ahead of some of us. I haven't ordered the book yet but will do so this weekend.

    To clarify: I suggested July 15 as the begin discussion date because it can sometimes take up to 3 wks to get a book from Amazon, depending on the supplier. But what we can do is have people check in here when they've received their book. We can then gauge a begin date from there. We can start July 1 if everyone's ready to go. That goes for both books; let us know, readers, when you have your book, and which one it is you have.

    Jeffrey, can you "host" the Never Turn Away discussion, and coordinate the begin date and all that, for that book? I'm doing the other book.

  • Dakini you did make it clear, the misunderstanding came from me reading JUNE 15. Thats why I was confused because I was thinking discussion would start this Wednesday.

    but ok, July 15th is still far far away. Ill have my book on Monday and will wait until everyone has it to start reading.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    Oh, yeah, I think I made that mistake in the first post. I meant July 15.
  • Dakini you did make it clear, the misunderstanding came from me reading JUNE 15. Thats why I was confused because I was thinking discussion would start this Wednesday.

    but ok, July 15th is still far far away. Ill have my book on Monday and will wait until everyone has it to start reading.
    I've read it. I'd be glad to have a private conversation with you about it if you get feeling antsy before 7.15. That way we can honor the date/"schedule".
  • haha thanks Bucky, but I wont start early. Last book we tried to do it I started real early and by the time we started not only were some things in RL going on but I was also two books away from the one in the bookclub.

    Im still enjoying "Coming to our senses" which is a million pages long so I can wait until everyone starts.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I'm going to do the wheel book. We don't have very many people interested so we should do one at a time.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    OK, so we'll do the Wheel book first. Maybe interest will build for Never Turn Away, and that can be next. In the meantime, those of you interested in reading suttras online and discussin (this means you, bravehawk!), please note that someone has tried to start a thread on a sutra for discussion. And there's another thread proposing a list of beginner sutras.
  • bravehawkbravehawk Explorer
    Awesome, I start browsing book sites for Wheel of Truth. If anyone is already reading, try to write down some questions or comments for July 15.
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